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New Design Principles for Cold Electronics

2019 IEEE SOI-3D-Subthreshold Microelectronics Technology Unified Conference, S3S 2019

DeBenedictis, Erik; Frank, Michael P.

Josephson junctions, cryogenic CMOS, and adiabatic circuits were proposed as computing options decades ago, but never got traction due to competition from room-temperature CMOS. However, quantum computer control electronics naturally requires cryogenic temperatures, making a deeper investigation of these technologies timely.We argue that a technology hybrid and new system design principles are needed, which we illustrate with adiabatic cryo-CMOS circuits playing an unanticipated but very important role.Transistor redesign will lead to even further improvement beyond what's illustrated in this paper, but more research will be needed to know how much.

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Merge Network for a Non-Von Neumann Accumulate Accelerator in a 3D Chip

2018 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing, ICRC 2018

Jain, Anirudh; Srikanth, Sriseshan; DeBenedictis, Erik; Krishna, Tushar

Logic-memory integration helps mitigate the von Neumann bottleneck, and this has enabled a new class of architectures that helps accelerate graph analytics and operations on sparse data streams. These utilize merge networks as a key unit of computation. Such networks are highly parallel and their performance increases with tighter coupling between logic and memory when a bitonic algorithm is used. This paper presents energy-efficient on-chip network architectures for merging key-value pairs using both word-parallel and bit-serial paradigms. The proposed architectures are capable of merging two rows of high bandwidth memory (HBM)worth of data in a manner that is completely overlapped with the reading from and writing back to such a row. Furthermore, their energy consumption is about an order of magnitude lower when compared to a naive crossbar based design.

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A Role for IEEE in Quantum Computing


DeBenedictis, Erik

Will quantum computation become an important milestone in human progress? Passionate advocates and equally passionate skeptics abound. IEEE already provides useful, neutral forums for state-of-the-art science and engineering knowledge as well as practical benchmarks for quantum computation evaluation. But could the organization do more.

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Accelerated architectures create programming opportunities


DeBenedictis, Erik

In the early 2000s, industry switched to multicore microprocessors to address semiconductors' speed and power limits. However, the change was unsuccessful, leading to dire claims that 'Moore's law is ending.' This column suggests that while the approach was sound, it needed a deeper architectural transformation. Industry has since discovered a suitable architecture, but work remains on software to support it.

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Rebooting Computers to Avoid Meltdown and Spectre


Conte, Thomas M.; DeBenedictis, Erik; Mendelson, Avi; Milojicic, Dejan

Security vulnerabilities such as Meltdown and Spectre demonstrate how chip complexity grew faster than our ability to manage unintended consequences. Attention to security from the outset should be part of the rememdy, yet complexity must be controlled at a more fundamental level.

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Memory System Design for Ultra Low Power, Computationally Error Resilient Processor Microarchitectures

Proceedings - International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture

Srikanth, Sriseshan; Rabbat, Paul G.; Hein, Eric R.; Deng, Bobin; Conte, Thomas M.; DeBenedictis, Erik; Cook, Jeanine C.; Frank, Michael P.

Dennard scaling ended a decade ago. Energy reduction by lowering supply voltage has been limited because of guard bands and a subthreshold slope of over 60mV/decade in MOSFETs. On the other hand, newly-proposed logic devices maintain a high on/off ratio for drain currents even at significantly lower operating voltages. However, such ultra low power technology would eventually suffer from intermittent errors in logic as a result of operating close to the thermal noise floor. Computational error correction mitigates this issue by efficiently correcting stochastic bit errors that may occur in computational logic operating at low signal energies, thereby allowing for energy reduction by lowering supply voltage to tens of millivolts. Cores based on a Redundant Residual Number System (RRNS), which represents a number using a tuple of smaller numbers, are a promising candidate for implementing energyefficient computational error correction. However, prior RRNS core microarchitectures abstract away the memory hierarchy and do not consider the power-performance impact of RNS-based memory addressing. When compared with a non-error-correcting core addressing memory in binary, naive RNS-based memory addressing schemes cause a slowdown of over 3x/2x for inorder/out-of-order cores respectively. In this paper, we analyze RNS-based memory access pattern behavior and provide solutions in the form of novel schemes and the resulting design space exploration, thereby, extending and enabling a tangible, ultra low power RRNS based architecture.

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A Future with Quantum Machine Learning


DeBenedictis, Erik

Could combining quantum computing and machine learning with Moore's law produce a true 'rebooted computer'? This article posits that a three-technology hybrid-computing approach might yield sufficiently improved answers to a broad class of problems such that energy efficiency will no longer be the dominant concern.

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On the energy consequences of information for spacecraft systems

2017 IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments, WiSEE 2017

Lyke, James; Mee, Jesse; Edwards, Arthur; Pineda, Andrew; DeBenedictis, Erik; Frank, Michael P.

Conventional wisdom in the spacecraft domain is that on-orbit computation is expensive, and thus, information is traditionally funneled to the ground as directly as possible. The explosion of information due to larger sensors, the advancements of Moore's law, and other considerations lead us to revisit this practice. In this article, we consider the trade-off between computation, storage, and transmission, viewed as an energy minimization problem.

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It's Time to Redefine Moore's Law Again


DeBenedictis, Erik

The familiar story of Moore's law is actually inaccurate. This article corrects the story, leading to different projections for the future. Moore's law is a fluid idea whose definition changes over time. It thus doesn't have the ability to 'end,' as is popularly reported, but merely takes different forms as the semiconductor and computer industries evolve.

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Sustaining Moore's Law with 3D Chips


DeBenedictis, Erik; Badaroglu, Mustafa; Chen, An; Conte, Thomas M.; Gargini, Paolo

Rather than continue the expensive and time-consuming quest for transistor replacement, the authors argue that 3D chips coupled with new computer architectures can keep Moore's law on its traditional scaling path.

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Energy efficiency limits of logic and memory

2016 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing, ICRC 2016 - Conference Proceedings

Agarwal, Sapan A.; Cook, Jeanine C.; DeBenedictis, Erik; Frank, Michael P.; Cauwenberghs, Gert; Srikanth, Sriseshan; Deng, Bobin; Hein, Eric R.; Rabbat, Paul G.; Conte, Thomas M.

We address practical limits of energy efficiency scaling for logic and memory. Scaling of logic will end with unreliable operation, making computers probabilistic as a side effect. The errors can be corrected or tolerated, but overhead will increase with further scaling. We address the tradeoff between scaling and error correction that yields minimum energy per operation, finding new error correction methods with energy consumption limits about 2× below current approaches. The maximum energy efficiency for memory depends on several other factors. Adiabatic and reversible methods applied to logic have promise, but overheads have precluded practical use. However, the regular array structure of memory arrays tends to reduce overhead and makes adiabatic memory a viable option. This paper reports an adiabatic memory that has been tested at about 85× improvement over standard designs for energy efficiency. Combining these approaches could set energy efficiency expectations for processor-in-memory computing systems.

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A novel operational paradigm for thermodynamically reversible logic: Adibatic transformation of chaotic nonlinear dynamical circuits

2016 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing, ICRC 2016 - Conference Proceedings

Frank, Michael P.; DeBenedictis, Erik

Continuing to improve computational energy efficiency will soon require developing and deploying new operational paradigms for computation that circumvent the fundamental thermodynamic limits that apply to conventionally-implemented Boolean logic circuits. In particular, Landauer's principle tells us that irreversible information erasure requires a minimum energy dissipation of kT ln 2 per bit erased, where k is Boltzmann's constant and T is the temperature of the available heat sink. However, correctly applying this principle requires carefully characterizing what actually constitutes "information erasure" within a given physical computing mechanism. In this paper, we show that abstract combinational logic networks can validly be considered to contain no information beyond that specified in their input, and that, because of this, appropriately-designed physical implementations of even multi-layer networks can in fact be updated in a single step while incurring no greater theoretical minimum energy dissipation than is required to update their inputs. Furthermore, this energy can approach zero if the network state is updated adiabatically via a reversible transition process. Our novel operational paradigm for updating logic networks suggests an entirely new class of hardware devices and circuits that can be used to reversibly implement Boolean logic with energy dissipation far below the Landauer limit.

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A path toward ultra-low-energy computing

2016 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing, ICRC 2016 - Conference Proceedings

DeBenedictis, Erik; Frank, Michael P.; Ganesh, Natesh; Anderson, Neal G.

At roughly kT energy dissipation per operation, the thermodynamic energy efficiency "limits" of Moore's Law were unimaginably far off in the 1960s. However, current computers operate at only 100-10,000 times this limit, forming an argument that historical rates of efficiency scaling must soon slow. This paper reviews the justification for the ∼kT per operation limit in the context of processors for von Neumann-class computer architectures of the 1960s. We then reapply the fundamental arguments to contemporary applications and identify a new direction for future computing in which the ultimate efficiency limits would be much further out. New nanodevices with high-level functions that aggregate the functionality of several logic gates and some local memory may be the right building blocks for much more energy efficient execution of emerging applications - such as neural networks.

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Results 1–50 of 101
Results 1–50 of 101