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Visco-TTI-elastic FWI using discontinuous galerkin

SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts

Ober, Curtis C.; Smith, Thomas M.; Overfelt, James R.; Collis, Samuel S.; von Winckel, Gregory J.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Downey, Nathan J.; Mitchell, Scott A.; Bond, Stephen D.; Aldridge, David F.; Krebs, Jerome R.

The need to better represent the material properties within the earth's interior has driven the development of higherfidelity physics, e.g., visco-tilted-transversely-isotropic (visco- TTI) elastic media and material interfaces, such as the ocean bottom and salt boundaries. This is especially true for full waveform inversion (FWI), where one would like to reproduce the real-world effects and invert on unprocessed raw data. Here we present a numerical formulation using a Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite-element (FE) method, which incorporates the desired high-fidelity physics and material interfaces. To offset the additional costs of this material representation, we include a variety of techniques (e.g., non-conformal meshing, and local polynomial refinement), which reduce the overall costs with little effect on the solution accuracy.

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Wireless temperature sensing using permanent magnets for multiple points undergoing repeatable motions

ASME 2016 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2016

Chen, Yi; Guba, Oksana G.; Brooks, Carlton F.; Roberts, Christine C.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Nemer, Martin N.

Temperature monitoring is essential in automation, mechatronics, robotics and other dynamic systems. Wireless methods which can sense multiple temperatures at the same time without the use of cables or slip-rings can enable many new applications. A novel method utilizing small permanent magnets is presented for wirelessly measuring the temperature of multiple points moving in repeatable motions. The technique utilizes linear least squares inversion to separate the magnetic field contributions of each magnet as it changes temperature. The experimental setup and calibration methods are discussed. Initial experiments show that temperatures from 5 to 50 °C can be accurately tracked for three neodymium iron boron magnets in a stationary configuration and while traversing in arbitrary, repeatable trajectories. This work presents a new sensing capability that can be extended to tracking multiple temperatures inside opaque vessels, on rotating bearings, within batteries, or at the tip of complex endeffectors.

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Decreasing the temporal complexity for nonlinear, implicit reduced-order models by forecasting

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Carlberg, Kevin T.; Ray, Jaideep R.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.

Implicit numerical integration of nonlinear ODEs requires solving a system of nonlinear algebraic equations at each time step. Each of these systems is often solved by a Newton-like method, which incurs a sequence of linear-system solves. Most model-reduction techniques for nonlinear ODEs exploit knowledge of a system's spatial behavior to reduce the computational complexity of each linear-system solve. However, the number of linear-system solves for the reduced-order simulation often remains roughly the same as that for the full-order simulation.We propose exploiting knowledge of the model's temporal behavior to (1) forecast the unknown variable of the reduced-order system of nonlinear equations at future time steps, and (2) use this forecast as an initial guess for the Newton-like solver during the reduced-order-model simulation. To compute the forecast, we propose using the Gappy POD technique. The goal is to generate an accurate initial guess so that the Newton solver requires many fewer iterations to converge, thereby decreasing the number of linear-system solves in the reduced-order-model simulation.

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A sparse reconstruction method for the estimation of multi-resolution emission fields via atmospheric inversion

Geoscientific Model Development

Ray, J.; Lee, Jina L.; Yadav, V.; Lefantzi, Sophia L.; Michalak, A.M.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.

Atmospheric inversions are frequently used to estimate fluxes of atmospheric greenhouse gases (e.g., biospheric CO2 flux fields) at Earth's surface. These inversions typically assume that flux departures from a prior model are spatially smoothly varying, which are then modeled using a multi-variate Gaussian. When the field being estimated is spatially rough, multi-variate Gaussian models are difficult to construct and a wavelet-based field model may be more suitable. Unfortunately, such models are very high dimensional and are most conveniently used when the estimation method can simultaneously perform data-driven model simplification (removal of model parameters that cannot be reliably estimated) and fitting. Such sparse reconstruction methods are typically not used in atmospheric inversions. In this work, we devise a sparse reconstruction method, and illustrate it in an idealized atmospheric inversion problem for the estimation of fossil fuel CO2 (ffCO2) emissions in the lower 48 states of the USA. Our new method is based on stagewise orthogonal matching pursuit (StOMP), a method used to reconstruct compressively sensed images. Our adaptations bestow three properties to the sparse reconstruction procedure which are useful in atmospheric inversions. We have modified StOMP to incorporate prior information on the emission field being estimated and to enforce non-negativity on the estimated field. Finally, though based on wavelets, our method allows for the estimation of fields in non-rectangular geometries, e.g., emission fields inside geographical and political boundaries. Our idealized inversions use a recently developed multi-resolution (i.e., wavelet-based) random field model developed for ffCO2 emissions and synthetic observations of ffCO2 concentrations from a limited set of measurement sites. We find that our method for limiting the estimated field within an irregularly shaped region is about a factor of 10 faster than conventional approaches. It also reduces the overall computational cost by a factor of 2. Further, the sparse reconstruction scheme imposes non-negativity without introducing strong nonlinearities, such as those introduced by employing log-transformed fields, and thus reaps the benefits of simplicity and computational speed that are characteristic of linear inverse problems.

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Arctic Climate Systems Analysis

Ivey, Mark D.; Robinson, David G.; Boslough, Mark B.; Backus, George A.; Peterson, Kara J.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Swiler, Laura P.; Desilets, Darin M.; Reinert, Rhonda K.

This study began with a challenge from program area managers at Sandia National Laboratories to technical staff in the energy, climate, and infrastructure security areas: apply a systems-level perspective to existing science and technology program areas in order to determine technology gaps, identify new technical capabilities at Sandia that could be applied to these areas, and identify opportunities for innovation. The Arctic was selected as one of these areas for systems level analyses, and this report documents the results. In this study, an emphasis was placed on the arctic atmosphere since Sandia has been active in atmospheric research in the Arctic since 1997. This study begins with a discussion of the challenges and benefits of analyzing the Arctic as a system. It goes on to discuss current and future needs of the defense, scientific, energy, and intelligence communities for more comprehensive data products related to the Arctic; assess the current state of atmospheric measurement resources available for the Arctic; and explain how the capabilities at Sandia National Laboratories can be used to address the identified technological, data, and modeling needs of the defense, scientific, energy, and intelligence communities for Arctic support.

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Inverse problems in heterogeneous and fractured media using peridynamics

Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures

Turner, Daniel Z.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Parks, Michael L.

The following work presents an adjoint-based methodology for solving inverse problems in heterogeneous and fractured media using state-based peridynamics. We show that the inner product involving the peridynamic operators is self-adjoint. The proposed method is illustrated for several numerical examples with constant and spatially varying material parameters as well as in the context of fractures. We also present a framework for obtaining material parameters by integrating digital image correlation (DIC) with inverse analysis. This framework is demonstrated by evaluating the bulk and shear moduli for a sample of nuclear graphite using digital photographs taken during the experiment. The resulting measured values correspond well with other results reported in the literature. Lastly, we show that this framework can be used to determine the load state given observed measurements of a crack opening. This type of analysis has many applications in characterizing subsurface stress-state conditions given fracture patterns in cores of geologic material.

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Construction of energy-stable projection-based reduced order models

Applied Mathematics and Computation

Kalashnikova, Irina; Barone, Matthew F.; Arunajatesan, Srinivasan A.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.

An approach for building energy-stable Galerkin reduced order models (ROMs) for linear hyperbolic or incompletely parabolic systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) using continuous projection is developed. This method is an extension of earlier work by the authors specific to the equations of linearized compressible inviscid flow. The key idea is to apply to the PDEs a transformation induced by the Lyapunov function for the system, and to build the ROM in the transformed variables. For linear problems, the desired transformation is induced by a special inner product, termed the "symmetry inner product", which is derived herein for several systems of physical interest. Connections are established between the proposed approach and other stability-preserving model reduction methods, giving the paper a review flavor. More specifically, it is shown that a discrete counterpart of this inner product is a weighted L2 inner product obtained by solving a Lyapunov equation, first proposed by Rowley et al. and termed herein the "Lyapunov inner product". Comparisons between the symmetry inner product and the Lyapunov inner product are made, and the performance of ROMs constructed using these inner products is evaluated on several benchmark test cases.

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Viscoelastic material inversion using Sierra-SD and ROL

Walsh, Timothy W.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Ridzal, Denis R.; Kouri, Drew P.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Urbina, Angel U.

In this report we derive frequency-domain methods for inverse characterization of the constitutive parameters of viscoelastic materials. The inverse problem is cast in a PDE-constrained optimization framework with efficient computation of gradients and Hessian vector products through matrix free operations. The abstract optimization operators for first and second derivatives are derived from first principles. Various methods from the Rapid Optimization Library (ROL) are tested on the viscoelastic inversion problem. The methods described herein are applied to compute the viscoelastic bulk and shear moduli of a foam block model, which was recently used in experimental testing for viscoelastic property characterization.

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Breaking Computational Barriers: Real-time Analysis and Optimization with Large-scale Nonlinear Models via Model Reduction

Drohmann, M.D.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Boggs, Paul T.; Ray, Jaideep R.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Carlberg, Kevin T.

Model reduction for dynamical systems is a promising approach for reducing the computational cost of large-scale physics-based simulations to enable high-fidelity models to be used in many- query (e.g., Bayesian inference) and near-real-time (e.g., fast-turnaround simulation) contexts. While model reduction works well for specialized problems such as linear time-invariant systems, it is much more difficult to obtain accurate, stable, and efficient reduced-order models (ROMs) for systems with general nonlinearities. This report describes several advances that enable nonlinear reduced-order models (ROMs) to be deployed in a variety of time-critical settings. First, we present an error bound for the Gauss-Newton with Approximated Tensors (GNAT) nonlinear model reduction technique. This bound allows the state-space error for the GNAT method to be quantified when applied with the backward Euler time-integration scheme. Second, we present a methodology for preserving classical Lagrangian structure in nonlinear model reduction. This technique guarantees that important properties--such as energy conservation and symplectic time-evolution maps--are preserved when performing model reduction for models described by a Lagrangian formalism (e.g., molecular dynamics, structural dynamics). Third, we present a novel technique for decreasing the temporal complexity --defined as the number of Newton-like iterations performed over the course of the simulation--by exploiting time-domain data. Fourth, we describe a novel method for refining projection-based reduced-order models a posteriori using a goal-oriented framework similar to mesh-adaptive h -refinement in finite elements. The technique allows the ROM to generate arbitrarily accurate solutions, thereby providing the ROM with a 'failsafe' mechanism in the event of insufficient training data. Finally, we present the reduced-order model error surrogate (ROMES) method for statistically quantifying reduced- order-model errors. This enables ROMs to be rigorously incorporated in uncertainty-quantification settings, as the error model can be treated as a source of epistemic uncertainty. This work was completed as part of a Truman Fellowship appointment. We note that much additional work was performed as part of the Fellowship. One salient project is the development of the Trilinos-based model-reduction software module Razor , which is currently bundled with the Albany PDE code and currently allows nonlinear reduced-order models to be constructed for any application supported in Albany. Other important projects include the following: 1. ROMES-equipped ROMs for Bayesian inference: K. Carlberg, M. Drohmann, F. Lu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), M. Morzfeld (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory). 2. ROM-enabled Krylov-subspace recycling: K. Carlberg, V. Forstall (University of Maryland), P. Tsuji, R. Tuminaro. 3. A pseudo balanced POD method using only dual snapshots: K. Carlberg, M. Sarovar. 4. An analysis of discrete v. continuous optimality in nonlinear model reduction: K. Carlberg, M. Barone, H. Antil (George Mason University). Journal articles for these projects are in progress at the time of this writing.

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Greenhouse Gas Source Attribution: Measurements Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification

Liu, Zhen L.; Safta, Cosmin S.; Sargsyan, Khachik S.; Najm, H.N.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; LaFranchi, Brian L.; Ivey, Mark D.; Schrader, Paul E.; Michelsen, Hope A.; Bambha, Ray B.

In this project we have developed atmospheric measurement capabilities and a suite of atmospheric modeling and analysis tools that are well suited for verifying emissions of green- house gases (GHGs) on an urban-through-regional scale. We have for the first time applied the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model to simulate atmospheric CO2 . This will allow for the examination of regional-scale transport and distribution of CO2 along with air pollutants traditionally studied using CMAQ at relatively high spatial and temporal resolution with the goal of leveraging emissions verification efforts for both air quality and climate. We have developed a bias-enhanced Bayesian inference approach that can remedy the well-known problem of transport model errors in atmospheric CO2 inversions. We have tested the approach using data and model outputs from the TransCom3 global CO2 inversion comparison project. We have also performed two prototyping studies on inversion approaches in the generalized convection-diffusion context. One of these studies employed Polynomial Chaos Expansion to accelerate the evaluation of a regional transport model and enable efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling of the posterior for Bayesian inference. The other approach uses de- terministic inversion of a convection-diffusion-reaction system in the presence of uncertainty. These approaches should, in principle, be applicable to realistic atmospheric problems with moderate adaptation. We outline a regional greenhouse gas source inference system that integrates (1) two ap- proaches of atmospheric dispersion simulation and (2) a class of Bayesian inference and un- certainty quantification algorithms. We use two different and complementary approaches to simulate atmospheric dispersion. Specifically, we use a Eulerian chemical transport model CMAQ and a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model - FLEXPART-WRF. These two models share the same WRF assimilated meteorology fields, making it possible to perform a hybrid simulation, in which the Eulerian model (CMAQ) can be used to compute the initial condi- tion needed by the Lagrangian model, while the source-receptor relationships for a large state vector can be efficiently computed using the Lagrangian model in its backward mode. In ad- dition, CMAQ has a complete treatment of atmospheric chemistry of a suite of traditional air pollutants, many of which could help attribute GHGs from different sources. The inference of emissions sources using atmospheric observations is cast as a Bayesian model calibration problem, which is solved using a variety of Bayesian techniques, such as the bias-enhanced Bayesian inference algorithm, which accounts for the intrinsic model deficiency, Polynomial Chaos Expansion to accelerate model evaluation and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling, and Karhunen-Lo %60 eve (KL) Expansion to reduce the dimensionality of the state space. We have established an atmospheric measurement site in Livermore, CA and are collect- ing continuous measurements of CO2 , CH4 and other species that are typically co-emitted with these GHGs. Measurements of co-emitted species can assist in attributing the GHGs to different emissions sectors. Automatic calibrations using traceable standards are performed routinely for the gas-phase measurements. We are also collecting standard meteorological data at the Livermore site as well as planetary boundary height measurements using a ceilometer. The location of the measurement site is well suited to sample air transported between the San Francisco Bay area and the California Central Valley.

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Results 76–100 of 159
Results 76–100 of 159

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