
Results 176–200 of 315
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Ensemble Grouping Strategies for Embedded Stochastic Collocation Methods Applied to Anisotropic Diffusion Problems

SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification

D'Elia, Marta D.; Phipps, Eric T.; Edwards, Harold C.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Previous work has demonstrated that propagating groups of samples, called ensembles, together through forward simulations can dramatically reduce the aggregate cost of sampling-based uncertainty propagation methods [E. Phipps, M. D'Elia, H. C. Edwards, M. Hoemmen, J. Hu, and S. Rajamanickam, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 39 (2017), pp. C162--C193]. However, critical to the success of this approach when applied to challenging problems of scientific interest is the grouping of samples into ensembles to minimize the total computational work. For example, the total number of linear solver iterations for ensemble systems may be strongly influenced by which samples form the ensemble when applying iterative linear solvers to parameterized and stochastic linear systems. In this paper we explore sample grouping strategies for local adaptive stochastic collocation methods applied to PDEs with uncertain input data, in particular canonical anisotropic diffusion problems where the diffusion coefficient is modeled by truncated Karhunen--Loève expansions. Finally, we demonstrate that a measure of the total anisotropy of the diffusion coefficient is a good surrogate for the number of linear solver iterations for each sample and therefore provides a simple and effective metric for grouping samples.

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Ensemble grouping strategies for embedded stochastic collocation methods applied to anisotropic diffusion problems

SIAM-ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification

D'Elia, Marta D.; Edwards, Harold C.; Hu, J.; Phipps, Eric T.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Previous work has demonstrated that propagating groups of samples, called ensembles, together through forward simulations can dramatically reduce the aggregate cost of sampling-based uncertainty propagation methods [E. Phipps, M. D'Elia, H. C. Edwards, M. Hoemmen, J. Hu, and S. Rajamanickam, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 39 (2017), pp. C162-C193]. However, critical to the success of this approach when applied to challenging problems of scientific interest is the grouping of samples into ensembles to minimize the total computational work. For example, the total number of linear solver iterations for ensemble systems may be strongly influenced by which samples form the ensemble when applying iterative linear solvers to parameterized and stochastic linear systems. In this work we explore sample grouping strategies for local adaptive stochastic collocation methods applied to PDEs with uncertain input data, in particular canonical anisotropic diffusion problems where the diffusion coefficient is modeled by truncated Karhunen-Loève expansions. We demonstrate that a measure of the total anisotropy of the diffusion coefficient is a good surrogate for the number of linear solver iterations for each sample and therefore provides a simple and effective metric for grouping samples.

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Multi-threaded Sparse Matrix Sparse Matrix Multiplication for Many-Core and GPU Architectures

Deveci, Mehmet D.; Trott, Christian R.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Sparse Matrix-Matrix multiplication is a key kernel that has applications in several domains such as scientific computing and graph analysis. Several algorithms have been studied in the past for this foundational kernel. In this paper, we develop parallel algorithms for sparse matrix- matrix multiplication with a focus on performance portability across different high performance computing architectures. The performance of these algorithms depend on the data structures used in them. We compare different types of accumulators in these algorithms and demonstrate the performance difference between these data structures. Furthermore, we develop a meta-algorithm, kkSpGEMM, to choose the right algorithm and data structure based on the characteristics of the problem. We show performance comparisons on three architectures and demonstrate the need for the community to develop two phase sparse matrix-matrix multiplication implementations for efficient reuse of the data structures involved.

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Designing vector-friendly compact BLAS and LAPACK kernels

Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2017

Kim, Kyungjoo K.; Costa, Timothy B.; Deveci, Mehmet D.; Bradley, Andrew M.; Hammond, Simon D.; Guney, Murat E.; Knepper, Sarah; Story, Shane; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Many applications, such as PDE based simulations and machine learning, apply BLAS/LAPACK routines to large groups of small matrices. While existing batched BLAS APIs provide meaningful speedup for this problem type, a non-canonical data layout enabling cross-matrix vectorization may provide further significant speedup. In this paper, we propose a new compact data layout that interleaves matrices in blocks according to the SIMD vector length. We combine this compact data layout with a new interface to BLAS/LAPACK routines that can be used within a hierarchical parallel application. Our layout provides up to 14x, 45x, and 27x speedup against OpenMP loops around optimized DGEMM, DTRSM and DGETRF kernels, respectively, on the Intel Knights Landing architecture. We discuss the compact batched BLAS/LAPACK implementations in two libraries, KokkosKernels and Intel® Math Kernel Library. We demonstrate the APIs in a line solver for coupled PDEs. Finally, we present detailed performance analysis of our kernels.

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Fast linear algebra-based triangle counting with KokkosKernels

2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2017

Wolf, Michael W.; Deveci, Mehmet D.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Hammond, Simon D.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Triangle counting serves as a key building block for a set of important graph algorithms in network science. In this paper, we address the IEEE HPEC Static Graph Challenge problem of triangle counting, focusing on obtaining the best parallel performance on a single multicore node. Our implementation uses a linear algebra-based approach to triangle counting that has grown out of work related to our miniTri data analytics miniapplication [1] and our efforts to pose graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra. We leverage KokkosKernels to implement this approach efficiently on multicore architectures. Our performance results are competitive with the fastest known graph traversal-based approaches and are significantly faster than the Graph Challenge reference implementations, up to 670,000 times faster than the C++ reference and 10,000 times faster than the Python reference on a single Intel Haswell node.

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Results 176–200 of 315
Results 176–200 of 315