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ECP Report: Update on Proxy Applications and Vendor Interactions

Ang, Jim A.; Sweeney, Christine S.; Wolf, Michael W.; Ellis, John E.; Ghosh, Sayan G.; Kagawa, Ai K.; Huang, Yunzhi H.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Ramakrishnaiah, Vinay R.; Schram, Malachi S.; Yoo, Shinjae Y.

The ExaLearn miniGAN team (Ellis and Rajamanickam) have released miniGAN, a generative adversarial network(GAN) proxy application, through the ECP proxy application suite. miniGAN is the first machine learning proxy application in the suite (note: the ECP CANDLE project did previously release some benchmarks) and models the performance for training generator and discriminator networks. The GAN's generator and discriminator generate plausible 2D/3D maps and identify fake maps, respectively. miniGAN aims to be a proxy application for related applications in cosmology (CosmoFlow, ExaGAN) and wind energy (ExaWind). miniGAN has been developed so that optimized mathematical kernels (e.g., kernels provided by Kokkos Kernels) can be plugged into to the proxy application to explore potential performance improvements. miniGAN has been released as open source software and is available through the ECP proxy application website (https://proxyapps.exascaleproject.ordecp-proxy-appssuite/) and on GitHub ( As part of this release, a generator is provided to generate a data set (series of images) that are inputs to the proxy application.

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Scalable triangle counting on distributed-memory systems

2019 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2019

Acer, Seher A.; Yasar, Abdurrahman; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Wolf, Michael W.; Catalyurek, Umit V.

Triangle counting is a foundational graph-analysis kernel in network science. It has also been one of the challenge problems for the 'Static Graph Challenge'. In this work, we propose a novel, hybrid, parallel triangle counting algorithm based on its linear algebra formulation. Our framework uses MPI and Cilk to exploit the benefits of distributed-memory and shared-memory parallelism, respectively. The problem is partitioned among MPI processes using a two-dimensional (2D) Cartesian block partitioning. One-dimensional (1D) rowwise partitioning is used within the Cartesian blocks for shared-memory parallelism using the Cilk programming model. Besides exhibiting very good strong scaling behavior in almost all tested graphs, our algorithm achieves the fastest time on the 1.4B edge real-world twitter graph, which is 3.217 seconds, on 1,092 cores. In comparison to past distributed-memory parallel winners of the graph challenge, we demonstrate a speed up of 2.7× on this twitter graph. This is also the fastest time reported for parallel triangle counting on the twitter graph when the graph is not replicated.

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Fast Triangle Counting Using Cilk

2018 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2018

Yasar, Abdurrahman; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Wolf, Michael W.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Catalyurek, Umit V.

Triangle counting is a representative graph analysis algorithm with several applications. It is also one of the three benchmarks used in the IEEE HPEC Graph Challenge. Triangle counting can be expressed as a graph algorithm and in a linear algebra formulation using sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpGEMM). The linear algebra formulation using the SpGEMM algorithm in the Kokkoskernels library was one of the fastest implementations for the triangle counting problem in last year's Graph Challenge. This paper improves upon that work by developing an SpGEMM implementation that relies on a highly efficient, work-stealing, multithreaded runtime. We demonstrate that this new implementation results in improving the triangle counting runtime up to 5× to 12× on different architectures. This new implementation also breaks the 10 9 barrier for the rate measure on a single node for the triangle counting problem. We also compare the linear algebra formulation with a traditional graph based formulation. The linear algebra implementation is up to 2.96× to 7× faster on different architectures compared to the graph based implementation. Furthermore, we present analysis of the scaling of the triangle counting implementation as the graph sizes increase using both synthetic and real graphs from the graph challenge data set.

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Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication on Multilevel Memory Architectures: Algorithms and Experiments

Deveci, Mehmet D.; Hammond, Simon D.; Wolf, Michael W.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Architectures with multiple classes of memory media are becoming a common part of mainstream supercomputer deployments. So called multi-level memories offer differing characteristics for each memory component including variation in bandwidth, latency and capacity. This paper investigates the performance of sparse matrix multiplication kernels on two leading highperformance computing architectures — Intel's Knights Landing processor and NVIDIA's Pascal GPU. We describe a data placement method and a chunking-based algorithm for our kernels that exploits the existence of the multiple memory spaces in each hardware platform. We evaluate the performance of these methods w.r.t. standard algorithms using the auto-caching mechanisms Our results show that standard algorithms that exploit cache reuse performed as well as multi-memory-aware algorithms for architectures such as Ki\iLs where the memory subsystems have similar latencies. However, for architectures such as GPUS where memory subsystems differ significantly in both bandwidth and latency, multi-memory-aware methods are crucial for good performance. In addition, our new approaches permit the user to run problems that require larger capacities than the fastest memory of each compute node without depending on the software-managed cache mechanisms.

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