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Modeling propellant-based stimulation of a borehole with peridynamics

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences

Panchadhara, Rohan; Gordon, Peter A.; Parks, Michael L.

A non-local formulation of classical continuum mechanics theory known as peridynamics is used to study fracture initiation and growth from a wellbore penetrating the subsurface within the context of propellant-based stimulation. The principal objectives of this work are to analyze the influence of loading conditions on the resulting fracture pattern, to investigate the effect of in-situ stress anisotropy on fracture propagation, and to assess the suitability of peridynamics for modeling complex fracture formation. It is shown that the loading rate significantly influences the number and extent of fractures initiated from a borehole. Results show that low loading rates produce fewer but longer fractures, whereas high loading rates produce numerous shorter fractures around the borehole. The numerical method is able to predict fracture growth patterns over a wide range of loading and stress conditions. Our results also show that fracture growth is attenuated with increasing in-situ confining stress, and, in the case of confining stress anisotropy, fracture extensions are largest in the direction perpendicular to the minimum compressive stress. Since the results are in broad qualitative agreement with experimental and numerical studies found in the literature, suggesting that peridynamics can be a powerful tool in the study of complex fracture network formation.

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Summer Proceedings 2016: The Center for Computing Research at Sandia National Laboratories

Carleton, James B.; Parks, Michael L.

Solving sparse linear systems from the discretization of elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) is an important building block in many engineering applications. Sparse direct solvers can solve general linear systems, but are usually slower and use much more memory than effective iterative solvers. To overcome these two disadvantages, a hierarchical solver (LoRaSp) based on H2-matrices was introduced in [22]. Here, we have developed a parallel version of the algorithm in LoRaSp to solve large sparse matrices on distributed memory machines. On a single processor, the factorization time of our parallel solver scales almost linearly with the problem size for three-dimensional problems, as opposed to the quadratic scalability of many existing sparse direct solvers. Moreover, our solver leads to almost constant numbers of iterations, when used as a preconditioner for Poisson problems. On more than one processor, our algorithm has significant speedups compared to sequential runs. With this parallel algorithm, we are able to solve large problems much faster than many existing packages as demonstrated by the numerical experiments.

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On the consistency between nearest-neighbor peridynamic discretizations and discretized classical elasticity models

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Seleson, Pablo; Du, Qiang; Parks, Michael L.

The peridynamic theory of solid mechanics is a nonlocal reformulation of the classical continuum mechanics theory. At the continuum level, it has been demonstrated that classical (local) elasticity is a special case of peridynamics. Such a connection between these theories has not been extensively explored at the discrete level. This paper investigates the consistency between nearest-neighbor discretizations of linear elastic peridynamic models and finite difference discretizations of the Navier–Cauchy equation of classical elasticity. Although nearest-neighbor discretizations in peridynamics have been numerically observed to present grid-dependent crack paths or spurious microcracks, this paper focuses on a different, analytical aspect of such discretizations. We demonstrate that, even in the absence of cracks, such discretizations may be problematic unless a proper selection of weights is used. Specifically, we demonstrate that using the standard meshfree approach in peridynamics, nearest-neighbor discretizations do not reduce, in general, to discretizations of corresponding classical models. We study nodal-based quadratures for the discretization of peridynamic models, and we derive quadrature weights that result in consistency between nearest-neighbor discretizations of peridynamic models and discretized classical models. The quadrature weights that lead to such consistency are, however, model-/discretization-dependent. We motivate the choice of those quadrature weights through a quadratic approximation of displacement fields. The stability of nearest-neighbor peridynamic schemes is demonstrated through a Fourier mode analysis. Finally, an approach based on a normalization of peridynamic constitutive constants at the discrete level is explored. This approach results in the desired consistency for one-dimensional models, but does not work in higher dimensions. The results of the work presented in this paper suggest that even though nearest-neighbor discretizations should be avoided in peridynamic simulations involving cracks, such discretizations are viable, for example for verification or validation purposes, in problems characterized by smooth deformations. Moreover, we demonstrate that better quadrature rules in peridynamics can be obtained based on the functional form of solutions.

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Enabling fast, stable and accurate peridynamic computations using multi-time-step integration

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Lindsay, Payton L.; Parks, Michael L.; Prakash, A.

Peridynamics is a nonlocal extension of classical continuum mechanics that is well-suited for solving problems with discontinuities such as cracks. This paper extends the peridynamic formulation to decompose a problem domain into a number of smaller overlapping subdomains and to enable the use of different time steps in different subdomains. This approach allows regions of interest to be isolated and solved at a small time step for increased accuracy while the rest of the problem domain can be solved at a larger time step for greater computational efficiency. Performance of the proposed method in terms of stability, accuracy, and computational cost is examined and several numerical examples are presented to corroborate the findings.

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Strong Local-Nonlocal Coupling for Integrated Fracture Modeling

Littlewood, David J.; Silling, Stewart A.; Mitchell, John A.; Seleson, Pablo D.; Bond, Stephen D.; Parks, Michael L.; Turner, Daniel Z.; Burnett, Damon J.; Ostien, Jakob O.; Gunzburger, Max G.

Peridynamics, a nonlocal extension of continuum mechanics, is unique in its ability to capture pervasive material failure. Its use in the majority of system-level analyses carried out at Sandia, however, is severely limited, due in large part to computational expense and the challenge posed by the imposition of nonlocal boundary conditions. Combined analyses in which peridynamics is em- ployed only in regions susceptible to material failure are therefore highly desirable, yet available coupling strategies have remained severely limited. This report is a summary of the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project "Strong Local-Nonlocal Coupling for Inte- grated Fracture Modeling," completed within the Computing and Information Sciences (CIS) In- vestment Area at Sandia National Laboratories. A number of challenges inherent to coupling local and nonlocal models are addressed. A primary result is the extension of peridynamics to facilitate a variable nonlocal length scale. This approach, termed the peridynamic partial stress, can greatly reduce the mathematical incompatibility between local and nonlocal equations through reduction of the peridynamic horizon in the vicinity of a model interface. A second result is the formulation of a blending-based coupling approach that may be applied either as the primary coupling strategy, or in combination with the peridynamic partial stress. This blending-based approach is distinct from general blending methods, such as the Arlequin approach, in that it is specific to the coupling of peridynamics and classical continuum mechanics. Facilitating the coupling of peridynamics and classical continuum mechanics has also required innovations aimed directly at peridynamic models. Specifically, the properties of peridynamic constitutive models near domain boundaries and shortcomings in available discretization strategies have been addressed. The results are a class of position-aware peridynamic constitutive laws for dramatically improved consistency at domain boundaries, and an enhancement to the meshfree discretization applied to peridynamic models that removes irregularities at the limit of the nonlocal length scale and dramatically improves conver- gence behavior. Finally, a novel approach for modeling ductile failure has been developed, moti- vated by the desire to apply coupled local-nonlocal models to a wide variety of materials, including ductile metals, which have received minimal attention in the peridynamic literature. Software im- plementation of the partial-stress coupling strategy, the position-aware peridynamic constitutive models, and the strategies for improving the convergence behavior of peridynamic models was completed within the Peridigm and Albany codes, developed at Sandia National Laboratories and made publicly available under the open-source 3-clause BSD license.

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Inverse problems in heterogeneous and fractured media using peridynamics

Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures

Turner, Daniel Z.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Parks, Michael L.

The following work presents an adjoint-based methodology for solving inverse problems in heterogeneous and fractured media using state-based peridynamics. We show that the inner product involving the peridynamic operators is self-adjoint. The proposed method is illustrated for several numerical examples with constant and spatially varying material parameters as well as in the context of fractures. We also present a framework for obtaining material parameters by integrating digital image correlation (DIC) with inverse analysis. This framework is demonstrated by evaluating the bulk and shear moduli for a sample of nuclear graphite using digital photographs taken during the experiment. The resulting measured values correspond well with other results reported in the literature. Lastly, we show that this framework can be used to determine the load state given observed measurements of a crack opening. This type of analysis has many applications in characterizing subsurface stress-state conditions given fracture patterns in cores of geologic material.

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Electrical double layers and differential capacitance in molten salts from density functional theory

Journal of Chemical Physics

Frischknecht, Amalie F.; Parks, Michael L.

Classical density functional theory (DFT) is used to calculate the structure of the electrical double layer and the differential capacitance of model molten salts. The DFT is shown to give good qualitative agreement with Monte Carlo simulations in the molten salt regime. The DFT is then applied to three common molten salts, KCl, LiCl, and LiKCl, modeled as charged hard spheres near a planar charged surface. The DFT predicts strong layering of the ions near the surface, with the oscillatory density profiles extending to larger distances for larger electrostatic interactions resulting from either lower temperature or lower dielectric constant. In conclusion, overall the differential capacitance is found to be bell-shaped, in agreement with recent theories and simulations for ionic liquids and molten salts, but contrary to the results of the classical Gouy-Chapman theory.

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Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) Summer Proceedings 2013

Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Parks, Michael L.; Collis, Samuel S.

The Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) brings university faculty and students to Sandia National Laboratories for focused collaborative research on computer science, computational science, and mathematics problems that are critical to the mission of the laboratories, the Department of Energy, and the United States. The CSRI provides a mechanism by which university researchers learn about and impact national— and global—scale problems while simultaneously bringing new ideas from the academic research community to bear on these important problems. A key component of CSRI programs over the last decade has been an active and productive summer program where students from around the country conduct internships at CSRI. Each student is paired with a Sandia staff member who serves as technical advisor and mentor. The goals of the summer program are to expose the students to research in mathematical and computer sciences at Sandia and to conduct a meaningful and impactful summer research project with their Sandia mentor. Every effort is made to align summer projects with the student's research objectives and all work is coordinated with the ongoing research activities of the Sandia mentor in alignment with Sandia technical thrusts. For the 2013 CSRI Proceedings, research articles have been organized into the following broad technical focus areas — Computational Mathematics and Algorithms, Combinatorial Algorithms and Visualization, Advanced Architectures and Systems Software, Computational Applications — which are well aligned with Sandia's strategic thrusts in computer and information sciences.

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Results 26–50 of 116
Results 26–50 of 116

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