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Supervised machine learning for modeling human recognition of vehicle-driving situations

2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS

Dixon, Kevin R.; Lippitt, Carl E.; Forsythe, James C.

A classification system is developed to identify driving situations from labeled examples of previous occurrences. The purpose of the classifier is to provide physical context to a separate system that mitigates unnecessary distractions, allowing the driver to maintain focus during periods of high difficulty. While watching videos of driving, we asked different users to indicate their perceptions of the current situation. We then trained a classifier to emulate the human recognition of driving situations using the Sandia Cognitive Framework. In unstructured conditions, such as driving in urban areas and the German autobahn, the classifier was able to correctly predict human perceptions of driving situations over 95% of the time. This paper focuses on the learning algorithms used to train the driving-situation classifier. Future work will reduce the human efforts needed to train the system. © 2005 IEEE.

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Final report for the endowment of simulator agents with human-like episodic memory LDRD

Forsythe, James C.; Forsythe, James C.; Speed, Ann S.; Lippitt, Carl E.; Schaller, Mark J.; Xavier, Patrick G.; Thomas, Edward V.; Schoenwald, David A.

This report documents work undertaken to endow the cognitive framework currently under development at Sandia National Laboratories with a human-like memory for specific life episodes. Capabilities have been demonstrated within the context of three separate problem areas. The first year of the project developed a capability whereby simulated robots were able to utilize a record of shared experience to perform surveillance of a building to detect a source of smoke. The second year focused on simulations of social interactions providing a queriable record of interactions such that a time series of events could be constructed and reconstructed. The third year addressed tools to promote desktop productivity, creating a capability to query episodic logs in real time allowing the model of a user to build on itself based on observations of the user's behavior.

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