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Post-processing V&V Level II ASC Milestone (2843) results

Moreland, Kenneth D.; Wilke, Jason W.; Attaway, Stephen W.; Karelitz, David B.

The 9/30/2008 ASC Level 2 Post-Processing V&V Milestone (Milestone 2843) contains functionality required by the user community for certain verification and validation tasks. These capabilities include fragment detection from CTH simulation data, fragment characterization and analysis, and fragment sorting and display operations. The capabilities were tested extensively both on sample and actual simulations. In addition, a number of stretch criteria were met including a comparison between simulated and test data, and the ability to output each fragment as an individual geometric file.

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Modeling air blast on thin-shell structures with Zapotec

Bessette, Gregory B.; Bessette, Gregory B.; Vaughan, Courtenay T.; Bell, Raymond L.; Attaway, Stephen W.

A new capability for modeling thin-shell structures within the coupled Euler-Lagrange code, Zapotec, is under development. The new algorithm creates an artificial material interface for the Eulerian portion of the problem by expanding a Lagrangian shell element such that it has an effective thickness that spans one or more Eulerian cells. The algorithm implementation is discussed along with several examples involving blast loading on plates.

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