
Results 51–75 of 170
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Scalable implicit incompressible resistive MHD with stabilized FE and fully-coupled Newton-Krylov-AMG

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Shadid, John N.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Cyr, E.C.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Chacón, L.; Weber, Paula D.

The computational solution of the governing balance equations for mass, momentum, heat transfer and magnetic induction for resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) systems can be extremely challenging. These difficulties arise from both the strong nonlinear, nonsymmetric coupling of fluid and electromagnetic phenomena, as well as the significant range of time- and length-scales that the interactions of these physical mechanisms produce. This paper explores the development of a scalable, fully-implicit stabilized unstructured finite element (FE) capability for 3D incompressible resistive MHD. The discussion considers the development of a stabilized FE formulation in context of the variational multiscale (VMS) method, and describes the scalable implicit time integration and direct-to-steady-state solution capability. The nonlinear solver strategy employs Newton-Krylov methods, which are preconditioned using fully-coupled algebraic multilevel preconditioners. These preconditioners are shown to enable a robust, scalable and efficient solution approach for the large-scale sparse linear systems generated by the Newton linearization. Verification results demonstrate the expected order-of-accuracy for the stabilized FE discretization. The approach is tested on a variety of prototype problems, that include MHD duct flows, an unstable hydromagnetic Kelvin-Helmholtz shear layer, and a 3D island coalescence problem used to model magnetic reconnection. Initial results that explore the scaling of the solution methods are also presented on up to 128K processors for problems with up to 1.8B unknowns on a CrayXK7.

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Teko: A block preconditioning capability with concrete example applications in Navier-Stokes and MHD

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Cyr, Eric C.; Shadid, John N.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.

This paper describes the design of Teko, an object-oriented C++ library for implementing advanced block preconditioners. Mathematical design criteria that elucidate the needs of block preconditioning libraries and techniques are explained and shown to motivate the structure of Teko. For instance, a principal design choice was for Teko to strongly reflect the mathematical statement of the preconditioners to reduce development burden and permit focus on the numerics. Additional mechanisms are explained that provide a pathway to developing an optimized production capable block preconditioning capability with Teko. Finally, Teko is demonstrated on fluid flow and magnetohydrodynamics applications. In addition to highlighting the features of the Teko library, these new results illustrate the effectiveness of recent preconditioning developments applied to advanced discretization approaches.

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Krylov-subspace recycling via the POD-augmented conjugate-gradient method

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Carlberg, Kevin T.; Forstall, Virginia; Tuminaro, Raymond S.

This work presents a new Krylov-subspace-recycling method for efficiently solving sequences of linear systems of equations characterized by varying right-hand sides and symmetric-positive-definite matrices. As opposed to typical truncation strategies used in recycling such as deflation, we propose a truncation method inspired by goal-oriented proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) from model reduction. This idea is based on the observation that model reduction aims to compute a low-dimensional subspace that contains an accurate solution; as such, we expect the proposed method to generate a low-dimensional subspace that is well suited for computing solutions that can satisfy inexact tolerances. In particular, we propose specific goal-oriented POD "ingredients" that align the optimality properties of POD with the objective of Krylov-subspace recycling. To compute solutions in the resulting "augmented" POD subspace, we propose a hybrid direct/iterative three-stage method that leverages (1) the optimal ordering of POD basis vectors, and (2) well-conditioned reduced matrices. Numerical experiments performed on solid-mechanics problems highlight the benefits of the proposed method over existing approaches for Krylov-subspace recycling.

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Monolithic multigrid methods for two-dimensional resistive magnetohydrodynamics

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Adler, James H.; Benson, Thomas R.; Cyr, Eric C.; Maclachlan, Scott P.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) representations are used to model a wide range of plasma physics applications and are characterized by a nonlinear system of partial differential equations that strongly couples a charged fluid with the evolution of electromagnetic fields. The resulting linear systems that arise from discretization and linearization of the nonlinear problem are generally difficult to solve. In this paper, we investigate multigrid preconditioners for this system. We consider two well-known multigrid relaxation methods for incompressible fluid dynamics: Braess-Sarazin relaxation and Vanka relaxation. We first extend these to the context of steady-state one-fluid viscoresistive MHD. Then we compare the two relaxation procedures within a multigrid-preconditioned GMRES method employed within Newton's method. To isolate the effects of the different relaxation methods, we use structured grids, inf-sup stable finite elements, and geometric interpolation. We present convergence and timing results for a two-dimensional, steady-state test problem.

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Preserving lagrangian structure in nonlinear model reduction with application to structural dynamics

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Carlberg, Kevin; Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Boggs, Paul

This work proposes a model-reduction methodology that preserves Lagrangian structure and achieves computational efficiency in the presence of high-order nonlinearities and arbitrary parameter dependence. As such, the resulting reduced-order model retains key properties such as energy conservation and symplectic time-evolution maps. We focus on parameterized simple mechanical systems subjected to Rayleigh damping and external forces, and consider an application to nonlinear structural dynamics. To preserve structure, the method first approximates the system's "Lagrangian ingredients"-the Riemannian metric, the potential-energy function, the dissipation function, and the external force-and subsequently derives reduced-order equations of motion by applying the (forced) Euler-Lagrange equation with these quantities. From the algebraic perspective, key contributions include two efficient techniques for approximating parameterized reduced matrices while preserving symmetry and positive definiteness: matrix gappy proper orthogonal decomposition and reduced-basis sparsification. Results for a parameterized truss-structure problem demonstrate the practical importance of preserving Lagrangian structure and illustrate the proposed method's merits: it reduces computation time while maintaining high accuracy and stability, in contrast to existing nonlinear model-reduction techniques that do not preserve structure.

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On the scalability of the Albany/FELIX first-order stokes approximation ice sheet solver for large-scale simulations of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets

Procedia Computer Science

Kalashnikova, Irina; Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Perego, Mauro P.; Salinger, Andrew G.; Price, Stephen F.

We examine the scalability of the recently developed Albany/FELIX finite-element based code for the first-order Stokes momentum balance equations for ice flow. We focus our analysis on the performance of two possible preconditioners for the iterative solution of the sparse linear systems that arise from the discretization of the governing equations: (1) a preconditioner based on the incomplete LU (ILU) factorization, and (2) a recently-developed algebraic multigrid (AMG) preconditioner, constructed using the idea of semi-coarsening. A strong scalability study on a realistic, high resolution Greenland ice sheet problem reveals that, for a given number of processor cores, the AMG preconditioner results in faster linear solve times but the ILU preconditioner exhibits better scalability. A weak scalability study is performed on a realistic, moderate resolution Antarctic ice sheet problem, a substantial fraction of which contains floating ice shelves, making it fundamentally different from the Greenland ice sheet problem. Here, we show that as the problem size increases, the performance of the ILU preconditioner deteriorates whereas the AMG preconditioner maintains scalability. This is because the linear systems are extremely ill-conditioned in the presence of floating ice shelves, and the ill-conditioning has a greater negative effect on the ILU preconditioner than on the AMG preconditioner.

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Results 51–75 of 170
Results 51–75 of 170

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