
Results 51–56 of 56
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Investigating methods of supporting dynamically linked executables on high performance computing platforms

Laros, James H.; Kelly, Suzanne M.; Levenhagen, Michael J.; Pedretti, Kevin P.

Shared libraries have become ubiquitous and are used to achieve great resource efficiencies on many platforms. The same properties that enable efficiencies on time-shared computers and convenience on small clusters prove to be great obstacles to scalability on large clusters and High Performance Computing platforms. In addition, Light Weight operating systems such as Catamount have historically not supported the use of shared libraries specifically because they hinder scalability. In this report we will outline the methods of supporting shared libraries on High Performance Computing platforms using Light Weight kernels that we investigated. The considerations necessary to evaluate utility in this area are many and sometimes conflicting. While our initial path forward has been determined based on this evaluation we consider this effort ongoing and remain prepared to re-evaluate any technology that might provide a scalable solution. This report is an evaluation of a range of possible methods of supporting dynamically linked executables on capability class1 High Performance Computing platforms. Efforts are ongoing and extensive testing at scale is necessary to evaluate performance. While performance is a critical driving factor, supporting whatever method is used in a production environment is an equally important and challenging task.

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Palacios and Kitten : high performance operating systems for scalable virtualized and native supercomputing

Pedretti, Kevin P.; Levenhagen, Michael J.; Brightwell, Ronald B.

Palacios and Kitten are new open source tools that enable applications, whether ported or not, to achieve scalable high performance on large machines. They provide a thin layer over the hardware to support both full-featured virtualized environments and native code bases. Kitten is an OS under development at Sandia that implements a lightweight kernel architecture to provide predictable behavior and increased flexibility on large machines, while also providing Linux binary compatibility. Palacios is a VMM that is under development at Northwestern University and the University of New Mexico. Palacios, which can be embedded into Kitten and other OSes, supports existing, unmodified applications and operating systems by using virtualization that leverages hardware technologies. We describe the design and implementation of both Kitten and Palacios. Our benchmarks show that they provide near native, scalable performance. Palacios and Kitten provide an incremental path to using supercomputer resources that is not performance-compromised.

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Summary of multi-core hardware and programming model investigations

Pedretti, Kevin P.; Kelly, Suzanne M.; Levenhagen, Michael J.

This report summarizes our investigations into multi-core processors and programming models for parallel scientific applications. The motivation for this study was to better understand the landscape of multi-core hardware, future trends, and the implications on system software for capability supercomputers. The results of this study are being used as input into the design of a new open-source light-weight kernel operating system being targeted at future capability supercomputers made up of multi-core processors. A goal of this effort is to create an agile system that is able to adapt to and efficiently support whatever multi-core hardware and programming models gain acceptance by the community.

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Evaluating NIC hardware requirements to achieve high message rate PGAS support on multi-core processors

Proceedings of the 2007 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, SC'07

Underwood, Keith; Levenhagen, Michael J.; Brightwell, Ronald B.

Partitioned global address space (PGAS) programming models have been identified as one of the few viable approaches for dealing with emerging many-core systems. These models tend to generate many small messages, which requires specific support from the network interface hardware to enable efficient execution. In the past, Cray included E-registers on the Cray T3E to support the SHMEM API; however, with the advent of multi-core processors, the balance of computation to communication capabilities has shifted toward computation. This paper explores the message rates that are achievable with multi-core processors and simplified PGAS support on a more conventional network interface. For message rate tests, we find that simple network interface hardware is more than sufficient. We also find that even typical data distributions, such as cyclic or block-cyclic, do not need specialized hardware support. Finally, we assess the impact of such support on the well known RandomAccess benchmark. (c) 2007 ACM.

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Results 51–56 of 56
Results 51–56 of 56

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