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A Brief Description of the Kokkos implementation of the SNAP potential in ExaMiniMD

Thompson, Aidan P.; Trott, Christian R.

Within the EXAALT project, the SNAP [1] approach is being used to develop high accuracy potentials for use in large-scale long-time molecular dynamics simulations of materials behavior. In particular, we have developed a new SNAP potential that is suitable for describing the interplay between helium atoms and vacancies in high-temperature tungsten[2]. This model is now being used to study plasma-surface interactions in nuclear fusion reactors for energy production. The high-accuracy of SNAP potentials comes at the price of increased computational cost per atom and increased computational complexity. The increased cost is mitigated by improvements in strong scaling that can be achieved using advanced algorithms [3].

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LAMMPS Project Report for the Trinity KNL Open Science Period

Moore, Stan G.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Wood, Mitchell W.

LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics code ( used to model materials science problems at Sandia National Laboratories and around the world. LAMMPS was one of three Sandia codes selected to participate in the Trinity KNL (TR2) Open Science period. During this period, three different problems of interest were investigated using LAMMPS. The first was benchmarking KNL performance using different force field models. The second was simulating void collapse in shocked HNS energetic material using an all-atom model. The third was simulating shock propagation through poly-crystalline RDX energetic material using a coarse-grain model, the results of which were used in an ACM Gordon Bell Prize submission. This report describes the results of these simulations, lessons learned, and some hardware issues found on Trinity KNL as part of this work.

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Quantum-Accurate Molecular Dynamics Potential for Tungsten

Wood, Mitchell A.; Thompson, Aidan P.

The purpose of this short contribution is to report on the development of a Spectral Neighbor Analysis Potential (SNAP) for tungsten. We have focused on the characterization of elastic and defect properties of the pure material in order to support molecular dynamics simulations of plasma-facing materials in fusion reactors. A parallel genetic algorithm approach was used to efficiently search for fitting parameters optimized against a large number of objective functions. In addition, we have shown that this many-body tungsten potential can be used in conjunction with a simple helium pair potential1 to produce accurate defect formation energies for the W-He binary system.

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Enhanced densification, strength and molecular mechanisms in shock compressed porous silicon

AIP Conference Proceedings

Matthew, J.; Lane, D.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Vogler, Tracy V.

We have recently shown that the final density of silicon under shock compression is anomalously enhanced by introducing voids in the initial uncompressed material. Using molecular simulation, we also demonstrated a molecular mechanism for the effect, which is seen in a growing class of other similar materials. We have shown that this mechanism involves a premature local phase transition nucleated by local shear strain. At higher shock loads we show here that this transition becomes frustrated producing amorphous silicon.We also observe local melting below the equilibrium melt line for bulk silicon. Large-scale non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) and Hugoniostat simulations of shock compressed porous silicon are used to study the mechanism. Final stress states and strength were characterized versus initial porosity and for various porosity microstructures.

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An Atomistic Introduction to Orientation Relations Between Phases in the Face-centered Cubic to Body-centered Cubic Phase Transition in Iron and Steel

Wills, Ann E.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Raman, Sumathy R.

We establish an atomistic view of the high- and low-temperature phases of iron/steel as well as some elements of the phase transition between these phases on cooling. In particular we examine the 4 most common orientation relationships between the high temperature austen- ite and low-temperature ferrite phases seen in experiment. With a thorough understanding of these relationships we are prepared to set up various atomistic simulations, using tech- niques such as Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics, to further study the phase transition, in particular, quantities needed for Phase Field Modeling, such as the free energies of bulk phases and the phase transition front propagation velocity.

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Extended asymmetric hot region formation due to shockwave interactions following void collapse in shocked high explosive

Physical Review B

Shan, Tzu R.; Wixom, Ryan R.; Thompson, Aidan P.

In both continuum hydrodynamics simulations and also multimillion atom reactive molecular dynamics simulations of shockwave propagation in single crystal pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) containing a cylindrical void, we observed the formation of an initial radially symmetric hot spot. By extending the simulation time to the nanosecond scale, however, we observed the transformation of the small symmetric hot spot into a longitudinally asymmetric hot region extending over a much larger volume. Performing reactive molecular dynamics shock simulations using the reactive force field (ReaxFF) as implemented in the LAMMPS molecular dynamics package, we showed that the longitudinally asymmetric hot region was formed by coalescence of the primary radially symmetric hot spot with a secondary triangular hot zone. We showed that the triangular hot zone coincided with a double-shocked region where the primary planar shockwave was overtaken by a secondary cylindrical shockwave. The secondary cylindrical shockwave originated in void collapse after the primary planar shockwave had passed over the void. A similar phenomenon was observed in continuum hydrodynamics shock simulations using the CTH hydrodynamics package. The formation and growth of extended asymmetric hot regions on nanosecond timescales has important implications for shock initiation thresholds in energetic materials.

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Results 76–100 of 175
Results 76–100 of 175

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