
Results 26–50 of 75
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Meshes optimized for discrete exterior calculus (DEC)

Mitchell, Scott A.; Mousley, Sarah C.; Deakin, Michael D.; Knupp, Patrick M.; Mitchell, Scott A.

We study the optimization of an energy function used by the meshing community to measure and improve mesh quality. This energy is non-traditional because it is dependent on both the primal triangulation and its dual Voronoi (power) diagram. The energy is a measure of the mesh's quality for usage in Discrete Exterior Calculus (DEC), a method for numerically solving PDEs. In DEC, the PDE domain is triangulated and this mesh is used to obtain discrete approximations of the continuous operators in the PDE. The energy of a mesh gives an upper bound on the error of the discrete diagonal approximation of the Hodge star operator. In practice, one begins with an initial mesh and then makes adjustments to produce a mesh of lower energy. However, we have discovered several shortcomings in directly optimizing this energy, e.g. its non-convexity, and we show that the search for an optimized mesh may lead to mesh inversion (malformed triangles). We propose a new energy function to address some of these issues.

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Statistical Inference for Porous Materials using Persistent Homology

Moon, Chul M.; Heath, Jason; Mitchell, Scott A.

We propose a porous materials analysis pipeline using persistent homology. We rst compute persistent homology of binarized 3D images of sampled material subvolumes. For each image we compute sets of homology intervals, which are represented as summary graphics called persistence diagrams. We convert persistence diagrams into image vectors in order to analyze the similarity of the homology of the material images using the mature tools for image analysis. Each image is treated as a vector and we compute its principal components to extract features. We t a statistical model using the loadings of principal components to estimate material porosity, permeability, anisotropy, and tortuosity. We also propose an adaptive version of the structural similarity index (SSIM), a similarity metric for images, as a measure to determine the statistical representative elementary volumes (sREV) for persistence homology. Thus we provide a capability for making a statistical inference of the uid ow and transport properties of porous materials based on their geometry and connectivity.

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All-quad meshing without cleanup

CAD Computer Aided Design

Rushdi, Ahmad A.; Mitchell, Scott A.; Mahmoud, Ahmed H.; Bajaj, Chandrajit C.; Ebeida, Mohamed S.

We present an all-quad meshing algorithm for general domains. We start with a strongly balanced quadtree. In contrast to snapping the quadtree corners onto the geometric domain boundaries, we move them away from the geometry. Then we intersect the moved grid with the geometry. The resulting polygons are converted into quads with midpoint subdivision. Moving away avoids creating any flat angles, either at a quadtree corner or at a geometry–quadtree intersection. We are able to handle two-sided domains, and more complex topologies than prior methods. The algorithm is provably correct and robust in practice. It is cleanup-free, meaning we have angle and edge length bounds without the use of any pillowing, swapping, or smoothing. Thus, our simple algorithm is fast and predictable. This paper has better quality bounds, and the algorithm is demonstrated over more complex domains, than our prior version.

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POF-Darts: Geometric adaptive sampling for probability of failure

Reliability Engineering and System Safety

Ebeida, Mohamed S.; Mitchell, Scott A.; Swiler, Laura P.; Romero, Vicente J.; Rushdi, Ahmad A.

We introduce a novel technique, POF-Darts, to estimate the Probability Of Failure based on random disk-packing in the uncertain parameter space. POF-Darts uses hyperplane sampling to explore the unexplored part of the uncertain space. We use the function evaluation at a sample point to determine whether it belongs to failure or non-failure regions, and surround it with a protection sphere region to avoid clustering. We decompose the domain into Voronoi cells around the function evaluations as seeds and choose the radius of the protection sphere depending on the local Lipschitz continuity. As sampling proceeds, regions uncovered with spheres will shrink, improving the estimation accuracy. After exhausting the function evaluation budget, we build a surrogate model using the function evaluations associated with the sample points and estimate the probability of failure by exhaustive sampling of that surrogate. In comparison to other similar methods, our algorithm has the advantages of decoupling the sampling step from the surrogate construction one, the ability to reach target POF values with fewer samples, and the capability of estimating the number and locations of disconnected failure regions, not just the POF value. We present various examples to demonstrate the efficiency of our novel approach.

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Dynamic Multi-Sensor Multi-Mission Optimal Planning Tool

Valicka, Christopher G.; Rowe, Stephen R.; Zou, Simon Z.; Mitchell, Scott A.; Irelan, William R.; Pollard, Eric L.; Garcia, Deanna G.; Hackebeil, Gabriel A.; Staid, Andrea S.; Rintoul, Mark D.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Hart, William E.; Rathinam, Sivakumar R.; Ntaimo, Lewis N.

Remote sensing systems have firmly established a role in providing immense value to commercial industry, scientific exploration, and national security. Continued maturation of sensing technology has reduced the cost of deploying highly-capable sensors while at the same time increased reliance on the information these sensors can provide. The demand for time on these sensors is unlikely to diminish. Coordination of next-generation sensor systems, larger constellations of satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles, ground telescopes, etc. is prohibitively complex for existing heuristics- based scheduling techniques. The project was a two-year collaboration spanning multiple Sandia centers and included a partnership with Texas A&M University. We have developed algorithms and software for collection scheduling, remote sensor field-of-view pointing models, and bandwidth- constrained prioritization of sensor data. Our approach followed best practices from the operations research and computational geometry communities. These models provide several advantages over state of the art techniques. In particular, our approach is more flexible compared to heuristics that tightly couple models and solution techniques. First, our mixed-integer linear models afford a rig- orous analysis so that sensor planners can quantitatively describe a schedule relative to the best possible. Optimal or near-optimal schedules can be produced with commercial solvers in opera- tional run-times. These models can be modified and extended to incorporate different scheduling and resource constraints and objective function definitions. Further, we have extended these mod- els to proactively schedule sensors under weather and ad hoc collection uncertainty. This approach stands in contrast to existing deterministic schedulers which assume a single future weather or ad hoc collection scenario. The field-of-view pointing algorithm produces a mosaic with the fewest number of images required to fully cover a region of interest. The bandwidth-constrained al- gorithms find the highest priority information that can be transmitted. All of these are based on mixed-integer linear programs so that, in the future, collection scheduling, field-of-view, and band- width prioritization can be combined into a single problem. Experiments conducted using the de- veloped models, commercial solvers, and benchmark datasets have demonstrated that proactively scheduling against uncertainty regularly and significantly outperforms deterministic schedulers. Acknowledgement We would like to acknowledge John T. Feddema, Brian N. Post, John H. Ganter, and Swaroop Darbha for providing critical project stewardship and fruitful remote sensing utilization discus- sions. A special thanks to Mohamed S. Ebeida for his contributions to the development of the Maximal Poisson Sampling technique. We would also like to thank Kaarthik Sundar and Jianglei Qin for their significant scheduling algorithm and model development contributions to the project. The authors would like to acknowledge the Sandia LDRD program for their support of this work. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Cor- poration, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

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Curve Reconstruction with Many Fewer Samples

Computer Graphics Forum

Ohrhallinger, S.; Mitchell, Scott A.; Wimmer, M.

We consider the problem of sampling points from a collection of smooth curves in the plane, such that the Crust family of proximity-based reconstruction algorithms can rebuild the curves. Reconstruction requires a dense sampling of local features, i.e., parts of the curve that are close in Euclidean distance but far apart geodesically. We show that ε < 0.47-sampling is sufficient for our proposed HNN-Crust variant, improving upon the state-of-the-art requirement of ε < -sampling. Thus we may reconstruct curves with many fewer samples. We also present a new sampling scheme that reduces the required density even further than ε < 0.47-sampling. We achieve this by better controlling the spacing between geodesically consecutive points. Our novel sampling condition is based on the reach, the minimum local feature size along intervals between samples. This is mathematically closer to the reconstruction density requirements, particularly near sharp-angled features. We prove lower and upper bounds on reach ρ-sampling density in terms of lfs ε-sampling and demonstrate that we typically reduce the required number of samples for reconstruction by more than half.

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Disk Density Tuning of a Maximal Random Packing

Computer Graphics Forum

Ebeida, Mohamed S.; Rushdi, Ahmad A.; Awad, Muhammad A.; Mahmoud, Ahmed H.; Yan, Dong M.; English, Shawn A.; Owens, John D.; Bajaj, Chandrajit L.; Mitchell, Scott A.

We introduce an algorithmic framework for tuning the spatial density of disks in a maximal random packing, without changing the sizing function or radii of disks. Starting from any maximal random packing such as a Maximal Poisson-disk Sampling (MPS), we iteratively relocate, inject (add), or eject (remove) disks, using a set of three successively more-aggressive local operations. We may achieve a user-defined density, either more dense or more sparse, almost up to the theoretical structured limits. The tuned samples are conflict-free, retain coverage maximality, and, except in the extremes, retain the blue noise randomness properties of the input. We change the density of the packing one disk at a time, maintaining the minimum disk separation distance and the maximum domain coverage distance required of any maximal packing. These properties are local, and we can handle spatially-varying sizing functions. Using fewer points to satisfy a sizing function improves the efficiency of some applications. We apply the framework to improve the quality of meshes, removing non-obtuse angles; and to more accurately model fiber reinforced polymers for elastic and failure simulations.

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Visco-TTI-elastic FWI using discontinuous galerkin

SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts

Ober, Curtis C.; Smith, Thomas M.; Overfelt, James R.; Collis, Samuel S.; von Winckel, Gregory J.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Downey, Nathan J.; Mitchell, Scott A.; Bond, Stephen D.; Aldridge, David F.; Krebs, Jerome R.

The need to better represent the material properties within the earth's interior has driven the development of higherfidelity physics, e.g., visco-tilted-transversely-isotropic (visco- TTI) elastic media and material interfaces, such as the ocean bottom and salt boundaries. This is especially true for full waveform inversion (FWI), where one would like to reproduce the real-world effects and invert on unprocessed raw data. Here we present a numerical formulation using a Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite-element (FE) method, which incorporates the desired high-fidelity physics and material interfaces. To offset the additional costs of this material representation, we include a variety of techniques (e.g., non-conformal meshing, and local polynomial refinement), which reduce the overall costs with little effect on the solution accuracy.

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Efficient Probability of Failure Calculations for QMU using Computational Geometry LDRD 13-0144 Final Report

Mitchell, Scott A.; Ebeida, Mohamed S.; Romero, Vicente J.; Swiler, Laura P.; Rushdi, Ahmad A.; Abdelkader, Ahmad A.

This SAND report summarizes our work on the Sandia National Laboratory LDRD project titled "Efficient Probability of Failure Calculations for QMU using Computational Geometry" which was project #165617 and proposal #13-0144. This report merely summarizes our work. Those interested in the technical details are encouraged to read the full published results, and contact the report authors for the status of the software and follow-on projects.

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Results 26–50 of 75
Results 26–50 of 75

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