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Using additive manufacturing as a pathway to change the qualification paradigm

Solid Freeform Fabrication 2018: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference, SFF 2018

Roach, R.A.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Rodgers, Theron R.; Boyce, B.L.; Swiler, L.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Chandross, M.; Kammler, Daniel K.; Balch, Dorian K.; Jared, B.; Martinez, Mario J.; Leathe, Nicholas L.; Ford, K.

Additive Manufacturing (AM) offers the opportunity to transform design, manufacturing, and qualification with its unique capabilities. AM is a disruptive technology, allowing the capability to simultaneously create part and material while tightly controlling and monitoring the manufacturing process at the voxel level, with the inherent flexibility and agility in printing layer-by-layer. AM enables the possibility of measuring critical material and part parameters during manufacturing, thus changing the way we collect data, assess performance, and accept or qualify parts. It provides an opportunity to shift from the current iterative design-build-test qualification paradigm using traditional manufacturing processes to design-by-predictivity where requirements are addressed concurrently and rapidly. The new qualification paradigm driven by AM provides the opportunity to predict performance probabilistically, to optimally control the manufacturing process, and to implement accelerated cycles of learning. Exploiting these capabilities to realize a new uncertainty quantification-driven qualification that is rapid, flexible, and practical is the focus of this paper.

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Born Qualified Grand Challenge LDRD Final Report

Roach, R.A.; Argibay, Nicolas A.; Allen, Kyle M.; Balch, Dorian K.; Beghini, Lauren L.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Boyce, Brad B.; Brown, Judith A.; Burchard, Ross L.; Chandross, M.; Cook, Adam W.; DiAntonio, Christopher D.; Dressler, Amber D.; Forrest, Eric C.; Ford, Kurtis R.; Ivanoff, Thomas I.; Jared, Bradley H.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Kammler, Daniel K.; Koepke, Joshua R.; Kustas, Andrew K.; Lavin, Judith M.; Leathe, Nicholas L.; Lester, Brian T.; Madison, Jonathan D.; Mani, Seethambal S.; Martinez, Mario J.; Moser, Daniel M.; Rodgers, Theron R.; Seidl, Daniel T.; Brown-Shaklee, Harlan J.; Stanford, Joshua S.; Stender, Michael S.; Sugar, Joshua D.; Swiler, Laura P.; Taylor, Samantha T.; Trembacki, Bradley T.

This SAND report fulfills the final report requirement for the Born Qualified Grand Challenge LDRD. Born Qualified was funded from FY16-FY18 with a total budget of ~$13M over the 3 years of funding. Overall 70+ staff, Post Docs, and students supported this project over its lifetime. The driver for Born Qualified was using Additive Manufacturing (AM) to change the qualification paradigm for low volume, high value, high consequence, complex parts that are common in high-risk industries such as ND, defense, energy, aerospace, and medical. AM offers the opportunity to transform design, manufacturing, and qualification with its unique capabilities. AM is a disruptive technology, allowing the capability to simultaneously create part and material while tightly controlling and monitoring the manufacturing process at the voxel level, with the inherent flexibility and agility in printing layer-by-layer. AM enables the possibility of measuring critical material and part parameters during manufacturing, thus changing the way we collect data, assess performance, and accept or qualify parts. It provides an opportunity to shift from the current iterative design-build-test qualification paradigm using traditional manufacturing processes to design-by-predictivity where requirements are addressed concurrently and rapidly. The new qualification paradigm driven by AM provides the opportunity to predict performance probabilistically, to optimally control the manufacturing process, and to implement accelerated cycles of learning. Exploiting these capabilities to realize a new uncertainty quantification-driven qualification that is rapid, flexible, and practical is the focus of this effort.

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Changing the Engineering Design & Qualification Paradigm in Component Design & Manufacturing (Born Qualified)

Roach, R.A.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Jared, Bradley H.; Keicher, David M.; Cook, Adam W.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Forrest, Eric C.; Stanford, Joshua S.; Boyce, Brad B.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Rodgers, Theron R.; Ford, Kurtis R.; Martinez, Mario J.; Moser, Daniel M.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Chandross, M.; Abdeljawad, Fadi F.; Allen, Kyle M.; Stender, Michael S.; Beghini, Lauren L.; Swiler, Laura P.; Lester, Brian T.; Argibay, Nicolas A.; Brown-Shaklee, Harlan J.; Kustas, Andrew K.; Sugar, Joshua D.; Kammler, Daniel K.; Wilson, Mark A.

Abstract not provided.

Computational thermal, chemical, fluid, and solid mechanics for geosystems management

Martinez, Mario J.; Red-Horse, John R.; Carnes, Brian C.; Mesh, Mikhail M.; Field, Richard V.; Davison, Scott M.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Newell, Pania N.; Notz, Patrick N.; Turner, Daniel Z.; Subia, Samuel R.; Hopkins, Polly L.; Moffat, Harry K.; Jove Colon, Carlos F.; Dewers, Thomas D.; Klise, Katherine A.

This document summarizes research performed under the SNL LDRD entitled - Computational Mechanics for Geosystems Management to Support the Energy and Natural Resources Mission. The main accomplishment was development of a foundational SNL capability for computational thermal, chemical, fluid, and solid mechanics analysis of geosystems. The code was developed within the SNL Sierra software system. This report summarizes the capabilities of the simulation code and the supporting research and development conducted under this LDRD. The main goal of this project was the development of a foundational capability for coupled thermal, hydrological, mechanical, chemical (THMC) simulation of heterogeneous geosystems utilizing massively parallel processing. To solve these complex issues, this project integrated research in numerical mathematics and algorithms for chemically reactive multiphase systems with computer science research in adaptive coupled solution control and framework architecture. This report summarizes and demonstrates the capabilities that were developed together with the supporting research underlying the models. Key accomplishments are: (1) General capability for modeling nonisothermal, multiphase, multicomponent flow in heterogeneous porous geologic materials; (2) General capability to model multiphase reactive transport of species in heterogeneous porous media; (3) Constitutive models for describing real, general geomaterials under multiphase conditions utilizing laboratory data; (4) General capability to couple nonisothermal reactive flow with geomechanics (THMC); (5) Phase behavior thermodynamics for the CO2-H2O-NaCl system. General implementation enables modeling of other fluid mixtures. Adaptive look-up tables enable thermodynamic capability to other simulators; (6) Capability for statistical modeling of heterogeneity in geologic materials; and (7) Simulator utilizes unstructured grids on parallel processing computers.

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Generalized Fourier analyses of the advection-diffusion equation - Part I: One-dimensional domains

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

Christon, Mark A.; Martinez, Mario J.; Voth, Thomas E.

This paper presents a detailed multi-methods comparison of the spatial errors associated with finite difference, finite element and finite volume semi-discretizations of the scalar advection-diffusion equation. The errors are reported in terms of non-dimensional phase and group speed, discrete diffusivity, artificial diffusivity, and grid-induced anisotropy, it is demonstrated that Fourier analysis provides an automatic process for separating the discrete advective operator into its symmetric and skew-symmetric components and characterizing the spectral behaviour of each operator. For each of the numerical methods considered, asymptotic truncation error and resolution estimates are presented for the limiting cases of pure advection and pure diffusion. It is demonstrated that streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin and its control-volume finite element analogue, the streamline upwind control-volume method, produce both an artificial diffusivity and a concomitant phase speed adjustment in addition to the usual semi-discrete artifacts observed in the phase speed, group speed and diffusivity. The Galerkin finite element method and its streamline upwind derivatives are shown to exhibit super-convergent behaviour in terms of phase and group speed when a consistent mass matrix is used in the formulation. In contrast, the CVFEM method and its streamline upwind derivatives yield strictly second-order behaviour. In Part II of this paper, we consider two-dimensional semi-discretizations of the advection-diffusion equation and also assess the affects of grid-induced anisotropy observed in the non-dimensional phase speed, and the discrete and artificial diffusivities. Although this work can only be considered a first step in a comprehensive multi-methods analysis and comparison, it serves to identify some of the relative strengths and weaknesses of multiple numerical methods in a common analysis framework.

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Generalized fourier analyses of the advection-diffusion equation - Part II: Two-dimensional domains

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

Voth, Thomas E.; Martinez, Mario J.; Christon, Mark A.

Part I of this work presents a detailed multi-methods comparison of the spatial errors associated with the one-dimensional finite difference, finite element and finite volume semi-discretizations of the scalar advection-diffusion equation. In Part II we extend the analysis to two-dimensional domains and also consider the effects of wave propagation direction and grid aspect ratio on the phase speed, and the discrete and artificial diffusivities. The observed dependence of dispersive and diffusive behaviour on propagation direction makes comparison of methods more difficult relative to the one-dimensional results. For this reason, integrated (over propagation direction and wave number) error and anisotropy metrics are introduced to facilitate comparison among the various methods. With respect to these metrics, the consistent mass Galerkin and consistent mass control-volume finite element methods, and their streamline upwind derivatives, exhibit comparable accuracy, and generally out-perform their lumped mass counterparts and finite-difference based schemes. While this work can only be considered a first step in a comprehensive multi-methods analysis and comparison, it serves to identify some of the relative strengths and weaknesses of multiple numerical methods in a common mathematical framework.

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Generalized Fourier Analyses of Semi-Discretizations of the Advection-Diffusion Equation

Christon, Mark A.; Voth, Thomas E.; Martinez, Mario J.

This report presents a detailed multi-methods comparison of the spatial errors associated with finite difference, finite element and finite volume semi-discretizations of the scalar advection-diffusion equation. The errors are reported in terms of non-dimensional phase and group speeds, discrete diffusivity, artificial diffusivity, and grid-induced anisotropy. It is demonstrated that Fourier analysis (aka von Neumann analysis) provides an automatic process for separating the spectral behavior of the discrete advective operator into its symmetric dissipative and skew-symmetric advective components. Further it is demonstrated that streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin and its control-volume finite element analogue, streamline upwind control-volume, produce both an artificial diffusivity and an artificial phase speed in addition to the usual semi-discrete artifacts observed in the discrete phase speed, group speed and diffusivity. For each of the numerical methods considered, asymptotic truncation error and resolution estimates are presented for the limiting cases of pure advection and pure diffusion. The Galerkin finite element method and its streamline upwind derivatives are shown to exhibit super-convergent behavior in terms of phase and group speed when a consistent mass matrix is used in the formulation. In contrast, the CVFEM method and its streamline upwind derivatives yield strictly second-order behavior. While this work can only be considered a first step in a comprehensive multi-methods analysis and comparison, it serves to identify some of the relative strengths and weaknesses of multiple numerical methods in a common mathematical framework.

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