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Nonlocal kernel network (NKN): A stable and resolution-independent deep neural network

Journal of Computational Physics

You, Huaiqian; Yu, Yue; D'Elia, Marta D.; Gao, Tian; Silling, Stewart A.

Neural operators [1–5] have recently become popular tools for designing solution maps between function spaces in the form of neural networks. Differently from classical scientific machine learning approaches that learn parameters of a known partial differential equation (PDE) for a single instance of the input parameters at a fixed resolution, neural operators approximate the solution map of a family of PDEs [6,7]. Despite their success, the uses of neural operators are so far restricted to relatively shallow neural networks and confined to learning hidden governing laws. In this work, we propose a novel nonlocal neural operator, which we refer to as nonlocal kernel network (NKN), that is resolution independent, characterized by deep neural networks, and capable of handling a variety of tasks such as learning governing equations and classifying images. Our NKN stems from the interpretation of the neural network as a discrete nonlocal diffusion reaction equation that, in the limit of infinite layers, is equivalent to a parabolic nonlocal equation, whose stability is analyzed via nonlocal vector calculus. The resemblance with integral forms of neural operators allows NKNs to capture long-range dependencies in the feature space, while the continuous treatment of node-to-node interactions makes NKNs resolution independent. The resemblance with neural ODEs, reinterpreted in a nonlocal sense, and the stable network dynamics between layers allow for generalization of NKN's optimal parameters from shallow to deep networks. This fact enables the use of shallow-to-deep initialization techniques [8]. Our tests show that NKNs outperform baseline methods in both learning governing equations and image classification tasks and generalize well to different resolutions and depths.

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Understanding Phase and Interfacial Effects of Spall Fracture in Additively Manufactured Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr

Branch, Brittany A.; Ruggles, Timothy R.; Miers, John C.; Massey, Caroline E.; Moore, David G.; Brown, Nathan B.; Duwal, Sakun D.; Silling, Stewart A.; Mitchell, John A.; Specht, Paul E.

Additive manufactured Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr (Ti-5553) is being considered as an AM repair material for engineering applications because of its superior strength properties compared to other titanium alloys. Here, we describe the failure mechanisms observed through computed tomography, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of spall damage as a result of tensile failure in as-built and annealed Ti-5553. We also investigate the phase stability in native powder, as-built and annealed Ti-5553 through diamond anvil cell (DAC) and ramp compression experiments. We then explore the effect of tensile loading on a sample containing an interface between a Ti-6Al-V4 (Ti-64) baseplate and additively manufactured Ti-5553 layer. Post-mortem materials characterization showed spallation occurred in regions of initial porosity and the interface provides a nucleation site for spall damage below the spall strength of Ti-5553. Preliminary peridynamics modeling of the dynamic experiments is described. Finally, we discuss further development of Stochastic Parallel PARticle Kinteic Simulator (SPPARKS) Monte Carlo (MC) capabilities to include the integration of alpha (α)-phase and microstructural simulations for this multiphase titanium alloy.

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Mathematical Foundations for Nonlocal Interface Problems: Multiscale Simulations of Heterogeneous Materials (Final LDRD Report)

D'Elia, Marta D.; Bochev, Pavel B.; Foster, John E.; Glusa, Christian A.; Gulian, Mamikon G.; Gunzburger, Max G.; Trageser, Jeremy T.; Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Martinez, Mario A.; Najm, H.N.; Silling, Stewart A.; Tupek, Michael T.; Xu, Xiao X.

Nonlocal models provide a much-needed predictive capability for important Sandia mission applications, ranging from fracture mechanics for nuclear components to subsurface flow for nuclear waste disposal, where traditional partial differential equations (PDEs) models fail to capture effects due to long-range forces at the microscale and mesoscale. However, utilization of this capability is seriously compromised by the lack of a rigorous nonlocal interface theory, required for both application and efficient solution of nonlocal models. To unlock the full potential of nonlocal modeling we developed a mathematically rigorous and physically consistent interface theory and demonstrate its scope in mission-relevant exemplar problems.

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Self-Induced Curvature in an Internally Loaded Peridynamic Fiber

Silling, Stewart A.

A straight fiber with nonlocal forces that are independent of bond strain is considered. These internal loads can either stabilize or destabilize the straight configuration. Transverse waves with long wavelength have unstable dispersion properties for certain combinations of nonlocal kernels and internal loads. When these unstable waves occur, deformation of the straight fiber into a circular arc can lower its potential energy in equilibrium. The equilibrium value of the radius of curvature is computed explicitly.

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A hybrid meshfree discretization to improve the numerical performance of peridynamic models

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Shojaei, Arman; Hermann, Alexander; Cyron, Christian J.; Seleson, Pablo; Silling, Stewart A.

Efficient and accurate calculation of spatial integrals is of major interest in the numerical implementation of peridynamics (PD). The standard way to perform this calculation is a particle-based approach that discretizes the strong form of the PD governing equation. This approach has rapidly been adopted by the PD community since it offers some advantages. It is computationally cheaper than other available schemes, can conveniently handle material separation, and effectively deals with nonlinear PD models. Nevertheless, PD models are still computationally very expensive compared with those based on the classical continuum mechanics theory, particularly for large-scale problems in three dimensions. This results from the nonlocal nature of the PD theory which leads to interactions of each node of a discretized body with multiple surrounding nodes. Here, we propose a new approach to significantly boost the numerical efficiency of PD models. We propose a discretization scheme that employs a simple collocation procedure and is truly meshfree; i.e., it does not depend on any background integration cells. In contrast to the standard scheme, the proposed scheme requires a much smaller set of neighboring nodes (keeping the same physical length scale) to achieve a specific accuracy and is thus computationally more efficient. Our new scheme is applicable to the case of linear PD models and within neighborhoods where the solution can be approximated by smooth basis functions. Therefore, to fully exploit the advantages of both the standard and the proposed schemes, a hybrid discretization is presented that combines both approaches within an adaptive framework. The high performance of the developed framework is illustrated by several numerical examples, including brittle fracture and corrosion problems in two and three dimensions.

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A data-driven peridynamic continuum model for upscaling molecular dynamics

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

You, Huaiqian; Yu, Yue; Silling, Stewart A.; D'Elia, Marta D.

Nonlocal models, including peridynamics, often use integral operators that embed lengthscales in their definition. However, the integrands in these operators are difficult to define from the data that are typically available for a given physical system, such as laboratory mechanical property tests. In contrast, molecular dynamics (MD) does not require these integrands, but it suffers from computational limitations in the length and time scales it can address. To combine the strengths of both methods and to obtain a coarse-grained, homogenized continuum model that efficiently and accurately captures materials’ behavior, we propose a learning framework to extract, from MD data, an optimal Linear Peridynamic Solid (LPS) model as a surrogate for MD displacements. To maximize the accuracy of the learnt model we allow the peridynamic influence function to be partially negative, while preserving the well-posedness of the resulting model. To achieve this, we provide sufficient well-posedness conditions for discretized LPS models with sign-changing influence functions and develop a constrained optimization algorithm that minimizes the equation residual while enforcing such solvability conditions. This framework guarantees that the resulting model is mathematically well-posed, physically consistent, and that it generalizes well to settings that are different from the ones used during training. We illustrate the efficacy of the proposed approach with several numerical tests for single layer graphene. Our two-dimensional tests show the robustness of the proposed algorithm on validation data sets that include thermal noise, different domain shapes and external loadings, and discretizations substantially different from the ones used for training.

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Mesostructure Evolution During Powder Compression: Micro-CT Experiments and Particle-Based Simulations

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Cooper, Marcia A.; Clemmer, Joel T.; Silling, Stewart A.; Bufford, Daniel C.; Bolintineanu, Dan S.

Powders under compression form mesostructures of particle agglomerations in response to both inter- and intra-particle forces. The ability to computationally predict the resulting mesostructures with reasonable accuracy requires models that capture the distributions associated with particle size and shape, contact forces, and mechanical response during deformation and fracture. The following report presents experimental data obtained for the purpose of validating emerging mesostructures simulated by discrete element method and peridynamic approaches. A custom compression apparatus, suitable for integration with our micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) system, was used to collect 3-D scans of a bulk powder at discrete steps of increasing compression. Details of the apparatus and the microcrystalline cellulose particles, with a nearly spherical shape and mean particle size, are presented. Comparative simulations were performed with an initial arrangement of particles and particle shapes directly extracted from the validation experiment. The experimental volumetric reconstruction was segmented to extract the relative positions and shapes of individual particles in the ensemble, including internal voids in the case of the microcrystalline cellulose particles. These computationally determined particles were then compressed within the computational domain and the evolving mesostructures compared directly to those in the validation experiment. The ability of the computational models to simulate the experimental mesostructures and particle behavior at increasing compression is discussed.

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Crack nucleation at forging flaws studied by non-local peridynamics simulations

Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids

Karim, Mohammad K.; Narasimhachary, Santosh N.; Radailli, Francesco R.; Amann, Christian A.; Dayal, Kaushik D.; Silling, Stewart A.; Germann, Tim G.

In this study, we present a computational study and framework that allows us to study and understand the crack nucleation process from forging flaws. Forging flaws may be present in large steel rotor components commonly used for rotating power generation equipment including gas turbines, electrical generators, and steam turbines. The service life of these components is often limited by crack nucleation and subsequent growth from such forging flaws, which frequently exhibit themselves as non-metallic oxide inclusions. The fatigue crack growth process can be described by established engineering fracture mechanics methods. However, the initial crack nucleation process from a forging flaw is challenging for traditional engineering methods to quantify as it depends on the details of the flaw, including flaw morphology. We adopt the peridynamics method to describe and study this crack nucleation process. For a specific industrial gas turbine rotor steel, we present how we integrate and fit commonly known base material property data such as elastic properties, yield strength, and S-N curves, as well as fatigue crack growth data into a peridynamic model. The obtained model is then utilized in a series of high-performance two-dimensional peridynamic simulations to study the crack nucleation process from forging flaws for ambient and elevated temperatures in a rectangular simulation cell specimen. The simulations reveal an initial local nucleation at multiple small oxide inclusions followed by micro-crack propagation, arrest, coalescence, and eventual emergence of a dominant micro-crack that governs the crack nucleation process. The dependence on temperature and density of oxide inclusions of both the details of the microscopic processes and cycles to crack nucleation is also observed. Finally, the results are compared with fatigue experiments performed with specimens containing forging flaws of the same rotor steel.

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Inelastic peridynamic model for molecular crystal particles

Computational Particle Mechanics

Silling, Stewart A.; Barr, Christopher M.; Cooper, Marcia A.; Lechman, Jeremy B.; Bufford, Daniel C.

The peridynamic theory of solid mechanics is applied to modeling the deformation and fracture of micrometer-sized particles made of organic crystalline material. A new peridynamic material model is proposed to reproduce the elastic–plastic response, creep, and fracture that are observed in experiments. The model is implemented in a three-dimensional, meshless Lagrangian simulation code. In the small deformation, elastic regime, the model agrees well with classical Hertzian contact analysis for a sphere compressed between rigid plates. Under higher load, material and geometrical nonlinearity is predicted, leading to fracture. The material parameters for the energetic material CL-20 are evaluated from nanoindentation test data on the cyclic compression and failure of micrometer-sized grains.

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Enabling Particulate Materials Processing Science for High-Consequence, Small-Lot Precision Manufacturing

Bolintineanu, Dan S.; Lechman, Jeremy B.; Bufford, Daniel C.; Clemmer, Joel T.; Cooper, Marcia A.; Erikson, William W.; Silling, Stewart A.; Oliver, Michael S.; Chavez, Andres A.; Schmalbach, Kevin M.; Mara, Nathan A.

This Laboratory Directed Research and Development project developed and applied closely coupled experimental and computational tools to investigate powder compaction across multiple length scales. The primary motivation for this work is to provide connections between powder feedstock characteristics, processing conditions, and powder pellet properties in the context of powder-based energetic components manufacturing. We have focused our efforts on multicrystalline cellulose, a molecular crystalline surrogate material that is mechanically similar to several energetic materials of interest, but provides several advantages for fundamental investigations. We report extensive experimental characterization ranging in length scale from nanometers to macroscopic, bulk behavior. Experiments included nanoindentation of well-controlled, micron-scale pillar geometries milled into the surface of individual particles, single-particle crushing experiments, in-situ optical and computed tomography imaging of the compaction of multiple particles in different geometries, and bulk powder compaction. In order to capture the large plastic deformation and fracture of particles in computational models, we have advanced two distinct meshfree Lagrangian simulation techniques: 1.) bonded particle methods, which extend existing discrete element method capabilities in the Sandia-developed , open-source LAMMPS code to capture particle deformation and fracture and 2.) extensions of peridynamics for application to mesoscale powder compaction, including a novel material model that includes plasticity and creep. We have demonstrated both methods for simulations of single-particle crushing as well as mesoscale multi-particle compaction, with favorable comparisons to experimental data. We have used small-scale, mechanical characterization data to inform material models, and in-situ imaging of mesoscale particle structures to provide initial conditions for simulations. Both mesostructure porosity characteristics and overall stress-strain behavior were found to be in good agreement between simulations and experiments. We have thus demonstrated a novel multi-scale, closely coupled experimental and computational approach to the study of powder compaction. This enables a wide range of possible investigations into feedstock-process-structure relationships in powder-based materials, with immediate applications in energetic component manufacturing, as well as other particle-based components and processes.

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Peridynamic Model for Single-Layer Graphene Obtained from Coarse Grained Bond Forces

D'Elia, Marta D.; Silling, Stewart A.; You, Huaiqian Y.; Yu, Yue Y.; Fermen-Coker, Muge F.

An ordinary state-based peridynamic material model is proposed for single sheet graphene. The model is calibrated using coarse grained molecular dynamics simulations. The coarse graining method allows the dependence of bond force on bond length to be determined, including the horizon. The peridynamic model allows the horizon to be rescaled, providing a multiscale capability and allowing for substantial reductions in computational cost compared with molecular dynamics. The calibrated peridynamic model is compared to experimental data on the deflection and perforation of a graphene monolayer by an atomic force microscope probe.

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Propagation of a Stress Pulse in a Heterogeneous Elastic Bar

Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling

Silling, Stewart A.

The propagation of a wave pulse due to low-speed impact on a one-dimensional, heterogeneous bar is studied. Due to the dispersive character of the medium, the pulse attenuates as it propagates. This attenuation is studied over propagation distances that are much longer than the size of the microstructure. A homogenized peridynamic material model can be calibrated to reproduce the attenuation and spreading of the wave. The calibration consists of matching the dispersion curve for the heterogeneous material near the limit of long wavelengths. It is demonstrated that the peridynamic method reproduces the attenuation of wave pulses predicted by an exact microstructural model over large propagation distances.

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ASCEND: Asymptotically compatible strong form foundations for nonlocal discretization

Trask, Nathaniel A.; D'Elia, Marta D.; Littlewood, David J.; Silling, Stewart A.; Trageser, Jeremy T.; Tupek, Michael R.

Nonlocal models naturally handle a range of physics of interest to SNL, but discretization of their underlying integral operators poses mathematical challenges to realize the accuracy and robustness commonplace in discretization of local counterparts. This project focuses on the concept of asymptotic compatibility, namely preservation of the limit of the discrete nonlocal model to a corresponding well-understood local solution. We address challenges that have traditionally troubled nonlocal mechanics models primarily related to consistency guarantees and boundary conditions. For simple problems such as diffusion and linear elasticity we have developed complete error analysis theory providing consistency guarantees. We then take these foundational tools to develop new state-of-the-art capabilities for: lithiation-induced failure in batteries, ductile failure of problems driven by contact, blast-on-structure induced failure, brittle/ductile failure of thin structures. We also summarize ongoing efforts using these frameworks in data-driven modeling contexts. This report provides a high-level summary of all publications which followed from these efforts.

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Data driven learning of robust nonlocal models

D'Elia, Marta D.; Silling, Stewart A.; You, Huaiqian Y.; Yu, Yue Y.

Nonlocal models use integral operators that embed length-scales in their definition. However, the integrands in these operators are difficult to define from the data that are typically available for a given physical system, such as laboratory mechanical property tests. In contrast, molecular dynamics (MD) does not require these integrands, but it suffers from computational limitations in the length and time scales it can address. To combine the strengths of both methods and to obtain a coarse-grained, homogenized continuum model that efficiently and accurately captures materials' behavior, we propose a learning framework to extract, from MD data, an optimal nonlocal model as a surrogate for MD displacements. Our framework guarantees that the resulting model is mathematically well-posed, physically consistent, and that it generalizes well to settings that are different from the ones used during training. The efficacy of this approach is demonstrated with several numerical tests for single layer graphene both in the case of perfect crystal and in the presence of thermal noise.

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A data-driven peridynamic continuum model for upscaling molecular dynamics

D'Elia, Marta D.; Silling, Stewart A.; Yu, Yue Y.; You, Huaiqian Y.

Nonlocal models, including peridynamics, often use integral operators that embed lengthscales in their definition. However, the integrands in these operators are difficult to define from the data that are typically available for a given physical system, such as laboratory mechanical property tests. In contrast, molecular dynamics (MD) does not require these integrands, but it suffers from computational limitations in the length and time scales it can address. To combine the strengths of both methods and to obtain a coarse-grained, homogenized continuum model that efficiently and accurately captures materials’ behavior, we propose a learning framework to extract, from MD data, an optimal Linear Peridynamic Solid (LPS) model as a surrogate for MD displacements. To maximize the accuracy of the learnt model we allow the peridynamic influence function to be partially negative, while preserving the well-posedness of the resulting model. To achieve this, we provide sufficient well-posedness conditions for discretized LPS models with sign-changing influence functions and develop a constrained optimization algorithm that minimizes the equation residual while enforcing such solvability conditions. This framework guarantees that the resulting model is mathematically well-posed, physically consistent, and that it generalizes well to settings that are different from the ones used during training. We illustrate the efficacy of the proposed approach with several numerical tests for single layer graphene. Our two-dimensional tests show the robustness of the proposed algorithm on validation data sets that include thermal noise, different domain shapes and external loadings, and discretizations substantially different from the ones used for training.

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Peridynamic model for microballistic perforation of multilayer graphene

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics

Silling, Stewart A.; Fermen-Coker, Müge

The peridynamic theory of solid mechanics is applied to the continuum modeling of the impact of small, high-velocity silica spheres on multilayer graphene targets. The model treats the laminate as a brittle elastic membrane. The material model includes separate failure criteria for the initial rupture of the membrane and for propagating cracks. Material variability is incorporated by assigning random variations in elastic properties within Voronoi cells. The computational model is shown to reproduce the primary aspects of the response observed in experiments, including the growth of a family of radial cracks from the point of impact.

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