
Results 101–125 of 188
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Efficient expression templates for operator overloading-based automatic differentiation

Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering

Phipps, Eric T.; Pawlowski, Roger P.

Expression templates are a well-known set of techniques for improving the efficiency of operator overloading-based forward mode automatic differentiation schemes in the C++ programming language by translating the differentiation from individual operators to whole expressions. However standard expression template approaches result in a large amount of duplicate computation, particularly for large expression trees, degrading their performance. In this paper we describe several techniques for improving the efficiency of expression templates and their implementation in the automatic differentiation package Sacado (Phipps et al., Advances in automatic differentiation, Lecture notes in computational science and engineering, Springer, Berlin, 2008; Phipps and Gay, Sacado automatic differentiation package., 2011). We demonstrate their improved efficiency through test functions as well as their application to differentiation of a large-scale fluid dynamics simulation code. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.

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Automating embedded analysis capabilities and managing software complexity in multiphysics simulation, Part I: Template-based generic programming

Scientific Programming

Pawlowski, Roger P.; Phipps, Eric T.; Salinger, Andrew G.

An approach for incorporating embedded simulation and analysis capabilities in complex simulation codes through template-based generic programming is presented. This approach relies on templating and operator overloading within the C++ language to transform a given calculation into one that can compute a variety of additional quantities that are necessary for many state-of-the-art simulation and analysis algorithms. An approach for incorporating these ideas into complex simulation codes through general graph-based assembly is also presented. These ideas have been implemented within a set of packages in the Trilinos framework and are demonstrated on a simple problem from chemical engineering. © 2012 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.

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An introduction to LIME 1.0 and its use in coupling codes for multiphysics simulations

Schmidt, Rodney C.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; Hooper, Russell H.; Pawlowski, Roger P.

LIME is a small software package for creating multiphysics simulation codes. The name was formed as an acronym denoting 'Lightweight Integrating Multiphysics Environment for coupling codes.' LIME is intended to be especially useful when separate computer codes (which may be written in any standard computer language) already exist to solve different parts of a multiphysics problem. LIME provides the key high-level software (written in C++), a well defined approach (with example templates), and interface requirements to enable the assembly of multiple physics codes into a single coupled-multiphysics simulation code. In this report we introduce important software design characteristics of LIME, describe key components of a typical multiphysics application that might be created using LIME, and provide basic examples of its use - including the customized software that must be written by a user. We also describe the types of modifications that may be needed to individual physics codes in order for them to be incorporated into a LIME-based multiphysics application.

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Results 101–125 of 188
Results 101–125 of 188

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