Proceedings of ExaMPI 2020: Exascale MPI Workshop, Held in conjunction with SC 2020: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
Multithreaded MPI applications are gaining popularity in scientific and high-performance computing. While the combination of programming models is suited to support current parallel hardware, it moves threading models and their interaction with MPI into focus. With the advent of new threading libraries, the flexibility to select threading implementations of choice is becoming an important usability feature. Open MPI has traditionally avoided componentizing its threading model, relying on code inlining and static initialization to minimize potential impacts on runtime fast paths and synchronization. This paper describes the implementation of a generic threading runtime support in Open MPI using the Opal Modular Component Architecture. This architecture allows the programmer to select a threading library at compile-or run-time, providing both static initialization of threading primitives as well as dynamic instantiation of threading objects. In this work, we present the implementation, define required interfaces, and discuss trade-offs of dynamic and static initialization.
For at least the last 20 years, many have tried to create a general resource management system to support interoperability across various concurrent libraries. The previous strategies all suffered from additional toolchain requirements, and/or a usage of a shared programing model that assumed it owned/controlled access to all resources available to the program. None of these techniques have achieved wide spread adoption. The ubiquity of OpenMP coupled with C++ developing a standard way to describe many different concurrent paradigms (C++23 executors) would allow OpenMP to assume the role of a general resource manager without requiring user code written directly in OpenMP. With a few added features such as the ability to use otherwise idle threads to execute tasks and to specify a task “width”, many interesting concurrent frameworks could be developed in native OpenMP and achieve high performance. Further, one could create concrete C++ OpenMP executors that enable support for general C++ executor based codes, which would allow Fortran, C, and C++ codes to use the same underlying concurrent framework when expressed as native OpenMP or using language specific features. Effectively, OpenMP would become the de facto solution for a problem that has long plagued the HPC community.
This paper describes improvements in task scheduling for the Chapel parallel programming language provided in its default on-node tasking runtime, the Qthreads library. We describe a new scheduler distrib which builds on the approaches of two previous Qthreads schedulers, Sherwood and Nemesis, and combines the best aspects of both-work stealing and load balancing from Sherwood and a lock free queue access from Nemesis- to make task queuing better suited for the use of Chapel in the manycore era. We demonstrate the efficacy of this new scheduler by showing improvements in various individual benchmarks of the Chapel test suite on the Intel Knights Landing architecture.
As supercomputers move to exascale, the number of cores per node continues to increase, but the I/O bandwidth between nodes is increasing more slowly. This leads to computational power outstripping I/O bandwidth. This growth, in turn, encourages moving as much of an HPC workflow as possible onto the node in order to minimize data movement. One particular method of application composition, enclaves, co-locates different operating systems and runtimes on the same node where they communicate by in situ communication mechanisms. In this work, we describe a mechanism for communicating between composed applications. We implement a mechanism using Copy onWrite cooperating with XEMEM shared memory to provide consistent, implicitly unsynchronized communication across enclaves. We then evaluate this mechanism using a composed application and analytics between the Kitten Lightweight Kernel and Linux on top of the Hobbes Operating System and Runtime. These results show a 3% overhead compared to an application running in isolation, demonstrating the viability of this approach.
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