
Results 151–175 of 210
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Sensor placement for municipal water networks

Phillips, Cynthia A.; Boman, Erik G.; Carr, Robert D.; Hart, William E.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Hart, David B.; Mckenna, Sean A.; Riesen, Lee A.

We consider the problem of placing a limited number of sensors in a municipal water distribution network to minimize the impact over a given suite of contamination incidents. In its simplest form, the sensor placement problem is a p-median problem that has structure extremely amenable to exact and heuristic solution methods. We describe the solution of real-world instances using integer programming or local search or a Lagrangian method. The Lagrangian method is necessary for solution of large problems on small PCs. We summarize a number of other heuristic methods for effectively addressing issues such as sensor failures, tuning sensors based on local water quality variability, and problem size/approximation quality tradeoffs. These algorithms are incorporated into the TEVA-SPOT toolkit, a software suite that the US Environmental Protection Agency has used and is using to design contamination warning systems for US municipal water systems.

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Factors impacting performance of multithreaded triangular solve

Wolf, Michael W.; Heroux, Michael A.; Boman, Erik G.

As computational science applications grow more parallel with multi-core supercomputers having hundreds of thousands of computational cores, it will become increasingly difficult for solvers to scale. Our approach is to use hybrid MPI/threaded numerical algorithms to solve these systems in order to reduce the number of MPI tasks and increase the parallel efficiency of the algorithm. However, we need efficient threaded numerical kernels to run on the multi-core nodes in order to achieve good parallel efficiency. In this paper, we focus on improving the performance of a multithreaded triangular solver, an important kernel for preconditioning. We analyze three factors that affect the parallel performance of this threaded kernel and obtain good scalability on the multi-core nodes for a range of matrix sizes.

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Modeling the fracture of ice sheets on parallel computers

Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Boman, Erik G.

The objective of this project is to investigate the complex fracture of ice and understand its role within larger ice sheet simulations and global climate change. At the present time, ice fracture is not explicitly considered within ice sheet models due in part to large computational costs associated with the accurate modeling of this complex phenomena. However, fracture not only plays an extremely important role in regional behavior but also influences ice dynamics over much larger zones in ways that are currently not well understood. Dramatic illustrations of fracture-induced phenomena most notably include the recent collapse of ice shelves in Antarctica (e.g. partial collapse of the Wilkins shelf in March of 2008 and the diminishing extent of the Larsen B shelf from 1998 to 2002). Other fracture examples include ice calving (fracture of icebergs) which is presently approximated in simplistic ways within ice sheet models, and the draining of supraglacial lakes through a complex network of cracks, a so called ice sheet plumbing system, that is believed to cause accelerated ice sheet flows due essentially to lubrication of the contact surface with the ground. These dramatic changes are emblematic of the ongoing change in the Earth's polar regions and highlight the important role of fracturing ice. To model ice fracture, a simulation capability will be designed centered around extended finite elements and solved by specialized multigrid methods on parallel computers. In addition, appropriate dynamic load balancing techniques will be employed to ensure an approximate equal amount of work for each processor.

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Low-memory Lagrangian relaxation methods for sensor placement in municipal water networks

World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008: Ahupua'a - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008

Berry, Jonathan W.; Boman, Erik G.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Riesen, Lee A.

Placing sensors in municipal water networks to protect against a set of contamination events is a classic p-median problem for most objectives when we assume that sensors are perfect. Many researchers have proposed exact and approximate solution methods for this p-median formulation. For full-scale networks with large contamination event suites, one must generally rely on heuristic methods to generate solutions. These heuristics provide feasible solutions, but give no quality guarantee relative to the optimal placement. In this paper we apply a Lagrangian relaxation method in order to compute lower bounds on the expected impact of suites of contamination events. In all of our experiments with single objectives, these lower bounds establish that the GRASP local search method generates solutions that are provably optimal to to within a fraction of a percentage point. Our Lagrangian heuristic also provides good solutions itself and requires only a fraction of the memory of GRASP. We conclude by describing two variations of the Lagrangian heuristic: an aggregated version that trades off solution quality for further memory savings, and a multi-objective version which balances objectives with additional goals. © 2008 ASCE.

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Improved parallel data partitioning by nested dissection with applications to information retrieval

Proposed for publication in Parallel Computing.

Boman, Erik G.; Chevalier, Cedric C.

The computational work in many information retrieval and analysis algorithms is based on sparse linear algebra. Sparse matrix-vector multiplication is a common kernel in many of these computations. Thus, an important related combinatorial problem in parallel computing is how to distribute the matrix and the vectors among processors so as to minimize the communication cost. We focus on minimizing the total communication volume while keeping the computation balanced across processes. In [1], the first two authors presented a new 2D partitioning method, the nested dissection partitioning algorithm. In this paper, we improve on that algorithm and show that it is a good option for data partitioning in information retrieval. We also show partitioning time can be substantially reduced by using the SCOTCH software, and quality improves in some cases, too.

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The TEVA-SPOT toolkit for drinking water contaminant warning system design

World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008: Ahupua'a - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008

Hart, William E.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Boman, Erik G.; Murray, Regan; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Riesen, Lee A.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.

We present the TEVA-SPOT Toolkit, a sensor placement optimization tool developed within the USEPA TEVA program. The TEVA-SPOT Toolkit provides a sensor placement framework that facilitates research in sensor placement optimization and enables the practical application of sensor placement solvers to real-world CWS design applications. This paper provides an overview of its key features, and then illustrates how this tool can be flexibly applied to solve a variety of different types of sensor placement problems. © 2008 ASCE.

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Limited-memory techniques for sensor placement in water distribution networks

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Hart, William E.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Boman, Erik G.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Riesen, Lee A.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.

The practical utility of optimization technologies is often impacted by factors that reflect how these tools are used in practice, including whether various real-world constraints can be adequately modeled, the sophistication of the analysts applying the optimizer, and related environmental factors (e.g. whether a company is willing to trust predictions from computational models). Other features are less appreciated, but of equal importance in terms of dictating the successful use of optimization. These include the scale of problem instances, which in practice drives the development of approximate solution techniques, and constraints imposed by the target computing platforms. End-users often lack state-of-the-art computers, and thus runtime and memory limitations are often a significant, limiting factor in algorithm design. When coupled with large problem scale, the result is a significant technological challenge. We describe our experience developing and deploying both exact and heuristic algorithms for placing sensors in water distribution networks to mitigate against damage due intentional or accidental introduction of contaminants. The target computing platforms for this application have motivated limited-memory techniques that can optimize large-scale sensor placement problems. © 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

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Solving elliptic finite element systems in near-linear time with support preconditioners

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis

Boman, Erik G.; Hendrickson, Bruce A.; Vavasis, Stephen

We consider linear systems arising from the use of the finite element method for solving scalar linear elliptic problems. Our main result is that these linear systems, which are symmetric and positive semidefinite, are well approximated by symmetric diagonally dominant matrices. Our framework for defining matrix approximation is support theory. Significant graph theoretic work has already been developed in the support framework for preconditioners in the diagonally dominant case, and, in particular, it is known that such systems can be solved with iterative methods in nearly linear time. Thus, our approximation result implies that these graph theoretic techniques can also solve a class of finite element problems in nearly linear time. We show that the support number bounds, which control the number of iterations in the preconditioned iterative solver, depend on mesh quality measures but not on the problem size or shape of the domain. © 2008 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

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A nested dissection approach to sparse matrix partitioning for parallel computations

Proposed for publication in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.

Boman, Erik G.

We consider how to distribute sparse matrices among processes to reduce communication costs in parallel sparse matrix computations, specifically, sparse matrix-vector multiplication. Our main contributions are: (i) an exact graph model for communication with general (two-dimensional) matrix distribution, and (ii) a recursive partitioning algorithm based on nested dissection (substructuring). We show that the communication volume is closely linked to vertex separators. We have implemented our algorithm using hypergraph partitioning software to enable a fair comparison with existing methods. We present numerical results for sparse matrices from several application areas, with up to 9 million nonzeros. The results show that our new approach is superior to traditional 1d partitioning and comparable to a current leading partitioning method, the finegrain hypergraph method, in terms of communication volume. Our nested dissection method has two advantages over the fine-grain method: it is faster to compute, and the resulting distribution requires fewer communication messages.

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Results 151–175 of 210
Results 151–175 of 210