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Data intensive computing at Sandia

Wilson, Andrew T.

Data-Intensive Computing is parallel computing where you design your algorithms and your software around efficient access and traversal of a data set; where hardware requirements are dictated by data size as much as by desired run times usually distilling compact results from massive data.

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Network algorithms for information analysis using the Titan Toolkit

Wylie, Brian N.; Wilson, Andrew T.

The analysis of networked activities is dramatically more challenging than many traditional kinds of analysis. A network is defined by a set of entities (people, organizations, banks, computers, etc.) linked by various types of relationships. These entities and relationships are often uninteresting alone, and only become significant in aggregate. The analysis and visualization of these networks is one of the driving factors behind the creation of the Titan Toolkit. Given the broad set of problem domains and the wide ranging databases in use by the information analysis community, the Titan Toolkit's flexible, component based pipeline provides an excellent platform for constructing specific combinations of network algorithms and visualizations.

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Exploring 2D tensor fields using stress nets

Wilson, Andrew T.; Brannon, Rebecca M.

In this article we describe stress nets, a technique for exploring 2D tensor fields. Our method allows a user to examine simultaneously the tensors eigenvectors (both major and minor) as well as scalar-valued tensor invariants. By avoiding noise-advection techniques, we are able to display both principal directions of the tensor field as well as the derived scalars without cluttering the display. We present a CPU-only implementation of stress nets as well as a hybrid CPU/GPU approach and discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of each. Stress nets have been used as part of an investigation into crack propagation. They were used to display the directions of maximum shear in a slab of material under tension as well as the magnitude of the shear forces acting on each point. Our methods allowed users to find new features in the data that were not visible on standard plots of tensor invariants. These features disagree with commonly accepted analytical crack propagation solutions and have sparked renewed investigation. Though developed for a materials mechanics problem, our method applies equally well to any 2D tensor field having unique characteristic directions.

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