
Results 651–675 of 9,998
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Accomplishments of Sandia and Kitware CMake/CTest/CDash Contract for (FY2017-2020)

Bartlett, Roscoe B.; Galbreath, Zack G.

We describe the accomplishments jointly achieved by Kitware and Sandia over the fiscal years 2016 through 2020 to benefit the Advanced Scientific Computed (ASC) Advanced Technology Development and Mitigation (ATDM) project. As a result of our collaboration, we have improved the Trilinos and ATDM application developer experience by decreasing the time to build, making it easier to identify and resolve build and test defects, and addressing other issues . We have also reduced the turnaround time for continuous integration (CI) results. For example, the combined improvements likely cut the wall clock time to run automated builds of Trilinos posting to CDash by approximately 6x or more in many cases. We primarily achieved these benefits by contributing changes to the Kitware CMake/CTest/CDash suite of open source software development support tools. As a result, ASC developers can now spend more time improving code and less time chasing bugs. And, without this work, one can argue that the stabilization of Trilinos for the ATDM platforms would not have been feasible which would have had a large negative impact on an important internal FY20 L1 milestone.

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Dakota A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for Design Optimization Parameter Estimation Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis (V.6.14) (User's Manual)

Adams, Brian M.; Bohnhoff, William B.; Dalbey, Keith D.; Ebeida, Mohamed S.; Eddy, John E.; Eldred, Michael E.; Hooper, Russell H.; Hough, Patricia H.; Hu, Kenneth H.; Jakeman, John J.; Khalil, Mohammad K.; Maupin, Kathryn M.; Monschke, Jason A.; Ridgway, Elliott R.; Rushdi, Ahmad A.; Seidl, Daniel S.; Stephens, John A.; Winokur, Justin W.

The Dakota toolkit provides a flexible and extensible interface between simulation codes and iterative analysis methods. Dakota contains algorithms for optimization with gradient and nongradient-based methods; uncertainty quantification with sampling, reliability, and stochastic expansion methods; parameter estimation with nonlinear least squares methods; and sensitivity/variance analysis with design of experiments and parameter study methods. These capabilities may be used on their own or as components within advanced strategies such as surrogate-based optimization, mixed integer nonlinear programming, or optimization under uncertainty. By employing object-oriented design to implement abstractions of the key components required for iterative systems analyses, the Dakota toolkit provides a flexible and extensible problem-solving environment for design and performance analysis of computational models on high performance computers. This report serves as a users manual for the Dakota software and provides capability overviews and procedures for software execution, as well as a variety of example studies.

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RVMA: Remote virtual memory access

Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 35th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2021

Grant, Ryan E.; Levenhagen, Michael J.; Dosanjh, Matthew D.; Widener, Patrick W.

Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) capabilities have been provided by high-end networks for many years, but the network environments surrounding RDMA are evolving. RDMA performance has historically relied on using strict ordering guarantees to determine when data transfers complete, but modern adaptively-routed networks no longer provide those guarantees. RDMA also exposes low-level details about memory buffers: either all clients are required to coordinate access using a single shared buffer, or exclusive resources must be allocatable per-client for an unbounded amount of time. This makes RDMA unattractive for use in many-to-one communication models such as those found in public internet client-server situations.Remote Virtual Memory Access (RVMA) is a novel approach to data transfer which adapts and builds upon RDMA to provide better usability, resource management, and fault tolerance. RVMA provides a lightweight completion notification mechanism which addresses RDMA performance penalties imposed by adaptively-routed networks, enabling high-performance data transfer regardless of message ordering. RVMA also provides receiver-side resource management, abstracting away previously-exposed details from the sender-side and removing the RDMA requirement for exclusive/coordinated resources. RVMA requires only small hardware modifications from current designs, provides performance comparable or superior to traditional RDMA networks, and offers many new features.In this paper, we describe RVMA's receiver-managed resource approach and how it enables a variety of new data-transfer approaches on high-end networks. In particular, we demonstrate how an RVMA NIC could implement the first hardware-based fault tolerant RDMA-like solution. We present the design and validation of an RVMA simulation model in a popular simulation suite and use it to evaluate the advantages of RVMA at large scale. In addition to support for adaptive routing and easy programmability, RVMA can outperform RDMA on a 3D sweep application by 4.4X.

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Multiscale System Modeling of Single-Event-Induced Faults in Advanced Node Processors

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Cannon, Matthew J.; Rodrigues, Arun; Black, Dolores A.; Black, Jeff; Bustamante, Luis G.; Breeding, Matthew; Feinberg, Benjamin F.; Skoufis, Micahel; Quinn, Heather; Clark, Lawrence T.; Brunhaver, John S.; Barnaby, Hugh; McLain, Michael L.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Integration-technology feature shrink increases computing-system susceptibility to single-event effects (SEE). While modeling SEE faults will be critical, an integrated processor's scope makes physically correct modeling computationally intractable. Without useful models, presilicon evaluation of fault-tolerance approaches becomes impossible. To incorporate accurate transistor-level effects at a system scope, we present a multiscale simulation framework. Charge collection at the 1) device level determines 2) circuit-level transient duration and state-upset likelihood. Circuit effects, in turn, impact 3) register-transfer-level architecture-state corruption visible at 4) the system level. Thus, the physically accurate effects of SEEs in large-scale systems, executed on a high-performance computing (HPC) simulator, could be used to drive cross-layer radiation hardening by design. We demonstrate the capabilities of this model with two case studies. First, we determine a D flip-flop's sensitivity at the transistor level on 14-nm FinFet technology, validating the model against published cross sections. Second, we track and estimate faults in a microprocessor without interlocked pipelined stages (MIPS) processor for Adams 90% worst case environment in an isotropic space environment.

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Results 651–675 of 9,998
Results 651–675 of 9,998