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Rim-to-Rim Werables at The Canyon for Health (R2R WATCH): Physiological Cognitive and Biological Markers of Performance Decline in an Extreme Environment

Journal of Human Performance in Extreme Environments

Divis, Kristin; Abbott, Robert G.; Branda, Catherine B.; Avina, Glory E.; Femling, Jon F.; Huerta, Jose G.; Jelinkova, Lucie J.; Jennings, Jeremy K.; Pearce, Emily P.; Ries, Daniel R.; Sanchez, Danielle; Silva, Austin R.

Abstract not provided.

The Tularosa study: An experimental design and implementation to quantify the effectiveness of cyber deception

Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Ferguson-Walter, Kimberly J.; Shade, Temmie B.; Rogers, Andrew V.; Niedbala, Elizabeth M.; Trumbo, Michael C.; Nauer, Kevin S.; Divis, Kristin; Jones, Aaron P.; Combs, Angela C.; Abbott, Robert G.

The Tularosa study was designed to understand how defensive deception-including both cyber and psychological-affects cyber attackers. Over 130 red teamers participated in a network penetration task over two days in which we controlled both the presence of and explicit mention of deceptive defensive techniques. To our knowledge, this represents the largest study of its kind ever conducted on a professional red team population. The design was conducted with a battery of questionnaires (e.g., experience, personality, etc.) and cognitive tasks (e.g., fluid intelligence, working memory, etc.), allowing for the characterization of a “typical” red teamer, as well as physiological measures (e.g., galvanic skin response, heart rate, etc.) to be correlated with the cyber events. This paper focuses on the design, implementation, data, population characteristics, and begins to examine preliminary results.

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Measuring the after-effects of disruption on task performance

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Abbott, Robert G.; Moyer, Eric; Forsythe, Chris

In many settings, multi-tasking and interruption are commonplace. Multi-tasking has been a popular subject of recent research, but a multitasking paradigm normally allows the subject some control over the timing of the task switch. In this paper we focus on interruptions—situations in which the subject has no control over the timing of task switches. We consider three types of task: verbal (reading comprehension), visual search, and monitoring/situation awareness. Using interruptions from 30 s to 2 min in duration, we found a significant effect in each case, but with different effect sizes. For the situation awareness task, we experimented with interruptions of varying duration and found a non-linear relation between the duration of the interruption and its after-effect on performance, which may correspond to a task-dependent interruption threshold, which is lower for more dynamic tasks.

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Rim-to-Rim wearables at the canyon for health (R2R WATCH): Experimental design and methodology

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Avina, Glory E.; Abbott, Robert G.; Anderson-Bergman, Clifford I.; Branda, Catherine B.; Divis, Kristin; Newton, Victoria E.; Pearce, Emily; Femling, Jon

The Rim-to-Rim Wearables At The Canyon for Health (R2R WATCH) study examines metrics recordable on commercial off the shelf (COTS) devices that are most relevant and reliable for the earliest possible indication of a health or performance decline. This is accomplished through collaboration between Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and The University of New Mexico (UNM) where the two organizations team up to collect physiological, cognitive, and biological markers from volunteer hikers who attempt the Rim-to-Rim (R2R) hike at the Grand Canyon. Three forms of data are collected as hikers travel from rim to rim: physiological data through wearable devices, cognitive data through a cognitive task taken every 3 hours, and blood samples obtained before and after completing the hike. Data is collected from both civilian and warfighter hikers. Once the data is obtained, it is analyzed to understand the effectiveness of each COTS device and the validity of the data collected. We also aim to identify which physiological and cognitive phenomena collected by wearable devices are the most relatable to overall health and task performance in extreme environments, and of these ascertain which markers provide the earliest yet reliable indication of health decline. Finally, we analyze the data for significant differences between civilians’ and warfighters’ markers and the relationship to performance. This is a study funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA, Project CB10359) and the University of New Mexico (The main portion of the R2R WATCH study is funded by DTRA. UNM is currently funding all activities related to bloodwork. DTRA, Project CB10359; SAND2017-1872 C). This paper describes the experimental design and methodology for the first year of the R2R WATCH project.

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Training Adaptive Decision-Making

Abbott, Robert G.; Forsythe, James C.

Adaptive Thinking has been defined here as the capacity to recognize when a course of action that may have previously been effective is no longer effective and there is need to adjust strategy. Research was undertaken with human test subjects to identify the factors that contribute to adaptive thinking. It was discovered that those most effective in settings that call for adaptive thinking tend to possess a superior capacity to quickly and effectively generate possible courses of action, as measured using the Category Generation test. Software developed for this research has been applied to develop capabilities enabling analysts to identify crucial factors that are predictive of outcomes in fore-on-force simulation exercises.

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Human factors in the design of a search tool for a database of recorded human behavior

Advances in Cognitive Engineering and Neuroergonomics

Abbott, Robert G.; Forsythe, James C.; Glickman, Matthew R.; Trumbo, Derek T.

Many enterprises are becoming increasingly data-driven. For example, empirically collected data about customer behavior offers an alternative to more traditional, synthetic techniques such as surveys, focus groups, and subject-matter experts. In contrast, recordings of tactical training exercises for the US military are not broadly archived or available for analysis. There may be great opportunity for military training and planning to use analogous techniques, where tactical scenarios are systematically recorded, indexed, and archived. Such a system would provide information for all levels of analysis, including establishing benchmarks for individual performance, evaluating the relevance and impact of training protocols, and assessing the utility of proposed systems and conops. However, such a system also offers many challenges and risks, such as cost, security, privacy, and end-user accessibility. This paper examines the possible benefits and risks of such a system with some emphasis on our recent research to address end-user accessibility.

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Computational models of intergroup competition and warfare

Abbott, Robert G.

This document reports on the research of Kenneth Letendre, the recipient of a Sandia Graduate Research Fellowship at the University of New Mexico. Warfare is an extreme form of intergroup competition in which individuals make extreme sacrifices for the benefit of their nation or other group to which they belong. Among animals, limited, non-lethal competition is the norm. It is not fully understood what factors lead to warfare. We studied the global variation in the frequency of civil conflict among countries of the world, and its positive association with variation in the intensity of infectious disease. We demonstrated that the burden of human infectious disease importantly predicts the frequency of civil conflict and tested a causal model for this association based on the parasite-stress theory of sociality. We also investigated the organization of social foraging by colonies of harvester ants in the genus Pogonomyrmex, using both field studies and computer models.

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Robust automated knowledge capture

Trumbo, Michael C.; Haass, Michael J.; Adams, Susan S.; Hendrickson, Stacey M.; Abbott, Robert G.

This report summarizes research conducted through the Sandia National Laboratories Robust Automated Knowledge Capture Laboratory Directed Research and Development project. The objective of this project was to advance scientific understanding of the influence of individual cognitive attributes on decision making. The project has developed a quantitative model known as RumRunner that has proven effective in predicting the propensity of an individual to shift strategies on the basis of task and experience related parameters. Three separate studies are described which have validated the basic RumRunner model. This work provides a basis for better understanding human decision making in high consequent national security applications, and in particular, the individual characteristics that underlie adaptive thinking.

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Communications-based automated assessment of team cognitive performance

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Lakkaraju, Kiran; Adams, Susan S.; Abbott, Robert G.; Forsythe, James C.

In this paper we performed analysis of speech communications in order to determine if we can differentiate between expert and novice teams based on communication patterns. Two pairs of experts and novices performed numerous test sessions on the E-2 Enhanced Deployable Readiness Trainer (EDRT) which is a medium-fidelity simulator of the Naval Flight Officer (NFO) stations positioned at bank end of the E-2 Hawkeye. Results indicate that experts and novices can be differentiated based on communication patterns. First, experts and novices differ significantly with regard to the frequency of utterances, with both expert teams making many fewer radio calls than both novice teams. Next, the semantic content of utterances was considered. Using both manual and automated speech-to-text conversion, the resulting text documents were compared. For 7 of 8 subjects, the two most similar subjects (using cosine-similarity of term vectors) were in the same category of expertise (novice/expert). This means that the semantic content of utterances by experts was more similar to other experts, than novices, and vice versa. Finally, using machine learning techniques we constructed a classifier that, given as input the text of the speech of a subject, could identify whether the individual was an expert or novice with a very low error rate. By looking at the parameters of the machine learning algorithm we were also able to identify terms that are strongly associated with novices and experts. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.

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Using after-action review based on automated performance assessment to enhance training effectiveness

Adams, Susan S.; Basilico, Justin D.; Abbott, Robert G.

Training simulators have become increasingly popular tools for instructing humans on performance in complex environments. However, the question of how to provide individualized and scenario-specific assessment and feedback to students remains largely an open question. In this work, we follow-up on previous evaluations of the Automated Expert Modeling and Automated Student Evaluation (AEMASE) system, which automatically assesses student performance based on observed examples of good and bad performance in a given domain. The current study provides a rigorous empirical evaluation of the enhanced training effectiveness achievable with this technology. In particular, we found that students given feedback via the AEMASE-based debrief tool performed significantly better than students given only instructor feedback on two out of three domain-specific performance metrics.

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Performance assessment to enhance training effectiveness

Adams, Susan S.; Basilico, Justin D.; Abbott, Robert G.

Training simulators have become increasingly popular tools for instructing humans on performance in complex environments. However, the question of how to provide individualized and scenario-specific assessment and feedback to students remains largely an open question. To maximize training efficiency, new technologies are required that assist instructors in providing individually relevant instruction. Sandia National Laboratories has shown the feasibility of automated performance assessment tools, such as the Sandia-developed Automated Expert Modeling and Student Evaluation (AEMASE) software, through proof-of-concept demonstrations, a pilot study, and an experiment. In the pilot study, the AEMASE system, which automatically assesses student performance based on observed examples of good and bad performance in a given domain, achieved a high degree of agreement with a human grader (89%) in assessing tactical air engagement scenarios. In more recent work, we found that AEMASE achieved a high degree of agreement with human graders (83-99%) for three Navy E-2 domain-relevant performance metrics. The current study provides a rigorous empirical evaluation of the enhanced training effectiveness achievable with this technology. In particular, we assessed whether giving students feedback based on automated metrics would enhance training effectiveness and improve student performance. We trained two groups of employees (differentiated by type of feedback) on a Navy E-2 simulator and assessed their performance on three domain-specific performance metrics. We found that students given feedback via the AEMASE-based debrief tool performed significantly better than students given only instructor feedback on two out of three metrics. Future work will focus on extending these developments for automated assessment of teamwork.

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Enabling immersive simulation

Abbott, Robert G.; Basilico, Justin D.; Glickman, Matthew R.; Hart, Derek H.; Whetzel, Jonathan H.

The object of the 'Enabling Immersive Simulation for Complex Systems Analysis and Training' LDRD has been to research, design, and engineer a capability to develop simulations which (1) provide a rich, immersive interface for participation by real humans (exploiting existing high-performance game-engine technology wherever possible), and (2) can leverage Sandia's substantial investment in high-fidelity physical and cognitive models implemented in the Umbra simulation framework. We report here on these efforts. First, we describe the integration of Sandia's Umbra modular simulation framework with the open-source Delta3D game engine. Next, we report on Umbra's integration with Sandia's Cognitive Foundry, specifically to provide for learning behaviors for 'virtual teammates' directly from observed human behavior. Finally, we describe the integration of Delta3D with the ABL behavior engine, and report on research into establishing the theoretical framework that will be required to make use of tools like ABL to scale up to increasingly rich and realistic virtual characters.

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Automated expert modeling for automated student evaluation

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Abbott, Robert G.

This paper presents automated expert modeling for automated student evaluation, or AEMASE (pronounced "amaze"). This technique grades students by comparing their actions to a model of expert behavior. The expert model is constructed with machine learning techniques, avoiding the costly and time-consuming process of manual knowledge elicitation and expert system implementation. A brief summary of after action review (AAR) and intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) provides background for a prototype AAR application with a learning expert model. A validation experiment confirms that the prototype accurately grades student behavior on a tactical aircraft maneuver application. Finally, several topics for further research are proposed. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

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Engineering a transformation of human-machine interaction to an augmented cognitive relationship

Forsythe, James C.; Forsythe, James C.; Bernard, Michael L.; Xavier, Patrick G.; Abbott, Robert G.; Speed, Ann S.; Brannon, Nathan B.

This project is being conducted by Sandia National Laboratories in support of the DARPA Augmented Cognition program. Work commenced in April of 2002. The objective for the DARPA program is to 'extend, by an order of magnitude or more, the information management capacity of the human-computer warfighter.' Initially, emphasis has been placed on detection of an operator's cognitive state so that systems may adapt accordingly (e.g., adjust information throughput to the operator in response to workload). Work conducted by Sandia focuses on development of technologies to infer an operator's ongoing cognitive processes, with specific emphasis on detecting discrepancies between machine state and an operator's ongoing interpretation of events.

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37 Results
37 Results