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A mesh optimization algorithm to decrease the maximum error in finite element computations

Proceedings of the 17th International Meshing Roundtable, IMR 2008

Hetmaniuk, U.; Knupp, Patrick K.

We present a mesh optimization algorithm for adaptively improving the finite element interpolation of a function of interest. The algorithm minimizes an objective function by swapping edges and moving nodes. Numerical experiments are performed on model problems. The results illustrate that the mesh optimization algorithm can reduce the W1,∞ semi-norm of the interpolation error. For these examples, the L2, L∞, and H1 norms decreased also.

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The verdict geometric quality library

Pebay, Philippe P.; Knupp, Patrick K.

Verdict is a collection of subroutines for evaluating the geometric qualities of triangles, quadrilaterals, tetrahedra, and hexahedra using a variety of metrics. A metric is a real number assigned to one of these shapes depending on its particular vertex coordinates. These metrics are used to evaluate the input to finite element, finite volume, boundary element, and other types of solvers that approximate the solution to partial differential equations defined over regions of space. The geometric qualities of these regions is usually strongly tied to the accuracy these solvers are able to obtain in their approximations. The subroutines are written in C++ and have a simple C interface. Each metric may be evaluated individually or in combination. When multiple metrics are evaluated at once, they share common calculations to lower the cost of the evaluation.

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A comparison of two optimization methods for mesh quality improvement

Proposed for publication in Engineering with Computers.

Knupp, Patrick K.

We compare inexact Newton and coordinate descent optimization methods for improving the quality of a mesh by repositioning the vertices, where the overall quality is measured by the harmonic mean of the mean-ratio metric. The effects of problem size, element size heterogeneity, and various vertex displacement schemes on the performance of these algorithms are assessed for a series of tetrahedral meshes.

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A manufactured solution for verifying CFD boundary conditions: part II

Knupp, Patrick K.; Ober, Curtis C.

Order-of-accuracy verification is necessary to ensure that software correctly solves a given set of equations. One method to verify the order of accuracy of a code is the method of manufactured solutions. In this study, a manufactured solution has been derived and implemented that allows verification of not only the Euler, Navier-Stokes, and Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation sets, but also some of their associated boundary conditions (BC's): slip, no-slip (adiabatic and isothermal), and outflow (subsonic, supersonic, and mixed). Order-of-accuracy verification has been performed for the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations and these BC's in a compressible computational fluid dynamics code. All of the results shown are on skewed, non-uniform meshes. RANS results will be presented in a future paper. The observed order of accuracy was lower than the expected order of accuracy in two cases. One of these cases resulted in the identification and correction of a coding mistake in the CHAD gradient correction that was reducing the observed order of accuracy. This mistake would have been undetectable on a Cartesian mesh. During the search for the CHAD gradient correction problem, an unrelated coding mistake was found and corrected. The other case in which the observed order of accuracy was less than expected was a test of the slip BC; although no specific coding or formulation mistakes have yet been identified. After the correction of the identified coding mistakes, all of the aforementioned equation sets and BC's demonstrated the expected (or at least acceptable) order of accuracy except the slip condition.

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A comparison of inexact newton and coordinate descent mesh optimization techniques

Knupp, Patrick K.

We compare inexact Newton and coordinate descent methods for optimizing the quality of a mesh by repositioning the vertices, where quality is measured by the harmonic mean of the mean-ratio metric. The effects of problem size, element size heterogeneity, and various vertex displacement schemes on the performance of these algorithms are assessed for a series of tetrahedral meshes.

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Tetrahedral mesh improvement via optimization of the element condition number

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

Freitag, Lori A.; Knupp, Patrick K.

We present a new shape measure for tetrahedral elements that is optimal in that it gives the distance of a tetrahedron from the set of inverted elements. This measure is constructed from the condition number of the linear transformation between a unit equilateral tetrahedron and any tetrahedron with positive volume. Using this shape measure, we formulate two optimization objective functions that are differentiated by their goal: the first seeks to improve the average quality of the tetrahedral mesh; the second aims to improve the worst-quality element in the mesh. We review the optimization techniques used with each objective function and present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the mesh improvement methods. We show that a combined optimization approach that uses both objective functions obtains the best-quality meshes for several complex geometries. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.

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Hexahedral Mesh Untangling

Engineering with Computers

Knupp, Patrick K.

We investigate a well-motivated mesh untangling objective function whose optimization automatically produces non-inverted elements when possible. Examples show the procedure is highly effective on simplicial meshes and on non-simplicial (e.g., hexahedral) meshes constructed via mapping or sweeping algorithms. The current whisker-weaving (WW) algorithm in CUBIT usually produces hexahedral meshes that are unsuitable for analyses due to inverted elements. The majority of these meshes cannot be untangled using the new objective function. The most likely source of the difficulty is poor mesh topology.

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Methods for Multisweep Automation

Shepherd, Jason F.; Mitchell, Scott A.; Knupp, Patrick K.; Mitchell, Scott A.

Sweeping has become the workhorse algorithm for creating conforming hexahedral meshes of complex models. This paper describes progress on the automatic, robust generation of MultiSwept meshes in CUBIT. MultiSweeping extends the class of volumes that may be swept to include those with multiple source and multiple target surfaces. While not yet perfect, CUBIT's MultiSweeping has recently become more reliable, and been extended to assemblies of volumes. Sweep Forging automates the process of making a volume (multi) sweepable: Sweep Verification takes the given source and target surfaces, and automatically classifies curve and vertex types so that sweep layers are well formed and progress from sources to targets.

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Code Verification by the Method of Manufactured Solutions

Salari, Kambiz S.; Knupp, Patrick K.

A procedure for code Verification by the Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS) is presented. Although the procedure requires a certain amount of creativity and skill, we show that MMS can be applied to a variety of engineering codes which numerically solve partial differential equations. This is illustrated by detailed examples from computational fluid dynamics. The strength of the MMS procedure is that it can identify any coding mistake that affects the order-of-accuracy of the numerical method. A set of examples which use a blind-test protocol demonstrates the kinds of coding mistakes that can (and cannot) be exposed via the MMS code Verification procedure. The principle advantage of the MMS procedure over traditional methods of code Verification is that code capabilities are tested in full generality. The procedure thus results in a high degree of confidence that all coding mistakes which prevent the equations from being solved correctly have been identified.

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Results 26–50 of 51
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