
Results 126–150 of 315
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Scalable inference for sparse deep neural networks using kokkos kernels

2019 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2019

Ellis, John E.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Over the last decade, hardware advances have led to the feasibility of training and inference for very large deep neural networks. Sparsified deep neural networks (DNNs) can greatly reduce memory costs and increase throughput of standard DNNs, if loss of accuracy can be controlled. The IEEE HPEC Sparse Deep Neural Network Graph Challenge serves as a testbed for algorithmic and implementation advances to maximize computational performance of sparse deep neural networks. We base our sparse network for DNNs, KK-SpDNN, on the sparse linear algebra kernels within the Kokkos Kernels library. Using the sparse matrix-matrix multiplication in Kokkos Kernels allows us to reuse a highly optimized kernel. We focus on reducing the single node and multi-node runtimes for 12 sparse networks. We test KK-SpDNN on Intel Skylake and Knights Landing architectures and see 120-500x improvement on single node performance over the serial reference implementation. We run in data-parallel mode with MPI to further speed up network inference, ultimately obtaining an edge processing rate of 1.16e+12 on 20 Skylake nodes. This translates to a 13x speed up on 20 nodes compared to our highly optimized multithreaded implementation on a single Skylake node.

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A parallel graph algorithm for detecting mesh singularities in distributed memory ice sheet simulations

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Bogle, Ian; Devine, Karen D.; Perego, Mauro P.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Slota, George M.

We present a new, distributed-memory parallel algorithm for detection of degenerate mesh features that can cause singularities in ice sheet mesh simulations. Identifying and removing mesh features such as disconnected components (icebergs) or hinge vertices (peninsulas of ice detached from the land) can significantly improve the convergence of iterative solvers. Because the ice sheet evolves during the course of a simulation, it is important that the detection algorithm can run in situ with the simulation - - running in parallel and taking a negligible amount of computation time - - so that degenerate features (e.g., calving icebergs) can be detected as they develop. We present a distributed memory, BFS-based label-propagation approach to degenerate feature detection that is efficient enough to be called at each step of an ice sheet simulation, while correctly identifying all degenerate features of an ice sheet mesh. Our method finds all degenerate features in a mesh with 13 million vertices in 0.0561 seconds on 1536 cores in the MPAS Albany Land Ice (MALI) model. Compared to the previously used serial pre-processing approach, we observe a 46,000x speedup for our algorithm, and provide additional capability to do dynamic detection of degenerate features in the simulation.

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Fast Triangle Counting Using Cilk

2018 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2018

Yasar, Abdurrahman; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Wolf, Michael W.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Catalyurek, Umit V.

Triangle counting is a representative graph analysis algorithm with several applications. It is also one of the three benchmarks used in the IEEE HPEC Graph Challenge. Triangle counting can be expressed as a graph algorithm and in a linear algebra formulation using sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpGEMM). The linear algebra formulation using the SpGEMM algorithm in the Kokkoskernels library was one of the fastest implementations for the triangle counting problem in last year's Graph Challenge. This paper improves upon that work by developing an SpGEMM implementation that relies on a highly efficient, work-stealing, multithreaded runtime. We demonstrate that this new implementation results in improving the triangle counting runtime up to 5× to 12× on different architectures. This new implementation also breaks the 10 9 barrier for the rate measure on a single node for the triangle counting problem. We also compare the linear algebra formulation with a traditional graph based formulation. The linear algebra implementation is up to 2.96× to 7× faster on different architectures compared to the graph based implementation. Furthermore, we present analysis of the scaling of the triangle counting implementation as the graph sizes increase using both synthetic and real graphs from the graph challenge data set.

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Results 126–150 of 315
Results 126–150 of 315

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