
Results 26–50 of 120
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LDRD Report: Topological Design Optimization of Convolutes in Next Generation Pulsed Power Devices

Cyr, Eric C.; von Winckel, Gregory J.; Kouri, Drew P.; Gardiner, Thomas A.; Ridzal, Denis R.; Shadid, John N.; Miller, Sean M.

This LDRD project was developed around the ambitious goal of applying PDE-constrained opti- mization approaches to design Z-machine components whose performance is governed by elec- tromagnetic and plasma models. This report documents the results of this LDRD project. Our differentiating approach was to use topology optimization methods developed for structural design and extend them for application to electromagnetic systems pertinent to the Z-machine. To achieve this objective a suite of optimization algorithms were implemented in the ROL library part of the Trilinos framework. These methods were applied to standalone demonstration problems and the Drekar multi-physics research application. Out of this exploration a new augmented Lagrangian approach to structural design problems was developed. We demonstrate that this approach has favorable mesh-independent performance. Both the final design and the algorithmic performance were independent of the size of the mesh. In addition, topology optimization formulations for the design of conducting networks were developed and demonstrated. Of note, this formulation was used to develop a design for the inner magnetically insulated transmission line on the Z-machine. The resulting electromagnetic device is compared with theoretically postulated designs.

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Optimization-based additive decomposition of weakly coercive problems with applications

Computers and Mathematics with Applications

Bochev, Pavel B.; Ridzal, Denis R.

We present an abstract mathematical framework for an optimization-based additive decomposition of a large class of variational problems into a collection of concurrent subproblems. The framework replaces a given monolithic problem by an equivalent constrained optimization formulation in which the subproblems define the optimization constraints and the objective is to minimize the mismatch between their solutions. The significance of this reformulation stems from the fact that one can solve the resulting optimality system by an iterative process involving only solutions of the subproblems. Consequently, assuming that stable numerical methods and efficient solvers are available for every subproblem, our reformulation leads to robust and efficient numerical algorithms for a given monolithic problem by breaking it into subproblems that can be handled more easily. An application of the framework to the Oseen equations illustrates its potential.

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A time-parallel method for the solution of PDE-constrained optimization problems

Ridzal, Denis R.; Cyr, Eric C.; Hajghassem, Mona H.

We study a time-parallel approach to solving quadratic optimization problems with linear time-dependent partial differential equation (PDE) constraints. These problems arise in formulations of optimal control, optimal design and inverse problems that are governed by parabolic PDE models. They may also arise as subproblems in algorithms for the solution of optimization problems with nonlinear time-dependent PDE constraints, e.g., in sequential quadratic programming methods. We apply a piecewise linear finite element discretization in space to the PDE constraint, followed by the Crank-Nicolson discretization in time. The objective function is discretized using finite elements in space and the trapezoidal rule in time. At this point in the discretization, auxiliary state variables are introduced at each discrete time interval, with the goal to enable: (i) a decoupling in time; and (ii) a fixed-point iteration to recover the solution of the discrete optimality system. The fixed-point iterative schemes can be used either as preconditioners for Krylov subspace methods or as smoothers for multigrid (in time) schemes. We present promising numerical results for both use cases.

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Inversion for Eigenvalues and Modes Using Sierra-SD and ROL

Walsh, Timothy W.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Ridzal, Denis R.; Kouri, Drew P.

In this report we formulate eigenvalue-based methods for model calibration using a PDE-constrained optimization framework. We derive the abstract optimization operators from first principles and implement these methods using Sierra-SD and the Rapid Optimization Library (ROL). To demon- strate this approach, we use experimental measurements and an inverse solution to compute the joint and elastic foam properties of a low-fidelity unit (LFU) model.

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Results 26–50 of 120
Results 26–50 of 120

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