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Modeling Bilevel Programs in Pyomo

Hart, William E.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Siirola, John D.; Chen, Richard L.

We describe new capabilities for modeling bilevel programs within the Pyomo modeling software. These capabilities include new modeling components that represent subproblems, modeling transformations for re-expressing models with bilevel structure in other forms, and optimize bilevel programs with meta-solvers that apply transformations and then perform op- timization on the resulting model. We illustrate the breadth of Pyomo's modeling capabilities for bilevel programs, and we describe how Pyomo's meta-solvers can perform local and global optimization of bilevel programs.

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Optimizing Your Options: Extracting the Full Economic Value of Transmission When Planning Under Uncertainty

Electricity Journal

Munoz-Espinoza, Francisco D.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Hobbs, Benjamin F.

The anticipated magnitude of needed investments in new transmission infrastructure in the U.S. requires that these be allocated in a way that maximizes the likelihood of achieving society's goals for power system operation. The use of state-of-the-art optimization tools can identify cost-effective investment alternatives, extract more benefits out of transmission expansion portfolios, and account for the huge economic, technology, and policy uncertainties that the power sector faces over the next several decades.

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A scalable solution framework for stochastic transmission and generation planning problems

Computational Management Science

Munoz-Espinoza, Francisco D.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.

Current commercial software tools for transmission and generation investment planning have limited stochastic modeling capabilities. Because of this limitation, electric power utilities generally rely on scenario planning heuristics to identify potentially robust and cost effective investment plans for a broad range of system, economic, and policy conditions. Several research studies have shown that stochastic models perform significantly better than deterministic or heuristic approaches, in terms of overall costs. However, there is a lack of practical solution techniques to solve such models. In this paper we propose a scalable decomposition algorithm to solve stochastic transmission and generation planning problems, respectively considering discrete and continuous decision variables for transmission and generation investments. Given stochasticity restricted to loads and wind, solar, and hydro power output, we develop a simple scenario reduction framework based on a clustering algorithm, to yield a more tractable model. The resulting stochastic optimization model is decomposed on a scenario basis and solved using a variant of the Progressive Hedging (PH) algorithm. We perform numerical experiments using a 240-bus network representation of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council in the US. Although convergence of PH to an optimal solution is not guaranteed for mixed-integer linear optimization models, we find that it is possible to obtain solutions with acceptable optimality gaps for practical applications. Our numerical simulations are performed both on a commodity workstation and on a high-performance cluster. The results indicate that large-scale problems can be solved to a high degree of accuracy in at most 2 h of wall clock time.

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A Scalable Solution Framework for Stochastic Transmission and Generation Planning Problems. Draft

Munoz-Espinoza, Francisco D.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.

Current commercial software tools for transmission and generation investment planning have limited stochastic modeling capabilities. Because of this limitation, electric power utilities generally rely on scenario planning heuristics to identify potentially robust and cost effective investment plans for a broad range of system, economic, and policy conditions. Several research studies have shown that stochastic models perform significantly better than deterministic or heuristic approaches, in terms of overall costs. However, there is a lack of practical solution approaches to solve such models. In this paper we propose a scalable decomposition algorithm to solve stochastic transmission and generation planning problems, respectively considering discrete and continuous decision variables for transmission and generation investments. Given stochasticity restricted to loads and wind, solar, and hydro power output, we develop a simple scenario reduction framework based on a clustering algorithm, to yield a more tractable model. The resulting stochastic optimization model is decomposed on a scenario basis and solved using a variant of the Progressive Hedging (PH) algorithm. We perform numerical experiments using a 240-bus network representation of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council in the US. Although convergence of PH to an optimal solution is not guaranteed for mixed-integer linear optimization models, we find that it is possible to obtain solutions with acceptable optimality gaps for practical applications. Our numerical simulations are performed both on a commodity workstation and on a high-performance cluster. The results indicate that large-scale problems can be solved to a high degree of accuracy in at most two hours of wall clock time.

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Encoding and analyzing aerial imagery using geospatial semantic graphs

Rintoul, Mark D.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; McLendon, William C.; Parekh, Ojas D.

While collection capabilities have yielded an ever-increasing volume of aerial imagery, analytic techniques for identifying patterns in and extracting relevant information from this data have seriously lagged. The vast majority of imagery is never examined, due to a combination of the limited bandwidth of human analysts and limitations of existing analysis tools. In this report, we describe an alternative, novel approach to both encoding and analyzing aerial imagery, using the concept of a geospatial semantic graph. The advantages of our approach are twofold. First, intuitive templates can be easily specified in terms of the domain language in which an analyst converses. These templates can be used to automatically and efficiently search large graph databases, for specific patterns of interest. Second, unsupervised machine learning techniques can be applied to automatically identify patterns in the graph databases, exposing recurring motifs in imagery. We illustrate our approach using real-world data for Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and compare the performance of our approach to that of an expert human analyst.

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Results 51–75 of 124
Results 51–75 of 124

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