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AztecOO user guide

Heroux, Michael A.

The Trilinos{trademark} Project is an effort to facilitate the design, development, integration and ongoing support of mathematical software libraries. AztecOO{trademark} is a package within Trilinos that enables the use of the Aztec solver library [19] with Epetra{trademark} [13] objects. AztecOO provides access to Aztec preconditioners and solvers by implementing the Aztec 'matrix-free' interface using Epetra. While Aztec is written in C and procedure-oriented, AztecOO is written in C++ and is object-oriented. In addition to providing access to Aztec capabilities, AztecOO also provides some signficant new functionality. In particular it provides an extensible status testing capability that allows expression of sophisticated stopping criteria as is needed in production use of iterative solvers. AztecOO also provides mechanisms for using Ifpack [2], ML [20] and AztecOO itself as preconditioners.

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Trilinos 4.0 tutorial

Sala, Marzio S.; Heroux, Michael A.; Day, David M.

The Trilinos Project is an effort to facilitate the design, development, integration and ongoing support of mathematical software libraries. The goal of the Trilinos Project is to develop parallel solver algorithms and libraries within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multiphysics engineering and scientific applications. The emphasis is on developing robust, scalable algorithms in a software framework, using abstract interfaces for flexible interoperability of components while providing a full-featured set of concrete classes that implement all the abstract interfaces. This document introduces the use of Trilinos, version 4.0. The presented material includes, among others, the definition of distributed matrices and vectors with Epetra, the iterative solution of linear systems with AztecOO, incomplete factorizations with IF-PACK, multilevel and domain decomposition preconditioners with ML, direct solution of linear system with Amesos, and iterative solution of nonlinear systems with NOX. The tutorial is a self-contained introduction, intended to help computational scientists effectively apply the appropriate Trilinos package to their applications. Basic examples are presented that are fit to be imitated. This document is a companion to the Trilinos User's Guide [20] and Trilinos Development Guides [21,22]. Please note that the documentation included in each of the Trilinos' packages is of fundamental importance.

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LDRD report : parallel repartitioning for optimal solver performance

Devine, Karen D.; Boman, Erik G.; Devine, Karen D.; Heaphy, Robert T.; Hendrickson, Bruce A.; Heroux, Michael A.

We have developed infrastructure, utilities and partitioning methods to improve data partitioning in linear solvers and preconditioners. Our efforts included incorporation of data repartitioning capabilities from the Zoltan toolkit into the Trilinos solver framework, (allowing dynamic repartitioning of Trilinos matrices); implementation of efficient distributed data directories and unstructured communication utilities in Zoltan and Trilinos; development of a new multi-constraint geometric partitioning algorithm (which can generate one decomposition that is good with respect to multiple criteria); and research into hypergraph partitioning algorithms (which provide up to 56% reduction of communication volume compared to graph partitioning for a number of emerging applications). This report includes descriptions of the infrastructure and algorithms developed, along with results demonstrating the effectiveness of our approaches.

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Trilinos 3.1 tutorial

Heroux, Michael A.; Sala, Marzio S.; Heroux, Michael A.

This document introduces the use of Trilinos, version 3.1. Trilinos has been written to support, in a rigorous manner, the solver needs of the engineering and scientific applications at Sandia National Laboratories. Aim of this manuscript is to present the basic features of some of the Trilinos packages. The presented material includes the definition of distributed matrices and vectors with Epetra, the iterative solution of linear system with AztecOO, incomplete factorizations with IFPACK, multilevel methods with ML, direct solution of linear system with Amesos, and iterative solution of nonlinear systems with NOX. With the help of several examples, some of the most important classes and methods are detailed to the inexperienced user. For the most majority, each example is largely commented throughout the text. Other comments can be found in the source of each example. This document is a companion to the Trilinos User's Guide and Trilinos Development Guides. Also, the documentation included in each of the Trilinos' packages is of fundamental importance.

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Epetra developers coding guidelines

Heroux, Michael A.; Heroux, Michael A.

Epetra is a package of classes for the construction and use of serial and distributed parallel linear algebra objects. It is one of the base packages in Trilinos. This document describes guidelines for Epetra coding style. The issues discussed here go beyond correct C++ syntax to address issues that make code more readable and self-consistent. The guidelines presented here are intended to aid current and future development of Epetra specifically. They reflect design decisions that were made in the early development stages of Epetra. Some of the guidelines are contrary to more commonly used conventions, but we choose to continue these practices for the purposes of self-consistency. These guidelines are intended to be complimentary to policies established in the Trilinos Developers Guide.

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An overview of Trilinos

Heroux, Michael A.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Long, Kevin R.; Hoekstra, Robert J.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Phipps, Eric T.; Salinger, Andrew G.; Williams, Alan B.; Heroux, Michael A.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Lehoucq, Richard B.; Thornquist, Heidi K.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Willenbring, James M.; Bartlett, Roscoe B.; Howle, Victoria E.

The Trilinos Project is an effort to facilitate the design, development, integration and ongoing support of mathematical software libraries. In particular, our goal is to develop parallel solver algorithms and libraries within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific applications. Our emphasis is on developing robust, scalable algorithms in a software framework, using abstract interfaces for flexible interoperability of components while providing a full-featured set of concrete classes that implement all abstract interfaces. Trilinos uses a two-level software structure designed around collections of packages. A Trilinos package is an integral unit usually developed by a small team of experts in a particular algorithms area such as algebraic preconditioners, nonlinear solvers, etc. Packages exist underneath the Trilinos top level, which provides a common look-and-feel, including configuration, documentation, licensing, and bug-tracking. Trilinos packages are primarily written in C++, but provide some C and Fortran user interface support. We provide an open architecture that allows easy integration with other solver packages and we deliver our software to the outside community via the Gnu Lesser General Public License (LGPL). This report provides an overview of Trilinos, discussing the objectives, history, current development and future plans of the project.

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Trilinos users guide

Heroux, Michael A.; Heroux, Michael A.; Willenbring, James M.

The Trilinos Project is an effort to facilitate the design, development, integration and ongoing support of mathematical software libraries. A new software capability is introduced into Trilinos as a package. A Trilinos package is an integral unit usually developed by a small team of experts in a particular algorithms area such as algebraic preconditioners, nonlinear solvers, etc. The Trilinos Users Guide is a resource for new and existing Trilinos users. Topics covered include how to configure and build Trilinos, what is required to integrate an existing package into Trilinos and examples of how those requirements can be met, as well as what tools and services are available to Trilinos packages. Also discussed are some common practices that are followed by many Trilinos package developers. Finally, a snapshot of current Trilinos packages and their interoperability status is provided, along with a list of supported computer platforms.

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Solving complex-valued linear systems via equivalent real formulations

SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing

Day, David M.; Heroux, Michael A.

Most algorithms used in preconditioned iterative methods are generally applicable to complex valued linear systems, with real valued linear systems simply being a special case. However, most iterative solver packages available today focus exclusively on real valued systems, or deal with complex valued systems as an afterthought. One obvious approach to addressing this problem is to recast the complex problem into one of a several equivalent real forms and then use a real valued solver to solve the related system. However, well-known theoretical results showing unfavorable spectral properties for the equivalent real forms have diminished enthusiasm for this approach. At the same time, experience has shown that there are situations where using an equivalent real form can be very effective. In this paper, the authors explore this approach, giving both theoretical and experimental evidence that an equivalent real form can be useful for a number of practical situations. Furthermore, they show that by making good use of some of the advance features of modem solver packages, they can easily generate equivalent real form preconditioners that are computationally efficient and mathematically identical to their complex counterparts. Using their techniques, they are able to solve very ill-conditioned complex valued linear systems for a variety of large scale applications. However, more importantly, they shed more light on the effectiveness of equivalent real forms and more clearly delineate how and when they should be used.

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Results 176–186 of 186
Results 176–186 of 186

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