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High Performance Computing - Power Application Programming Interface Specification

Laros, James H.; Kelly, Suzanne M.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Grant, Ryan E.; Olivier, Stephen L.; Levenhagen, Michael J.; DeBonis, David D.; Laros, James H.

Measuring and controlling the power and energy consumption of high performance computing systems by various components in the software stack is an active research area [13, 3, 5, 10, 4, 21, 19, 16, 7, 17, 20, 18, 11, 1, 6, 14, 12]. Implementations in lower level software layers are beginning to emerge in some production systems, which is very welcome. To be most effective, a portable interface to measurement and control features would significantly facilitate participation by all levels of the software stack. We present a proposal for a standard power Application Programming Interface (API) that endeavors to cover the entire software space, from generic hardware interfaces to the input from the computer facility manager.

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High Performance Computing - Power Application Programming Interface Specification

Laros, James H.; Kelly, Suzanne M.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Grant, Ryan E.; Olivier, Stephen L.; Levenhagen, Michael J.; DeBonis, David D.; Laros, James H.

Measuring and controlling the power and energy consumption of high performance computing systems by various components in the software stack is an active research area [131, 3, 5, 11), 4, a, B, Ili, 7, T71,, a 11 11, 1, 6, IA, ]112]. Implementations in lower level software layers are beginning to emerge in some production systems, which is very welcome. To be most effective, a portable interface to measurement and control features would significantly facilitate participation by all levels of the software stack. We present a proposal for a standard power Application Programming Interface (API) that endeavors to cover the entire software space, from generic hardware interfaces to the input from the computer facility manager. KC

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High Performance Computing - Power Application Programming Interface Specification

Laros, James H.; Kelly, Suzanne M.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Grant, Ryan E.; Olivier, Stephen L.; Levenhagen, Michael J.; DeBonis, David D.

Measuring and controlling the power and energy consumption of high performance computing systems by various components in the software stack is an active research area [13, 3, 5, 10, 4, 21, 19, 16, 7, 17, 20, 18, 11, 1, 6, 14, 12]. Implementations in lower level software layers are beginning to emerge in some production systems, which is very welcome. To be most effective, a portable interface to measurement and control features would significantly facilitate participation by all levels of the software stack. We present a proposal for a standard power Application Programming Interface (API) that endeavors to cover the entire software space, from generic hardware interfaces to the input from the computer facility manager.

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Demonstration of a Legacy Application's Path to Exascale - ASC L2 Milestone 4467

Barrett, Brian B.; Kelly, Suzanne M.; Klundt, Ruth A.; Laros, James H.; Leung, Vitus J.; Levenhagen, Michael J.; Lofstead, Gerald F.; Moreland, Kenneth D.; Oldfield, Ron A.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Rodrigues, Arun; Barrett, Richard F.; Ward, Harry L.; Vandyke, John P.; Vaughan, Courtenay T.; Wheeler, Kyle B.; Brandt, James M.; Brightwell, Ronald B.; Curry, Matthew L.; Fabian, Nathan D.; Ferreira, Kurt; Gentile, Ann C.; Hemmert, Karl S.

Abstract not provided.

Report of experiments and evidence for ASC L2 milestone 4467 : demonstration of a legacy application's path to exascale

Barrett, Brian B.; Kelly, Suzanne M.; Klundt, Ruth A.; Laros, James H.; Leung, Vitus J.; Levenhagen, Michael J.; Lofstead, Gerald F.; Moreland, Kenneth D.; Oldfield, Ron A.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Rodrigues, Arun; Barrett, Richard F.; Ward, Harry L.; Vandyke, John P.; Vaughan, Courtenay T.; Wheeler, Kyle B.; Brandt, James M.; Brightwell, Ronald B.; Curry, Matthew L.; Fabian, Nathan D.; Ferreira, Kurt; Gentile, Ann C.; Hemmert, Karl S.

This report documents thirteen of Sandia's contributions to the Computational Systems and Software Environment (CSSE) within the Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) program between fiscal years 2009 and 2012. It describes their impact on ASC applications. Most contributions are implemented in lower software levels allowing for application improvement without source code changes. Improvements are identified in such areas as reduced run time, characterizing power usage, and Input/Output (I/O). Other experiments are more forward looking, demonstrating potential bottlenecks using mini-application versions of the legacy codes and simulating their network activity on Exascale-class hardware. The purpose of this report is to prove that the team has completed milestone 4467-Demonstration of a Legacy Application's Path to Exascale. Cielo is expected to be the last capability system on which existing ASC codes can run without significant modifications. This assertion will be tested to determine where the breaking point is for an existing highly scalable application. The goal is to stretch the performance boundaries of the application by applying recent CSSE RD in areas such as resilience, power, I/O, visualization services, SMARTMAP, lightweight LWKs, virtualization, simulation, and feedback loops. Dedicated system time reservations and/or CCC allocations will be used to quantify the impact of system-level changes to extend the life and performance of the ASC code base. Finally, a simulation of anticipated exascale-class hardware will be performed using SST to supplement the calculations. Determine where the breaking point is for an existing highly scalable application: Chapter 15 presented the CSSE work that sought to identify the breaking point in two ASC legacy applications-Charon and CTH. Their mini-app versions were also employed to complete the task. There is no single breaking point as more than one issue was found with the two codes. The results were that applications can expect to encounter performance issues related to the computing environment, system software, and algorithms. Careful profiling of runtime performance will be needed to identify the source of an issue, in strong combination with knowledge of system software and application source code.

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Enabling flexible collective communication offload with triggered operations

Proceedings - Symposium on the High Performance Interconnects, Hot Interconnects

Underwood, Keith D.; Coffman, Jerrie; Larsen, Roy; Hemmert, Karl S.; Barrett, Brian W.; Brightwell, Ronald B.; Levenhagen, Michael J.

Low latency collective communications are key to application scalability. As systems grow larger, minimizing collective communication time becomes increasingly challenging. Offload is an effective technique for accelerating collective operations; however, algorithms for collective communication constantly evolve such that flexible implementations are critical. This paper presents triggered operations-a semantic building block that allows the key components of collective communications to be offloaded while allowing the host side software to define the algorithm. Simulations are used to demonstrate the performance improvements achievable through the offload of MPI-Allreduce using these building blocks. © 2011 IEEE.

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LDRD final report : a lightweight operating system for multi-core capability class supercomputers

Pedretti, Kevin P.; Levenhagen, Michael J.; Ferreira, Kurt; Brightwell, Ronald B.; Kelly, Suzanne M.; Bridges, Patrick G.

The two primary objectives of this LDRD project were to create a lightweight kernel (LWK) operating system(OS) designed to take maximum advantage of multi-core processors, and to leverage the virtualization capabilities in modern multi-core processors to create a more flexible and adaptable LWK environment. The most significant technical accomplishments of this project were the development of the Kitten lightweight kernel, the co-development of the SMARTMAP intra-node memory mapping technique, and the development and demonstration of a scalable virtualization environment for HPC. Each of these topics is presented in this report by the inclusion of a published or submitted research paper. The results of this project are being leveraged by several ongoing and new research projects.

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Palacios and kitten: New high performance operating systems for scalable virtualized and native supercomputing

Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, IPDPS 2010

Lange, John; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Hudson, Trammell; Dinda, Peter; Cui, Zheng; Xia, Lei; Bridges, Patrick; Gocke, Andy; Jaconette, Steven; Levenhagen, Michael J.; Brightwell, Ronald B.

Palacios is a new open-source VMM under development at Northwestern University and the University of New Mexico that enables applications executing in a virtualized environment to achieve scalable high performance on large machines. Palacios functions as a modularized extension to Kitten, a high performance operating system being developed at Sandia National Laboratories to support large-scale supercomputing applications. Together, Palacios and Kitten provide a thin layer over the hardware to support full-featured virtualized environments alongside Kitten's lightweight native environment. Palacios supports existing, unmodified applications and operating systems by using the hardware virtualization technologies in recent AMD and Intel processors. Additionally, Palacios leverages Kitten's simple memory management scheme to enable low-overhead pass-through of native devices to a virtualized environment. We describe the design, implementation, and integration of Palacios and Kitten. Our benchmarks show that Palacios provides near native (within 5%), scalable performance for virtualized environments running important parallel applications. This new architecture provides an incremental path for applications to use supercomputers, running specialized lightweight host operating systems, that is not significantly performance-compromised. © 2010 IEEE.

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