
Results 226–250 of 315
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Multi-Jagged: A Scalable Parallel Spatial Partitioning Algorithm

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

Deveci, Mehmet; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Devine, Karen D.; Catalyurek, Umit V.

Geometric partitioning is fast and effective for load-balancing dynamic applications, particularly those requiring geometric locality of data (particle methods, crash simulations). We present, to our knowledge, the first parallel implementation of a multidimensional-jagged geometric partitioner. In contrast to the traditional recursive coordinate bisection algorithm (RCB), which recursively bisects subdomains perpendicular to their longest dimension until the desired number of parts is obtained, our algorithm does recursive multi-section with a given number of parts in each dimension. By computing multiple cut lines concurrently and intelligently deciding when to migrate data while computing the partition, we minimize data movement compared to efficient implementations of recursive bisection. We demonstrate the algorithm's scalability and quality relative to the RCB implementation in Zoltan on both real and synthetic datasets. Our experiments show that the proposed algorithm performs and scales better than RCB in terms of run-time without degrading the load balance. Our implementation partitions 24 billion points into 65,536 parts within a few seconds and exhibits near perfect weak scaling up to 6K cores.

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Task Parallel Incomplete Cholesky Factorization using 2D Partitioned-Block Layout

Kim, Kyungjoo K.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Stelle, George; Edwards, Harold C.; Olivier, Stephen L.

We introduce a task-parallel algorithm for sparse incomplete Cholesky factorization that utilizes a 2D sparse partitioned-block layout of a matrix. Our factorization algorithm follows the idea of algorithms-by-blocks by using the block layout. The algorithm-byblocks approach induces a task graph for the factorization. These tasks are inter-related to each other through their data dependences in the factorization algorithm. To process the tasks on various manycore architectures in a portable manner, we also present a portable tasking API that incorporates different tasking backends and device-specific features using an open-source framework for manycore platforms i.e., Kokkos. A performance evaluation is presented on both Intel Sandybridge and Xeon Phi platforms for matrices from the University of Florida sparse matrix collection to illustrate merits of the proposed task-based factorization. Experimental results demonstrate that our task-parallel implementation delivers about 26.6x speedup (geometric mean) over single-threaded incomplete Choleskyby- blocks and 19.2x speedup over serial Cholesky performance which does not carry tasking overhead using 56 threads on the Intel Xeon Phi processor for sparse matrices arising from various application problems.

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High-Performance Graph Analytics on Manycore Processors

Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 29th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2015

Slota, George M.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Madduri, Kamesh

The divergence in the computer architecture landscape has resulted in different architectures being considered mainstream at the same time. For application and algorithm developers, a dilemma arises when one must focus on using underlying architectural features to extract the best performance on each of these architectures, while writing portable code at the same time. We focus on this problem with graph analytics as our target application domain. In this paper, we present an abstraction-based methodology for performance-portable graph algorithm design on manicure architectures. We demonstrate our approach by systematically optimizing algorithms for the problems of breadth-first search, color propagation, and strongly connected components. We use Kokkos, a manicure library and programming model, for prototyping our algorithms. Our portable implementation of the strongly connected components algorithm on the NVIDIA Tesla K40M is up to 3.25× faster than a state-of-the-art parallel CPU implementation on a dual-socket Sandy Bridge compute node.

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Results 226–250 of 315
Results 226–250 of 315

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