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Local topological modification of hexahedral meshes using dual-based operations : progress and application

Tautges, Timothy J.

Local topological modification is widely used to improve mesh quality after automatic generation of tetrahedral and quadrilateral meshes. These same techniques are also used to support adaptive refinement of these meshes. In contrast, few methods are known for locally modifying the topology of hexahedral meshes. Most efforts to do this have been based on fixed transition templates or global refinement. In contrast, a dual-based 'pillowing' method has been used which, while local, is still quite restricted in its application, and is typically applied in a template-based fashion. In this presentation, I will describe the generalization of a dual-based approach to the local topological modification of hex meshes and its application to clean up hexahedral meshes. A set of three operations for locally modifying hex mesh topology has been shown to reproduce the so-called 'flipping' operations described by Bern et. al as well as other commonly-used refinement templates. I will describe the implementation of these operators and their application to real meshes. Challenging aspects of this work have included visualization of a hex mesh and its dual (especially for poor-quality meshes); the incremental modification of both the primal (i.e. the mesh) and the dual simultaneously; and the interactive steering of these operations with the goal of improving hex meshes which would otherwise have unacceptable quality. These aspects will be discussed in the context of improving hex meshes generated by curve contraction-based whisker weaving. Application of these techniques for improving other hexahedral mesh types, for example those resulting from tetrahedral subdivision, will also be discussed.

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The Common Geometry Module (CGM)

Tautges, Timothy J.

The Common Geometry Module (CGM) is a code library which provides geometry functionality used for mesh generation and other applications. This functionality includes that commonly found in solid modeling engines, like geometry creation, query and modification; CGM also includes capabilities not commonly found in solid modeling engines, like geometry decomposition tools and support for shared material interfaces. CGM is built upon the ACIS solid modeling engine, but also includes geometry capability developed beside and on top of ACIS. CGM can be used as-is to provide geometry functionality for codes needing this capability. However, CGM can also be extended using derived classes in C++, allowing the geometric model to serve as the basis for other applications, for example mesh generation. CGM is supported on Sun Solaris, SGI, HP, IBM, DEC, Linux and Windows NT platforms. CGM also includes support for loading ACIS models on parallel computers, using MPI-based communication. Future plans for CGM are to port it to different solid modeling engines, including Pro/Engineer or SolidWorks. CGM is being released into the public domain under an LGPL license; the ACIS-based engine is available to ACIS licensees on request.

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Automatic scheme selection for toolkit hex meshing

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

White, David R.; Tautges, Timothy J.

Current hexahedral mesh generation techniques rely on a set of meshing tools, which when combined with geometry decomposition leads to an adequate mesh generation process. Of these tools, sweeping tends to be the workhorse algorithm, accounting for at least 50 per cent of most meshing applications. Constraints which must be met for a volume to be sweepable are derived, and it is proven that these constraints are necessary but not sufficient conditions for sweepability. This paper also describes a new algorithm for detecting extruded or sweepable geometries. This algorithm, based on these constraints, uses topological and local geometric information, and is more robust than feature recognition-based algorithms. A method for computing sweep dependencies in volume assemblies is also given. The auto sweep detect and sweep grouping algorithms have been used to reduce interactive user time required to generate all-hexahedral meshes by filtering out non-sweepable volumes needing further decomposition and by allowing concurrent meshing of independent sweep groups. Parts of the auto sweep detect algorithm have also been used to identify independent sweep paths, for use in volume-based interval assignment. Published in 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Feature based volume decomposition for automatic hexahedral mesh generation

ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering

Tautges, Timothy J.; Tautges, Timothy J.

Much progress has been made through these years to achieve automatic hexahedral mesh generation. While general meshing algorithms that can take on general geometry are not there yet; many well-proven automatic meshing algorithms now work on certain classes of geometry. This paper presents a feature based volume decomposition approach for automatic Hexahedral Mesh generation. In this approach, feature recognition techniques are introduced to determine decomposition features from a CAD model. The features are then decomposed and mapped with appropriate automatic meshing algorithms suitable for the correspondent geometry. Thus a formerly unmeshable CAD model may become meshable. The procedure of feature decomposition is recursive: sub-models are further decomposed until either they are matched with appropriate meshing algorithms or no more decomposition features are detected. The feature recognition methods employed are convexity based and use topology and geometry information, which is generally available in BREP solid models. The operations of volume decomposition are also detailed in the paper. The final section, the capability of the feature decomposer is demonstrated over some complicated manufactured parts.

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The generation of hexahedral meshes for assembly geometries: A survey

International Journal for Numberical Methods in Engineering

Tautges, Timothy J.

The finite element method is being used today to model component assemblies in a wide variety of application areas, including structural mechanics, fluid simulations, and others. Generating hexahedral meshes for these assemblies usually requires the use of geometry decomposition, with different meshing algorithms applied to different regions. While the primary motivation for this approach remains the lack of an automatic, reliable all-hexahedral meshing algorithm, requirements in mesh quality and mesh configuration for typical analyses are also factors. For these reasons, this approach is also sometimes required when producing other types of unstructured meshes. This paper will review progress to date in automating many parts of the hex meshing process, which has halved the time to produce all-hex meshes for large assemblies. Particular issues which have been exposed due to this progress will also be discussed, along with their applicability to the general unstructured meshing problem.

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