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Ensemble Grouping Strategies for Embedded Stochastic Collocation Methods Applied to Anisotropic Diffusion Problems

SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification

D'Elia, Marta D.; Phipps, Eric T.; Edwards, Harold C.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Previous work has demonstrated that propagating groups of samples, called ensembles, together through forward simulations can dramatically reduce the aggregate cost of sampling-based uncertainty propagation methods [E. Phipps, M. D'Elia, H. C. Edwards, M. Hoemmen, J. Hu, and S. Rajamanickam, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 39 (2017), pp. C162--C193]. However, critical to the success of this approach when applied to challenging problems of scientific interest is the grouping of samples into ensembles to minimize the total computational work. For example, the total number of linear solver iterations for ensemble systems may be strongly influenced by which samples form the ensemble when applying iterative linear solvers to parameterized and stochastic linear systems. In this paper we explore sample grouping strategies for local adaptive stochastic collocation methods applied to PDEs with uncertain input data, in particular canonical anisotropic diffusion problems where the diffusion coefficient is modeled by truncated Karhunen--Loève expansions. Finally, we demonstrate that a measure of the total anisotropy of the diffusion coefficient is a good surrogate for the number of linear solver iterations for each sample and therefore provides a simple and effective metric for grouping samples.

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Ensemble grouping strategies for embedded stochastic collocation methods applied to anisotropic diffusion problems

SIAM-ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification

D'Elia, Marta D.; Edwards, Harold C.; Hu, J.; Phipps, Eric T.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Previous work has demonstrated that propagating groups of samples, called ensembles, together through forward simulations can dramatically reduce the aggregate cost of sampling-based uncertainty propagation methods [E. Phipps, M. D'Elia, H. C. Edwards, M. Hoemmen, J. Hu, and S. Rajamanickam, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 39 (2017), pp. C162-C193]. However, critical to the success of this approach when applied to challenging problems of scientific interest is the grouping of samples into ensembles to minimize the total computational work. For example, the total number of linear solver iterations for ensemble systems may be strongly influenced by which samples form the ensemble when applying iterative linear solvers to parameterized and stochastic linear systems. In this work we explore sample grouping strategies for local adaptive stochastic collocation methods applied to PDEs with uncertain input data, in particular canonical anisotropic diffusion problems where the diffusion coefficient is modeled by truncated Karhunen-Loève expansions. We demonstrate that a measure of the total anisotropy of the diffusion coefficient is a good surrogate for the number of linear solver iterations for each sample and therefore provides a simple and effective metric for grouping samples.

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Trends in Data Locality Abstractions for HPC Systems

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

Unat, Didem; Dubey, Anshu; Hoefler, Torsten; Shalf, John B.; Abraham, Mark; Bianco, Mauro; Chamberlain, Bradford L.; Cledat, Romain; Edwards, Harold C.; Finkel, Hal; Fuerlinger, Karl; Hannig, Frank; Jeannot, Emmanuel; Kamil, Amir; Keasler, Jeff; Kelly, Paul H.J.; Leung, Vitus J.; Ltaief, Hatem; Maruyama, Naoya; Newburn, Chris J.; Pericas, Miquel

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Kokkos' Task DAG Capabilities

Edwards, Harold C.; Ibanez-Granados, Daniel A.

This report documents the ASC/ATDM Kokkos deliverable "Production Portable Dy- namic Task DAG Capability." This capability enables applications to create and execute a dynamic task DAG ; a collection of heterogeneous computational tasks with a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of "execute after" dependencies where tasks and their dependencies are dynamically created and destroyed as tasks execute. The Kokkos task scheduler executes the dynamic task DAG on the target execution resource; e.g. a multicore CPU, a manycore CPU such as Intel's Knights Landing (KNL), or an NVIDIA GPU. Several major technical challenges had to be addressed during development of Kokkos' Task DAG capability: (1) portability to a GPU with it's simplified hardware and micro- runtime, (2) thread-scalable memory allocation and deallocation from a bounded pool of memory, (3) thread-scalable scheduler for dynamic task DAG, (4) usability by applications.

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Results 1–25 of 142
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