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Using additive manufacturing as a pathway to change the qualification paradigm

Solid Freeform Fabrication 2018: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference, SFF 2018

Roach, R.A.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Rodgers, Theron R.; Boyce, B.L.; Swiler, L.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Chandross, M.; Kammler, Daniel K.; Balch, Dorian K.; Jared, B.; Martinez, Mario J.; Leathe, Nicholas L.; Ford, K.

Additive Manufacturing (AM) offers the opportunity to transform design, manufacturing, and qualification with its unique capabilities. AM is a disruptive technology, allowing the capability to simultaneously create part and material while tightly controlling and monitoring the manufacturing process at the voxel level, with the inherent flexibility and agility in printing layer-by-layer. AM enables the possibility of measuring critical material and part parameters during manufacturing, thus changing the way we collect data, assess performance, and accept or qualify parts. It provides an opportunity to shift from the current iterative design-build-test qualification paradigm using traditional manufacturing processes to design-by-predictivity where requirements are addressed concurrently and rapidly. The new qualification paradigm driven by AM provides the opportunity to predict performance probabilistically, to optimally control the manufacturing process, and to implement accelerated cycles of learning. Exploiting these capabilities to realize a new uncertainty quantification-driven qualification that is rapid, flexible, and practical is the focus of this paper.

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New nanoscale toughening mechanisms mitigate embrittlement in binary nanocrystalline alloys


Heckman, Nathan H.; Foiles, Stephen M.; O'Brien, Christopher J.; Chandross, M.; Barr, Christopher M.; Argibay, Nicolas A.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Lu, Ping L.; Adams, David P.; Boyce, Brad B.

Nanocrystalline metals offer significant improvements in structural performance over conventional alloys. However, their performance is limited by grain boundary instability and limited ductility. Solute segregation has been proposed as a stabilization mechanism, however the solute atoms can embrittle grain boundaries and further degrade the toughness. In the present study, we confirm the embrittling effect of solute segregation in Pt-Au alloys. However, more importantly, we show that inhomogeneous chemical segregation to the grain boundary can lead to a new toughening mechanism termed compositional crack arrest. Energy dissipation is facilitated by the formation of nanocrack networks formed when cracks arrested at regions of the grain boundaries that were starved in the embrittling element. This mechanism, in concert with triple junction crack arrest, provides pathways to optimize both thermal stability and energy dissipation. A combination of in situ tensile deformation experiments and molecular dynamics simulations elucidate both the embrittling and toughening processes that can occur as a function of solute content.

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Born Qualified Grand Challenge LDRD Final Report

Roach, R.A.; Argibay, Nicolas A.; Allen, Kyle M.; Balch, Dorian K.; Beghini, Lauren L.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Boyce, Brad B.; Brown, Judith A.; Burchard, Ross L.; Chandross, M.; Cook, Adam W.; DiAntonio, Christopher D.; Dressler, Amber D.; Forrest, Eric C.; Ford, Kurtis R.; Ivanoff, Thomas I.; Jared, Bradley H.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Kammler, Daniel K.; Koepke, Joshua R.; Kustas, Andrew K.; Lavin, Judith M.; Leathe, Nicholas L.; Lester, Brian T.; Madison, Jonathan D.; Mani, Seethambal S.; Martinez, Mario J.; Moser, Daniel M.; Rodgers, Theron R.; Seidl, Daniel T.; Brown-Shaklee, Harlan J.; Stanford, Joshua S.; Stender, Michael S.; Sugar, Joshua D.; Swiler, Laura P.; Taylor, Samantha T.; Trembacki, Bradley T.

This SAND report fulfills the final report requirement for the Born Qualified Grand Challenge LDRD. Born Qualified was funded from FY16-FY18 with a total budget of ~$13M over the 3 years of funding. Overall 70+ staff, Post Docs, and students supported this project over its lifetime. The driver for Born Qualified was using Additive Manufacturing (AM) to change the qualification paradigm for low volume, high value, high consequence, complex parts that are common in high-risk industries such as ND, defense, energy, aerospace, and medical. AM offers the opportunity to transform design, manufacturing, and qualification with its unique capabilities. AM is a disruptive technology, allowing the capability to simultaneously create part and material while tightly controlling and monitoring the manufacturing process at the voxel level, with the inherent flexibility and agility in printing layer-by-layer. AM enables the possibility of measuring critical material and part parameters during manufacturing, thus changing the way we collect data, assess performance, and accept or qualify parts. It provides an opportunity to shift from the current iterative design-build-test qualification paradigm using traditional manufacturing processes to design-by-predictivity where requirements are addressed concurrently and rapidly. The new qualification paradigm driven by AM provides the opportunity to predict performance probabilistically, to optimally control the manufacturing process, and to implement accelerated cycles of learning. Exploiting these capabilities to realize a new uncertainty quantification-driven qualification that is rapid, flexible, and practical is the focus of this effort.

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Changing the Engineering Design & Qualification Paradigm in Component Design & Manufacturing (Born Qualified)

Roach, R.A.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Jared, Bradley H.; Keicher, David M.; Cook, Adam W.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Forrest, Eric C.; Stanford, Joshua S.; Boyce, Brad B.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Rodgers, Theron R.; Ford, Kurtis R.; Martinez, Mario J.; Moser, Daniel M.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Chandross, M.; Abdeljawad, Fadi F.; Allen, Kyle M.; Stender, Michael S.; Beghini, Lauren L.; Swiler, Laura P.; Lester, Brian T.; Argibay, Nicolas A.; Brown-Shaklee, Harlan J.; Kustas, Andrew K.; Sugar, Joshua D.; Kammler, Daniel K.; Wilson, Mark A.

Abstract not provided.

Crossing the mesoscale no-mans land via parallel kinetic Monte Carlo

Plimpton, Steven J.; Battaile, Corbett C.; Chandross, M.; Holm, Elizabeth A.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Tikare, Veena T.; Webb, Edmund B.; Zhou, Xiaowang Z.

The kinetic Monte Carlo method and its variants are powerful tools for modeling materials at the mesoscale, meaning at length and time scales in between the atomic and continuum. We have completed a 3 year LDRD project with the goal of developing a parallel kinetic Monte Carlo capability and applying it to materials modeling problems of interest to Sandia. In this report we give an overview of the methods and algorithms developed, and describe our new open-source code called SPPARKS, for Stochastic Parallel PARticle Kinetic Simulator. We also highlight the development of several Monte Carlo models in SPPARKS for specific materials modeling applications, including grain growth, bubble formation, diffusion in nanoporous materials, defect formation in erbium hydrides, and surface growth and evolution.

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Density functional theory study of transition metal porphine adsorption on gold surface and electric field induced conformation changes

Proposed for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Rempe, Susan R.; Schultz, Peter A.; Chandross, M.

We apply density functional theory (DFT) and the DFT+U technique to study the adsorption of transition metal porphine molecules on atomistically flat Au(111) surfaces. DFT calculations using the Perdew?Burke?Ernzerhof exchange correlation functional correctly predict the palladium porphine (PdP) low-spin ground state. PdP is found to adsorb preferentially on gold in a flat geometry, not in an edgewise geometry, in qualitative agreement with experiments on substituted porphyrins. It exhibits no covalent bonding to Au(111), and the binding energy is a small fraction of an electronvolt. The DFT+U technique, parametrized to B3LYP-predicted spin state ordering of the Mn d-electrons, is found to be crucial for reproducing the correct magnetic moment and geometry of the isolated manganese porphine (MnP) molecule. Adsorption of Mn(II)P on Au(111) substantially alters the Mn ion spin state. Its interaction with the gold substrate is stronger and more site-specific than that of PdP. The binding can be partially reversed by applying an electric potential, which leads to significant changes in the electronic and magnetic properties of adsorbed MnP and 0.1 {angstrom} changes in the Mn-nitrogen distances within the porphine macrocycle. We conjecture that this DFT+U approach may be a useful general method for modeling first-row transition metal ion complexes in a condensed-matter setting.

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Dynamics of exchange at gas-zeolite interfaces I: Pure component n-butane and isobutane

Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Chandross, M.; Webb, Edmund B.; Grest, Gary S.; Martin, Marcus G.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Roth, M.W.

We present the results of Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations of n-butane and isobutane in silicalite. We begin with a comparison of the bulk adsorption and diffusion properties for two different parameterizations of the interaction potential between the hydrocarbon species, both of which have been shown to reproduce experimental gas-liquid coexistence curves. We examine diffusion as a function of the loading of the zeolite, as well as the temperature dependence of the diffusion constant at loading and for infinite dilution. Both force fields give accurate descriptions of bulk properties. We continue with simulations in which interfaces are formed between single component gases and the zeolite. After reaching equilibrium, we examine the dynamics of exchange between the bulk gas and the zeolite. In particular, we examine the average time spent in the adsorption layer by molecules as they enter the zeolite from the gas in an attempt to probe the microscopic origins of the surface barrier. The microscopic barrier is found to be insignificant for experimental systems. Finally, we calculate the permeability of the zeolite for n-butane and isobutane as a function of pressure. Our results underestimate the experimental results by an order of magnitude, indicating a strong effect from the surface barrier in these simulations. Our simulations are performed for a number of different gas temperatures and pressures, covering a wide range of state points.

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