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Kokkos 3: Programming Model Extensions for the Exascale Era

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

Trott, Christian R.; Lebrun-Grandie, Damien; Arndt, Daniel; Ciesko, Jan; Dang, Vinh Q.; Ellingwood, Nathan D.; Gayatri, Rahulkumar; Harvey, Evan C.; Hollman, Daisy S.; Ibanez, Dan; Liber, Nevin; Madsen, Jonathan; Miles, Jeff; Poliakoff, David Z.; Powell, Amy J.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Simberg, Mikael; Sunderland, Dan; Turcksin, Bruno; Wilke, Jeremiah

As the push towards exascale hardware has increased the diversity of system architectures, performance portability has become a critical aspect for scientific software. We describe the Kokkos Performance Portable Programming Model that allows developers to write single source applications for diverse high-performance computing architectures. Kokkos provides key abstractions for both the compute and memory hierarchy of modern hardware. We describe the novel abstractions that have been added to Kokkos version 3 such as hierarchical parallelism, containers, task graphs, and arbitrary-sized atomic operations to prepare for exascale era architectures. We demonstrate the performance of these new features with reproducible benchmarks on CPUs and GPUs.

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Towards generic parallel programming in computer science education with kokkos

Proceedings of EduHPC 2020: Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing, Held in conjunction with SC 2020: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis

Ciesko, Jan; Poliakoff, David; Hollman, Daisy S.; Trott, Christian C.; Lebrun-Grandie, Damien

Parallel patterns, views, and spaces are promising abstractions to capture the programmer's intent as well as the contextual information that can be used by an underlying runtime to efficiently map software to parallel hardware. These abstractions can be valuable in cases where an algorithm must accommodate requirements of code and performance portability across hardware architectures and vendor programming models. Kokkos is a parallel programming model for host- and accelerator architectures that relies on these abstractions and targets these requirements. It consists of a pure C++ interface, a specification, and a programming library. The programming library exposes patterns and types and maps them to an underlying abstract machine model. The abstract machine model offers a generic view of parallel hardware. While Kokkos is gaining popularity in large-scale HPC applications at some DOE laboratories, we believe that the implemented concepts are of interest to a broader audience including academia as they may contribute to a generic, vendor, and architecture-independent education of parallel programming. In this work, we give an insight into the design considerations of this programming model and list important abstractions. Further, we document best practices obtained from giving virtual classes on Kokkos and give pointers to resources that the reader may consider valuable for a lecture on generic parallel programming for students with preexisting knowledge on this matter.

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Implementing Flexible Threading Support in Open MPI

Proceedings of ExaMPI 2020: Exascale MPI Workshop, Held in conjunction with SC 2020: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis

Evans, Noah; Ciesko, Jan; Olivier, Stephen L.; Pritchard, Howard; Iwasaki, Shintaro; Raffenetti, Ken; Balaji, Pavan

Multithreaded MPI applications are gaining popularity in scientific and high-performance computing. While the combination of programming models is suited to support current parallel hardware, it moves threading models and their interaction with MPI into focus. With the advent of new threading libraries, the flexibility to select threading implementations of choice is becoming an important usability feature. Open MPI has traditionally avoided componentizing its threading model, relying on code inlining and static initialization to minimize potential impacts on runtime fast paths and synchronization. This paper describes the implementation of a generic threading runtime support in Open MPI using the Opal Modular Component Architecture. This architecture allows the programmer to select a threading library at compile-or run-time, providing both static initialization of threading primitives as well as dynamic instantiation of threading objects. In this work, we present the implementation, define required interfaces, and discuss trade-offs of dynamic and static initialization.

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