
Results 201–212 of 212
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Applications of algebraic topology to compatible spatial discretizations

Bochev, Pavel B.

We provide a common framework for compatible discretizations using algebraic topology to guide our analysis. The main concept is the natural inner product on cochains, which induces a combinatorial Hodge theory. The framework comprises of mutually consistent operations of differentiation and integration, has a discrete Stokes theorem, and preserves the invariants of the DeRham cohomology groups. The latter allows for an elementary calculation of the kernel of the discrete Laplacian. Our framework provides an abstraction that includes examples of compatible finite element, finite volume and finite difference methods. We describe how these methods result from the choice of a reconstruction operator and when they are equivalent.

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Locally conservative least-squares finite element methods for Darcy flows

Proposed for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.

Bochev, Pavel B.

Least-squares finite-element methods for Darcy flow offer several advantages relative to the mixed-Galerkin method: the avoidance of stability conditions between finite-element spaces, the efficiency of solving symmetric and positive definite systems, and the convenience of using standard, continuous nodal elements for all variables. However, conventional C{sup o} implementations conserve mass only approximately and for this reason they have found limited acceptance in applications where locally conservative velocity fields are of primary interest. In this paper, we show that a properly formulated compatible least-squares method offers the same level of local conservation as a mixed method. The price paid for gaining favourable conservation properties is that one has to give up what is arguably the least important advantage attributed to least-squares finite-element methods: one can no longer use continuous nodal elements for all variables. As an added benefit, compatible least-squares methods inherit the best computational properties of both Galerkin and mixed-Galerkin methods and, in some cases, yield identical results, while offering the advantages of not having to deal with stability conditions and yielding positive definite discrete problems. Numerical results that illustrate our findings are provided.

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A mathematical framework for multiscale science and engineering : the variational multiscale method and interscale transfer operators

Bochev, Pavel B.; Christon, Mark A.; Collis, Samuel S.; Lehoucq, Richard B.; Shadid, John N.; Slepoy, Alexander S.

Existing approaches in multiscale science and engineering have evolved from a range of ideas and solutions that are reflective of their original problem domains. As a result, research in multiscale science has followed widely diverse and disjoint paths, which presents a barrier to cross pollination of ideas and application of methods outside their application domains. The status of the research environment calls for an abstract mathematical framework that can provide a common language to formulate and analyze multiscale problems across a range of scientific and engineering disciplines. In such a framework, critical common issues arising in multiscale problems can be identified, explored and characterized in an abstract setting. This type of overarching approach would allow categorization and clarification of existing models and approximations in a landscape of seemingly disjoint, mutually exclusive and ad hoc methods. More importantly, such an approach can provide context for both the development of new techniques and their critical examination. As with any new mathematical framework, it is necessary to demonstrate its viability on problems of practical importance. At Sandia, lab-centric, prototype application problems in fluid mechanics, reacting flows, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), shock hydrodynamics and materials science span an important subset of DOE Office of Science applications and form an ideal proving ground for new approaches in multiscale science.

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Stability of Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) finite elements for transient advection-diffusion problems

Proposed for publication in Journal of Computer Methods in Application and Mechanical Engineering.

Bochev, Pavel B.; Bochev, Pavel B.; Gunzburger, Max D.; Shadid, John N.

Implicit time integration coupled with SUPG discretization in space leads to additional terms that provide consistency and improve the phase accuracy for convection dominated flows. Recently, it has been suggested that for small Courant numbers these terms may dominate the streamline diffusion term, ostensibly causing destabilization of the SUPG method. While consistent with a straightforward finite element stability analysis, this contention is not supported by computational experiments and contradicts earlier Von-Neumann stability analyses of the semidiscrete SUPG equations. This prompts us to re-examine finite element stability of the fully discrete SUPG equations. A careful analysis of the additional terms reveals that, regardless of the time step size, they are always dominated by the consistent mass matrix. Consequently, SUPG cannot be destabilized for small Courant numbers. Numerical results that illustrate our conclusions are reported.

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Results 201–212 of 212
Results 201–212 of 212

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