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PyTrilinos: Recent Advances in the Python Interface to Trilinos

Scientific Programming

Spotz, William S.

PyTrilinos is a set of Python interfaces to compiled Trilinos packages. This collection supports serial and parallel dense linear algebra, serial and parallel sparse linear algebra, direct and iterative linear solution techniques, algebraic and multilevel preconditioners, nonlinear solvers and continuation algorithms, eigensolvers and partitioning algorithms. Also included are a variety of related utility functions and classes, including distributed I/O, coloring algorithms and matrix generation. PyTrilinos vector objects are compatible with the popular NumPy Python package. As a Python front end to compiled libraries, PyTrilinos takes advantage of the flexibility and ease of use of Python, and the efficiency of the underlying C++, C and Fortran numerical kernels. This paper covers recent, previously unpublished advances in the PyTrilinos package.

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Generalized high order compact methods

Spotz, William S.

The fundamental ideas of the high order compact method are combined with the generalized finite difference method. The result is a finite difference method that works on unstructured, nonuniform grids, and is more accurate than one would classically expect from the number of grid points employed.

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Foundational development of an advanced nuclear reactor integrated safety code

Schmidt, Rodney C.; Hooper, Russell H.; Humphries, Larry; Lorber, Alfred L.; Spotz, William S.

This report describes the activities and results of a Sandia LDRD project whose objective was to develop and demonstrate foundational aspects of a next-generation nuclear reactor safety code that leverages advanced computational technology. The project scope was directed towards the systems-level modeling and simulation of an advanced, sodium cooled fast reactor, but the approach developed has a more general applicability. The major accomplishments of the LDRD are centered around the following two activities. (1) The development and testing of LIME, a Lightweight Integrating Multi-physics Environment for coupling codes that is designed to enable both 'legacy' and 'new' physics codes to be combined and strongly coupled using advanced nonlinear solution methods. (2) The development and initial demonstration of BRISC, a prototype next-generation nuclear reactor integrated safety code. BRISC leverages LIME to tightly couple the physics models in several different codes (written in a variety of languages) into one integrated package for simulating accident scenarios in a liquid sodium cooled 'burner' nuclear reactor. Other activities and accomplishments of the LDRD include (a) further development, application and demonstration of the 'non-linear elimination' strategy to enable physics codes that do not provide residuals to be incorporated into LIME, (b) significant extensions of the RIO CFD code capabilities, (c) complex 3D solid modeling and meshing of major fast reactor components and regions, and (d) an approach for multi-physics coupling across non-conformal mesh interfaces.

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Results 26–50 of 51
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