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Increased preheat energy to MagLIF targets with cryogenic cooling

Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Crabtree, Jerry A.; Weis, Matthew R.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Fein, Jeffrey R.; Ampleford, David A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Galloway, B.R.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Hanson, Jeffrey J.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Lewis, William L.; Mangan, Michael M.; Maurer, A.; Perea, L.; Peterson, Kara J.; Porter, John L.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Rochau, G.A.; Ruiz, Daniel E.; Shores, Jonathon S.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Smith, Ian C.; Speas, Christopher S.; Yager-Elorriaga, David A.; York, Adam Y.; Paguio, R.R.; Smith, G.E.

Abstract not provided.

An overview of magneto-inertial fusion on the Z Machine at Sandia National Laboratories

Yager-Elorriaga, David A.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Ruiz, Daniel E.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Weis, Matthew R.; Awe, Thomas J.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Mangan, Michael M.; Myers, Clayton E.; Fein, Jeffrey R.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Glinsky, Michael E.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Webster, Evelyn L.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Ampleford, David A.; Beckwith, Kristian B.; Peterson, Kara J.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Sinars, Daniel S.

Abstract not provided.

Recent Diagnostic Platform Accomplishments for Studying Vacuum Power Flow Physics at the Sandia Z Accelerator

Laity, George R.; Aragon, Carlos A.; Bennett, Nichelle L.; Bliss, David E.; Dolan, Daniel H.; Fierro, Andrew S.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Hess, Mark H.; Hutsel, Brian T.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Johnston, Mark D.; Kossow, Michael R.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; Patel, Sonal P.; Porwitzky, Andrew J.; Robinson, Allen C.; Rose, David V.; VanDevender, Pace V.; Waisman, Eduardo M.; Webb, Timothy J.; Welch, Dale R.; Rochau, G.A.; Savage, Mark E.; Stygar, William S.; White, William M.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Cuneo, M.E.

Abstract not provided.

The Xygra gun simulation tool

Garasi, Christopher J.; Robinson, Allen C.; Russo, Thomas V.; Lamppa, Derek C.

Inductive electromagnetic launchers, or coilguns, use discrete solenoidal coils to accelerate a coaxial conductive armature. To date, Sandia has been using an internally developed code, SLINGSHOT, as a point-mass lumped circuit element simulation tool for modeling coilgun behavior for design and verification purposes. This code has shortcomings in terms of accurately modeling gun performance under stressful electromagnetic propulsion environments. To correct for these limitations, it was decided to attempt to closely couple two Sandia simulation codes, Xyce and ALEGRA, to develop a more rigorous simulation capability for demanding launch applications. This report summarizes the modifications made to each respective code and the path forward to completing interfacing between them.

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