
Results 51–64 of 64
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Computing quality scores and uncertainty for approximate pattern matching in geospatial semantic graphs

Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

Stracuzzi, David J.; Brost, Randolph B.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Robinson, David G.; Wilson, Alyson G.; Woodbridge, Diane W.

Geospatial semantic graphs provide a robust foundation for representing and analyzing remote sensor data. In particular, they support a variety of pattern search operations that capture the spatial and temporal relationships among the objects and events in the data. However, in the presence of large data corpora, even a carefully constructed search query may return a large number of unintended matches. This work considers the problem of calculating a quality score for each match to the query, given that the underlying data are uncertain. We present a preliminary evaluation of three methods for determining both match quality scores and associated uncertainty bounds, illustrated in the context of an example based on overhead imagery data.

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Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2014

AI Magazine

Stracuzzi, David J.; Gunning, David G.

This issue features expanded versions of articles selected from the 2014 AAAI Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence held in Quebec City, Canada. We present a selection of four articles describing deployed applications plus two more articles that discuss work on emerging applications.

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Preliminary Results on Uncertainty Quantification for Pattern Analytics

Stracuzzi, David J.; Brost, Randolph B.; Chen, Maximillian G.; Malinas, Rebecca; Peterson, Matthew G.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Robinson, David G.; Woodbridge, Diane W.

This report summarizes preliminary research into uncertainty quantification for pattern ana- lytics within the context of the Pattern Analytics to Support High-Performance Exploitation and Reasoning (PANTHER) project. The primary focus of PANTHER was to make large quantities of remote sensing data searchable by analysts. The work described in this re- port adds nuance to both the initial data preparation steps and the search process. Search queries are transformed from does the specified pattern exist in the data? to how certain is the system that the returned results match the query? We show example results for both data processing and search, and discuss a number of possible improvements for each.

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Determining the optimal time on X-ray analysis for transportation security officers

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Speed, Ann S.; Silva, Austin R.; Trumbo, Derek T.; Stracuzzi, David J.; Warrender, Christina E.; Trumbo, Michael; Divis, Kristin

The Transportation Security Administration has a large workforce of Transportation Security Officers, most of whom perform interrogation of x-ray images at the passenger checkpoint. To date, TSOs on the x-ray have been limited to a 30-min session at a time, however, it is unclear where this limit originated. The current paper outlines methods for empirically determining if that 30-min duty cycle is optimal and if there are differences between individual TSOs. This work can inform scheduling TSOs at the checkpoint and can also inform whether TSOs should continue to be cross-trained (i.e., performing all 6 checkpoint duties) or whether specialization makes more sense.

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Exploratory analysis of visual search data

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Stracuzzi, David J.; Speed, Ann S.; Silva, Austin R.; Haass, Michael J.; Trumbo, Derek T.

Visual search data describe people’s performance on the common perceptual problem of identifying target objects in a complex scene. Technological advances in areas such as eye tracking now provide researchers with a wealth of data not previously available. The goal of this work is to support researchers in analyzing this complex and multimodal data and in developing new insights into visual search techniques. We discuss several methods drawn from the statistics and machine learning literature for integrating visual search data derived from multiple sources and performing exploratory data analysis. We ground our discussion in a specific task performed by officers at the Transportation Security Administration and consider the applicability, likely issues, and possible adaptations of several candidate analysis methods.

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Results 51–64 of 64
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