Feature length-scale modeling of LPCVD & PECVD MEMS fabrication processes
Proposed for publication in the Journal of Microsystems Technologies.
The surface micromachining processes used to manufacture MEMS devices and integrated circuits transpire at such small length scales and are sufficiently complex that a theoretical analysis of them is particularly inviting. Under development at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is Chemically Induced Surface Evolution with Level Sets (ChISELS), a level-set based feature-scale modeler of such processes. The theoretical models used, a description of the software and some example results are presented here. The focus to date has been of low-pressure and plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (low-pressure chemical vapor deposition, LPCVD and PECVD) processes. Both are employed in SNLs SUMMiT V technology. Examples of step coverage of SiO{sub 2} into a trench by each of the LPCVD and PECVD process are presented.