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TAFI/Kebab End of Project Report

Rintoul, Mark D.; Wisniewski, Kyra L.; Ward, Katrina J.; Khanna, Kanad K.

This report focuses on the two primary goals set forth in Sandia’s TAFI effort, referred to here under the name Kebab. The first goal is to overlay a trajectory onto a large database of historical trajectories, all with very different sampling rates than the original track. We demonstrate a fast method to accomplish this, even for databases that hold over a million tracks. The second goal is to then demonstrate that these matched historical trajectories can be used to make predictions about unknown qualities associated with the original trajectory. As part of this work, we also examine the problem of defining the qualities of a trajectory in a reproducible way.

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Large-Scale Trajectory Analysis via Feature Vectors

Rintoul, Mark D.; Jones, Jessica L.; Newton, Benjamin D.; Wisniewski, Kyra L.; Wilson, Andrew T.; Ginaldi, Melissa J.; Waddell, Cleveland A.; Goss, Kenneth G.; Ward, Katrina J.

The explosion of both sensors and GPS-enabled devices has resulted in position/time data being the next big frontier for data analytics. However, many of the problems associated with large numbers of trajectories do not necessarily have an analog with many of the historic big-data applications such as text and image analysis. Modern trajectory analytics exploits much of the cutting-edge research in machine-learning, statistics, computational geometry and other disciplines. We will show that for doing trajectory analytics at scale, it is necessary to fundamentally change the way the information is represented through a feature-vector approach. We then demonstrate the ability to solve large trajectory analytics problems using this representation.

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Dynamic Multi-Sensor Multi-Mission Optimal Planning Tool

Valicka, Christopher G.; Rowe, Stephen R.; Zou, Simon Z.; Mitchell, Scott A.; Irelan, William R.; Pollard, Eric L.; Garcia, Deanna G.; Hackebeil, Gabriel A.; Staid, Andrea S.; Rintoul, Mark D.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Hart, William E.; Rathinam, Sivakumar R.; Ntaimo, Lewis N.

Remote sensing systems have firmly established a role in providing immense value to commercial industry, scientific exploration, and national security. Continued maturation of sensing technology has reduced the cost of deploying highly-capable sensors while at the same time increased reliance on the information these sensors can provide. The demand for time on these sensors is unlikely to diminish. Coordination of next-generation sensor systems, larger constellations of satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles, ground telescopes, etc. is prohibitively complex for existing heuristics- based scheduling techniques. The project was a two-year collaboration spanning multiple Sandia centers and included a partnership with Texas A&M University. We have developed algorithms and software for collection scheduling, remote sensor field-of-view pointing models, and bandwidth- constrained prioritization of sensor data. Our approach followed best practices from the operations research and computational geometry communities. These models provide several advantages over state of the art techniques. In particular, our approach is more flexible compared to heuristics that tightly couple models and solution techniques. First, our mixed-integer linear models afford a rig- orous analysis so that sensor planners can quantitatively describe a schedule relative to the best possible. Optimal or near-optimal schedules can be produced with commercial solvers in opera- tional run-times. These models can be modified and extended to incorporate different scheduling and resource constraints and objective function definitions. Further, we have extended these mod- els to proactively schedule sensors under weather and ad hoc collection uncertainty. This approach stands in contrast to existing deterministic schedulers which assume a single future weather or ad hoc collection scenario. The field-of-view pointing algorithm produces a mosaic with the fewest number of images required to fully cover a region of interest. The bandwidth-constrained al- gorithms find the highest priority information that can be transmitted. All of these are based on mixed-integer linear programs so that, in the future, collection scheduling, field-of-view, and band- width prioritization can be combined into a single problem. Experiments conducted using the de- veloped models, commercial solvers, and benchmark datasets have demonstrated that proactively scheduling against uncertainty regularly and significantly outperforms deterministic schedulers. Acknowledgement We would like to acknowledge John T. Feddema, Brian N. Post, John H. Ganter, and Swaroop Darbha for providing critical project stewardship and fruitful remote sensing utilization discus- sions. A special thanks to Mohamed S. Ebeida for his contributions to the development of the Maximal Poisson Sampling technique. We would also like to thank Kaarthik Sundar and Jianglei Qin for their significant scheduling algorithm and model development contributions to the project. The authors would like to acknowledge the Sandia LDRD program for their support of this work. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Cor- poration, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

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Time series discord detection in medical data using a parallel relational database

Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, BIBM 2015

Woodbridge, Diane W.; Wilson, Andrew T.; Rintoul, Mark D.; Goldstein, Richard H.

Recent advances in sensor technology have made continuous real-time health monitoring available in both hospital and non-hospital settings. Since data collected from high frequency medical sensors includes a huge amount of data, storing and processing continuous medical data is an emerging big data area. Especially detecting anomaly in real time is important for patients' emergency detection and prevention. A time series discord indicates a subsequence that has the maximum difference to the rest of the time series subsequences, meaning that it has abnormal or unusual data trends. In this study, we implemented two versions of time series discord detection algorithms on a high performance parallel database management system (DBMS) and applied them to 240 Hz waveform data collected from 9,723 patients. The initial brute force version of the discord detection algorithm takes each possible subsequence and calculates a distance to the nearest non-self match to find the biggest discords in time series. For the heuristic version of the algorithm, a combination of an array and a trie structure was applied to order time series data for enhancing time efficiency. The study results showed efficient data loading, decoding and discord searches in a large amount of data, benefiting from the time series discord detection algorithm and the architectural characteristics of the parallel DBMS including data compression, data pipe-lining, and task scheduling.

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Time Series Discord Detection in Medical Data using a Parallel Relational Database

Woodbridge, Diane W.; Rintoul, Mark D.; Wilson, Andrew T.; Goldstein, Richard H.

Recent advances in sensor technology have made continuous real-time health monitoring available in both hospital and non-hospital settings. Since data collected from high frequency medical sensors includes a huge amount of data, storing and processing continuous medical data is an emerging big data area. Especially detecting anomaly in real time is important for patients’ emergency detection and prevention. A time series discord indicates a subsequence that has the maximum difference to the rest of the time series subsequences, meaning that it has abnormal or unusual data trends. In this study, we implemented two versions of time series discord detection algorithms on a high performance parallel database management system (DBMS) and applied them to 240 Hz waveform data collected from 9,723 patients. The initial brute force version of the discord detection algorithm takes each possible subsequence and calculates a distance to the nearest non-self match to find the biggest discords in time series. For the heuristic version of the algorithm, a combination of an array and a trie structure was applied to order time series data for enhancing time efficiency. The study results showed efficient data loading, decoding and discord searches in a large amount of data, benefiting from the time series discord detection algorithm and the architectural characteristics of the parallel DBMS including data compression, data pipe-lining, and task scheduling.

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Trajectory analysis via a geometric feature space approach

Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

Rintoul, Mark D.; Wilson, Andrew T.

This study aimed to organize a body of trajectories in order to identify, search for and classify both common and uncommon behaviors among objects such as aircraft and ships. Existing comparison functions such as the Fréchet distance are computationally expensive and yield counterintuitive results in some cases. We propose an approach using feature vectors whose components represent succinctly the salient information in trajectories. These features incorporate basic information such as the total distance traveled and the distance between start/stop points as well as geometric features related to the properties of the convex hull, trajectory curvature and general distance geometry. Additionally, these features can generally be mapped easily to behaviors of interest to humans who are searching large databases. Most of these geometric features are invariant under rigid transformation. We demonstrate the use of different subsets of these features to identify trajectories similar to an exemplar, cluster a database of several hundred thousand trajectories and identify outliers.

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Results 1–25 of 63
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