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Hierarchical Task-Data Parallelism using Kokkos and Qthreads

Edwards, Harold C.; Olivier, Stephen L.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Mackey, Greg; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Wolf, Michael W.; Kim, Kyungjoo K.; Stelle, George

This report describes a new capability for hierarchical task-data parallelism using Sandia's Kokkos and Qthreads, and evaluation of this capability with sparse matrix Cholesky factor- ization and social network triangle enumeration mini-applications. Hierarchical task-data parallelism consists of a collection of tasks with executes-after dependences where each task contains data parallel operations performed on a team of hardware threads. The collection of tasks and dependences form a directed acyclic graph of tasks - a task DAG . Major chal- lenges of this research and development effort include: portability and performance across multicore CPU; manycore Intel Xeon Phi, and NVIDIA GPU architectures; scalability with respect to hardware concurrency and size of the task DAG; and usability of the application programmer interface (API).

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Task Parallel Incomplete Cholesky Factorization using 2D Partitioned-Block Layout

Kim, Kyungjoo K.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Stelle, George; Edwards, Harold C.; Olivier, Stephen L.

We introduce a task-parallel algorithm for sparse incomplete Cholesky factorization that utilizes a 2D sparse partitioned-block layout of a matrix. Our factorization algorithm follows the idea of algorithms-by-blocks by using the block layout. The algorithm-byblocks approach induces a task graph for the factorization. These tasks are inter-related to each other through their data dependences in the factorization algorithm. To process the tasks on various manycore architectures in a portable manner, we also present a portable tasking API that incorporates different tasking backends and device-specific features using an open-source framework for manycore platforms i.e., Kokkos. A performance evaluation is presented on both Intel Sandybridge and Xeon Phi platforms for matrices from the University of Florida sparse matrix collection to illustrate merits of the proposed task-based factorization. Experimental results demonstrate that our task-parallel implementation delivers about 26.6x speedup (geometric mean) over single-threaded incomplete Choleskyby- blocks and 19.2x speedup over serial Cholesky performance which does not carry tasking overhead using 56 threads on the Intel Xeon Phi processor for sparse matrices arising from various application problems.

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Using a complementary emulation-simulation co-design approach to assess application readiness for Processing-in-Memory systems

Proceedings of Co-HPC 2014: 1st International Workshop on Hardware-Software Co-Design for High Performance Computing - Held in Conjunction with SC 2014: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis

Stelle, George; Olivier, Stephen L.; Stark, Dylan S.; Rodrigues, Arun; Hemmert, Karl S.

Disruptive changes to computer architecture are paving the way toward extreme scale computing. The co-design strategy of collaborative research and development among computer architects, system software designers, and application teams can help to ensure that applications not only cope but thrive with these changes. In this paper, we present a novel combined co-design approach of emulation and simulation in the context of investigating future Processing in Memory (PIM) architectures. PIM enables co-location of data and computation to decrease data movement, to provide increases in memory speed and capacity compared to existing technologies and, perhaps most importantly for extreme scale, to improve energy efficiency. Our evaluation of PIM focuses on three mini-applications representing important production applications. The emulation and simulation studies examine the effects of locality-aware versus locality-oblivious data distribution and computation, and they compare PIM to conventional architectures. Both studies contribute in their own way to the overall understanding of the application-architecture interactions, and our results suggest that PIM technology shows great potential for efficient computation without negatively impacting productivity.

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