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The DPG Method for the Convection-Reaction Problem, Revisited

Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics

Demkowicz, Leszek F.; Roberts, Nathan V.; Muñoz-Matute, Judit

We study both conforming and non-conforming versions of the practical DPG method for the convection-reaction problem. We determine that the most common approach for DPG stability analysis - construction of a local Fortin operator - is infeasible for the convection-reaction problem. We then develop a line of argument based on a direct proof of discrete stability; we find that employing a polynomial enrichment for the test space does not suffice for this purpose, motivating the introduction of a (two-element) subgrid mesh. The argument combines mathematical analysis with numerical experiments.

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Combining DPG in space with DPG time-marching scheme for the transient advection–reaction equation

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Muñoz-Matute, Judit; Demkowicz, Leszek; Roberts, Nathan V.

In this article, we present a general methodology to combine the Discontinuous Petrov–Galerkin (DPG) method in space and time in the context of methods of lines for transient advection–reaction problems. We first introduce a semidiscretization in space with a DPG method redefining the ideas of optimal testing and practicality of the method in this context. Then, we apply the recently developed DPG-based time-marching scheme, which is of exponential-type, to the resulting system of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). We also discuss how to efficiently compute the action of the exponential of the matrix coming from the space semidiscretization without assembling the full matrix. Finally, we verify the proposed method for 1D+time advection–reaction problems showing optimal convergence rates for smooth solutions and more stable results for linear conservation laws comparing to the classical exponential integrators.

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Fluid-Kinetic Coupling: Advanced Discretizations for Simulations on Emerging Heterogeneous Architectures (LDRD FY20-0643)

Roberts, Nathan V.; Bond, Stephen D.; Miller, Sean A.; Cyr, Eric C.

Plasma physics simulations are vital for a host of Sandia mission concerns, for fundamental science, and for clean energy in the form of fusion power. Sandia's most mature plasma physics simulation capabilities come in the form of particle-in-cell (PIC) models and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) models. MHD models for a plasma work well in denser plasma regimes when there is enough material that the plasma approximates a fluid. PIC models, on the other hand, work well in lower-density regimes, in which there is not too much to simulate; error in PIC scales as the square root of the number of particles, making high-accuracy simulations expensive. Real-world applications, however, almost always involve a transition region between the high-density regimes where MHD is appropriate, and the low-density regimes for PIC. In such a transition region, a direct discretization of Vlasov is appropriate. Such discretizations come with their own computational costs, however; the phase-space mesh for Vlasov can involve up to six dimensions (seven if time is included), and to apply appropriate homogeneous boundary conditions in velocity space requires meshing a substantial padding region to ensure that the distribution remains sufficiently close to zero at the velocity boundaries. Moreover, for collisional plasmas, the right-hand side of the Vlasov equation is a collision operator, which is non-local in velocity space, and which may dominate the cost of the Vlasov solver. The present LDRD project endeavors to develop modern, foundational tools for the development of continuum-kinetic Vlasov solvers, using the discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) methodology, for discretization of Vlasov, and machine-learning (ML) models to enable efficient evaluation of collision operators. DPG affords several key advantages. First, it has a built-in, robust error indicator, allowing us to adapt the mesh in a very natural way, enabling a coarse velocity-space mesh near the homogeneous boundaries, and a fine mesh where the solution has fine features. Second, it is an inherently high-order, high-intensity method, requiring extra local computations to determine so-called optimal test functions, which makes it particularly suited to modern hardware in which floating-point throughput is increasing at a faster rate than memory bandwidth. Finally, DPG is a residual-minimizing method, which enables high-accuracy computation: in typical cases, the method delivers something very close to the $L^2$ projection of the exact solution. Meanwhile, the ML-based collision model we adopt affords a cost structure that scales as the square root of a standard direct evaluation. Moreover, we design our model to conserve mass, momentum, and energy by construction, and our approach to training is highly flexible, in that it can incorporate not only synthetic data from direct-simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) codes, but also experimental data. We have developed two DPG formulations for Vlasov-Poisson: a time-marching, backward-Euler discretization and a space-time discretization. We have conducted a number of numerical experiments to verify the approach in a 1D1V setting. In this report, we detail these formulations and experiments. We also summarize some new theoretical results developed as part of this project (published as papers previously): some new analysis of DPG for the convection-reaction problem (of which the Vlasov equation is an instance), a new exponential integrator for DPG, and some numerical exploration of various DPG-based time-marching approaches to the heat equation. As part of this work, we have contributed extensively to the Camellia open-source library; we also describe the new capabilities and their usage. We have also developed a well-documented methodology for single-species collision operators, which we applied to argon and demonstrated with numerical experiments. We summarize those results here, as well as describing at a high level a design extending the methodology to multi-species operators. We have released a new open-source library, MLC, under a BSD license; we include a summary of its capabilities as well.

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Neural-network based collision operators for the Boltzmann equation

Journal of Computational Physics

Roberts, Nathan V.; Bond, Stephen D.; Cyr, Eric C.; Miller, Sean T.

Kinetic gas dynamics in rarefied and moderate-density regimes have complex behavior associated with collisional processes. These processes are generally defined by convolution integrals over a high-dimensional space (as in the Boltzmann operator), or require evaluating complex auxiliary variables (as in Rosenbluth potentials in Fokker-Planck operators) that are challenging to implement and computationally expensive to evaluate. In this work, we develop a data-driven neural network model that augments a simple and inexpensive BGK collision operator with a machine-learned correction term, which improves the fidelity of the simple operator with a small overhead to overall runtime. The composite collision operator has a tunable fidelity and, in this work, is trained using and tested against a direct-simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC) collision operator.

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Combining DPG in space with DPG time-marching scheme for the transient advection–reaction equation

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Roberts, Nathan V.; Muñoz-Matute, Judit M.; Demkowicz, Leszek D.

In this article, we present a general methodology to combine the Discontinuous Petrov–Galerkin (DPG) method in space and time in the context of methods of lines for transient advection–reaction problems. We first introduce a semidiscretization in space with a DPG method redefining the ideas of optimal testing and practicality of the method in this context. Then, we apply the recently developed DPG-based time-marching scheme, which is of exponential-type, to the resulting system of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). Further, we also discuss how to efficiently compute the action of the exponential of the matrix coming from the space semidiscretization without assembling the full matrix. Finally, we verify the proposed method for 1D+time advection–reaction problems showing optimal convergence rates for smooth solutions and more stable results for linear conservation laws comparing to the classical exponential integrators.

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The DPG Method for the Convection-Reaction Problem Revisited

Demkowicz, Leszek D.; Roberts, Nathan V.

We study both conforming and non-conforming versions of the practical DPG method for the convection-reaction problem. We determine that the most common approach for DPG stability analysis (construction of a local Fortin operator) is infeasible for the convection-reaction problem. We then develop a line of argument based on the direct construction of a global Fortin operator; we find that employing a polynomial enrichment for the test space does not suffice for this purpose, motivating the introduction of a (two-element) subgrid mesh. The argument combines mathematical analysis with numerical experiments

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EMPIRE-PIC: A performance portable unstructured particle-in-cell code

Communications in Computational Physics

Bettencourt, Matthew T.; Brown, Dominic A.S.; Cartwright, Keith L.; Cyr, Eric C.; Glusa, Christian A.; Lin, Paul T.; Moore, Stan G.; McGregor, Duncan A.O.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Phillips, Edward G.; Roberts, Nathan V.; Wright, Steven A.; Maheswaran, Satheesh; Jones, John P.; Jarvis, Stephen A.

In this paper we introduce EMPIRE-PIC, a finite element method particle-in-cell (FEM-PIC) application developed at Sandia National Laboratories. The code has been developed in C++ using the Trilinos library and the Kokkos Performance Portability Framework to enable running on multiple modern compute architectures while only requiring maintenance of a single codebase. EMPIRE-PIC is capable of solving both electrostatic and electromagnetic problems in two- and three-dimensions to second-order accuracy in space and time. In this paper we validate the code against three benchmark problems - a simple electron orbit, an electrostatic Langmuir wave, and a transverse electromagnetic wave propagating through a plasma. We demonstrate the performance of EMPIRE-PIC on four different architectures: Intel Haswell CPUs, Intel's Xeon Phi Knights Landing, ARM Thunder-X2 CPUs, and NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs attached to IBM POWER9 processors. This analysis demonstrates scalability of the code up to more than two thousand GPUs, and greater than one hundred thousand CPUs.

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Camellia: A Rapid Development Framework for Finite Element Solvers

Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics

Roberts, Nathan V.

The discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) methodology of Demkowicz and Gopalakrishnan guarantees the optimality of the finite element solution in a user-controllable energy norm, and provides several features supporting adaptive schemes. The approach provides stability automatically; there is no need for carefully derived numerical fluxes (as in DG schemes) or for mesh-dependent stabilization terms (as in stabilized methods). In this paper, we focus on features of Camellia that facilitate implementation of new DPG formulations; chief among these is a rich set of features in support of symbolic manipulation, which allow, e.g., bilinear formulations in the code to appear much as they would on paper. Many of these features are general in the sense that they can also be used in the implementation of other finite element formulations. In fact, because DPG's requirements are essentially a superset of those of other finite element methods, Camellia provides built-in support for most common methods. We believe, however, that the combination of an essentially "hands-free" finite element methodology as found in DPG with the rapid development features of Camellia are particularly winsome, so we focus on use cases in this class. In addition to the symbolic manipulation features mentioned above, Camellia offers support for one-irregular adaptive meshes in 1D, 2D, 3D, and space-time. It provides a geometric multigrid preconditioner particularly suited for DPG problems, and supports distributed parallel execution using MPI. For its load balancing and distributed data structures, Camellia relies on packages from the Trilinos project, which simplifies interfacing with other computational science packages. Camellia also allows loading of standard mesh formats through an interface with the MOAB package. Camellia includes support for static condensation to eliminate element-interior degrees of freedom locally, usually resulting in substantial reduction of the cost of the global problem. We include a discussion of the variational formulations built into Camellia, with references to those formulations in the literature, as well as an MPI performance study.

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A geometric multigrid preconditioning strategy for DPG system matrices

Computers and Mathematics with Applications

Roberts, Nathan V.; Chan, Jesse

The discontinuous Petrov–Galerkin (DPG) methodology of Demkowicz and Gopalakrishnan (2010, 2011) guarantees the optimality of the solution in an energy norm, and provides several features facilitating adaptive schemes. A key question that has not yet been answered in general – though there are some results for Poisson, e.g.– is how best to precondition the DPG system matrix, so that iterative solvers may be used to allow solution of large-scale problems. In this paper, we detail a strategy for preconditioning the DPG system matrix using geometric multigrid which we have implemented as part of Camellia (Roberts, 2014, 2016), and demonstrate through numerical experiments its effectiveness in the context of several variational formulations. We observe that in some of our experiments, the behavior of the preconditioner is closely tied to the discrete test space enrichment. We include experiments involving adaptive meshes with hanging nodes for lid-driven cavity flow, demonstrating that the preconditioners can be applied in the context of challenging problems. We also include a scalability study demonstrating that the approach – and our implementation – scales well to many MPI ranks.

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