
Results 101–125 of 158
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Optimization of large-scale heterogeneous system-of-systems models

Gray, Genetha A.; Hart, William E.; Hough, Patricia D.; Parekh, Ojas D.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Siirola, John D.; Swiler, Laura P.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.

Decision makers increasingly rely on large-scale computational models to simulate and analyze complex man-made systems. For example, computational models of national infrastructures are being used to inform government policy, assess economic and national security risks, evaluate infrastructure interdependencies, and plan for the growth and evolution of infrastructure capabilities. A major challenge for decision makers is the analysis of national-scale models that are composed of interacting systems: effective integration of system models is difficult, there are many parameters to analyze in these systems, and fundamental modeling uncertainties complicate analysis. This project is developing optimization methods to effectively represent and analyze large-scale heterogeneous system of systems (HSoS) models, which have emerged as a promising approach for describing such complex man-made systems. These optimization methods enable decision makers to predict future system behavior, manage system risk, assess tradeoffs between system criteria, and identify critical modeling uncertainties.

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Minimize impact or maximize benefit: The role of objective function in approximately optimizing sensor placement for municipal water distribution networks

World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability - Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress

Hart, William E.; Murray, Regan; Phillips, Cynthia A.

We consider the design of a sensor network to serve as an early warning system against a potential suite of contamination incidents. Given any measure for evaluating the quality of a sensor placement, there are two ways to model the objective. One is to minimize the impact or damage to the network, the other is to maximize the reduction in impact compared to the network without sensors. These objectives are the same when the problem is solved optimally. But when given equally-good approximation algorithms for each of this pair of complementary objectives, either one might be a better choice. The choice generally depends upon the quality of the approximation algorithms, the impact when there are no sensors, and the number of sensors available. We examine when each objective is better than the other by examining multiple real world networks. When assuming perfect sensors, minimizing impact is frequently superior for virulent contaminants. But when there are long response delays, or it is very difficult to reduce impact, maximizing impact reduction may be better. © 2011 ASCE.

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Sensor placement for municipal water networks

Phillips, Cynthia A.; Boman, Erik G.; Carr, Robert D.; Hart, William E.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Hart, David B.; Mckenna, Sean A.; Riesen, Lee A.

We consider the problem of placing a limited number of sensors in a municipal water distribution network to minimize the impact over a given suite of contamination incidents. In its simplest form, the sensor placement problem is a p-median problem that has structure extremely amenable to exact and heuristic solution methods. We describe the solution of real-world instances using integer programming or local search or a Lagrangian method. The Lagrangian method is necessary for solution of large problems on small PCs. We summarize a number of other heuristic methods for effectively addressing issues such as sensor failures, tuning sensors based on local water quality variability, and problem size/approximation quality tradeoffs. These algorithms are incorporated into the TEVA-SPOT toolkit, a software suite that the US Environmental Protection Agency has used and is using to design contamination warning systems for US municipal water systems.

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Scheduling error correction operations for a quantum computer

Phillips, Cynthia A.; Carr, Robert D.; Ganti, Anand G.; Landahl, Andrew J.

In a (future) quantum computer a single logical quantum bit (qubit) will be made of multiple physical qubits. These extra physical qubits implement mandatory extensive error checking. The efficiency of error correction will fundamentally influence the performance of a future quantum computer, both in latency/speed and in error threshold (the worst error tolerated for an individual gate). Executing this quantum error correction requires scheduling the individual operations subject to architectural constraints. Since our last talk on this subject, a team of researchers at Sandia National Labortories has designed a logical qubit architecture that considers all relevant architectural issues including layout, the effects of supporting classical electronics, and the types of gates that the underlying physical qubit implementation supports most naturally. This is a two-dimensional system where 2-qubit operations occur locally, so there is no need to calculate more complex qubit/information transportation. Using integer programming, we found a schedule of qubit operations that obeys the hardware constraints, implements the local-check code in the native gate set, and minimizes qubit idle periods. Even with an optimal schedule, however, parallel Monte Carlo simulation shows that there is no finite error probability for the native gates such that the error-correction system would be benecial. However, by adding dynamic decoupling, a series of timed pulses that can reverse some errors, we found that there may be a threshold. Thus finding optimal schedules for increasingly-refined scheduling problems has proven critical for the overall design of the logical qubit system. We describe the evolving scheduling problems and the ideas behind the integer programming-based solution methods. This talk assumes no prior knowledge of quantum computing.

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Integrating event detection system operation characteristics into sensor placement optimization

Hart, David B.; Hart, William E.; Mckenna, Sean A.; Phillips, Cynthia A.

We consider the problem of placing sensors in a municipal water network when we can choose both the location of sensors and the sensitivity and specificity of the contamination warning system. Sensor stations in a municipal water distribution network continuously send sensor output information to a centralized computing facility, and event detection systems at the control center determine when to signal an anomaly worthy of response. Although most sensor placement research has assumed perfect anomaly detection, signal analysis software has parameters that control the tradeoff between false alarms and false negatives. We describe a nonlinear sensor placement formulation, which we heuristically optimize with a linear approximation that can be solved as a mixed-integer linear program. We report the results of initial experiments on a real network and discuss tradeoffs between early detection of contamination incidents, and control of false alarms.

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LDRD final report : massive multithreading applied to national infrastructure and informatics

Barrett, Brian B.; Hendrickson, Bruce A.; Laviolette, Randall A.; Leung, Vitus J.; Mackey, Greg; Murphy, Richard C.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Pinar, Ali P.

Large relational datasets such as national-scale social networks and power grids present different computational challenges than do physical simulations. Sandia's distributed-memory supercomputers are well suited for solving problems concerning the latter, but not the former. The reason is that problems such as pattern recognition and knowledge discovery on large networks are dominated by memory latency and not by computation. Furthermore, most memory requests in these applications are very small, and when the datasets are large, most requests miss the cache. The result is extremely low utilization. We are unlikely to be able to grow out of this problem with conventional architectures. As the power density of microprocessors has approached that of a nuclear reactor in the past two years, we have seen a leveling of Moores Law. Building larger and larger microprocessor-based supercomputers is not a solution for informatics and network infrastructure problems since the additional processors are utilized to only a tiny fraction of their capacity. An alternative solution is to use the paradigm of massive multithreading with a large shared memory. There is only one instance of this paradigm today: the Cray MTA-2. The proposal team has unique experience with and access to this machine. The XMT, which is now being delivered, is a Red Storm machine with up to 8192 multithreaded 'Threadstorm' processors and 128 TB of shared memory. For many years, the XMT will be the only way to address very large graph problems efficiently, and future generations of supercomputers will include multithreaded processors. Roughly 10 MTA processor can process a simple short paths problem in the time taken by the Gordon Bell Prize-nominated distributed memory code on 32,000 processors of Blue Gene/Light. We have developed algorithms and open-source software for the XMT, and have modified that software to run some of these algorithms on other multithreaded platforms such as the Sun Niagara and Opteron multi-core chips.

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Results 101–125 of 158
Results 101–125 of 158