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FAIR DEAL Grand Challenge Overview

Allemang, Christopher R.; Anderson, Evan M.; Baczewski, Andrew D.; Bussmann, Ezra B.; Butera, Robert E.; Campbell, DeAnna M.; Campbell, Quinn C.; Carr, Stephen M.; Frederick, Esther F.; Gamache, Phillip G.; Gao, Xujiao G.; Grine, Albert D.; Gunter, Mathew M.; Halsey, Connor H.; Ivie, Jeffrey A.; Katzenmeyer, Aaron M.; Leenheer, Andrew J.; Lepkowski, William L.; Lu, Tzu-Ming L.; Mamaluy, Denis M.; Mendez Granado, Juan P.; Pena, Luis F.; Schmucker, Scott W.; Scrymgeour, David S.; Tracy, Lisa A.; Wang, George T.; Ward, Dan W.; Young, Steve M.

While it is likely practically a bad idea to shrink a transistor to the size of an atom, there is no arguing that it would be fantastic to have atomic-scale control over every aspect of a transistor – a kind of crystal ball to understand and evaluate new ideas. This project showed that it was possible to take a niche technique used to place dopants in silicon with atomic precision and apply it broadly to study opportunities and limitations in microelectronics. In addition, it laid the foundation to attaining atomic-scale control in semiconductor manufacturing more broadly.

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Photothermal alternative to device fabrication using atomic precision advanced manufacturing techniques

Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials and Metrology

Katzenmeyer, Aaron M.; Dmitrovic, Sanja; Baczewski, Andrew D.; Campbell, Quinn C.; Bussmann, Ezra B.; Lu, Tzu-Ming L.; Anderson, Evan M.; Schmucker, Scott W.; Ivie, Jeffrey A.; Campbell, DeAnna M.; Ward, Daniel R.; Scrymgeour, David S.; Wang, George T.; Misra, Shashank M.

The attachment of dopant precursor molecules to depassivated areas of hydrogen-terminated silicon templated with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) has been used to create electronic devices with subnanometer precision, typically for quantum physics experiments. This process, which we call atomic precision advanced manufacturing (APAM), dopes silicon beyond the solid-solubility limit and produces electrical and optical characteristics that may also be useful for microelectronic and plasmonic applications. However, scanned probe lithography lacks the throughput required to develop more sophisticated applications. Here, we demonstrate and characterize an APAM device workflow where scanned probe lithography of the atomic layer resist has been replaced by photolithography. An ultraviolet laser is shown to locally and controllably heat silicon above the temperature required for hydrogen depassivation on a nanosecond timescale, a process resistant to under- and overexposure. STM images indicate a narrow range of energy density where the surface is both depassivated and undamaged. Modeling that accounts for photothermal heating and the subsequent hydrogen desorption kinetics suggests that the silicon surface temperatures reached in our patterning process exceed those required for hydrogen removal in temperature-programmed desorption experiments. A phosphorus-doped van der Pauw structure made by sequentially photodepassivating a predefined area and then exposing it to phosphine is found to have a similar mobility and higher carrier density compared with devices patterned by STM. Lastly, it is also demonstrated that photodepassivation and precursor exposure steps may be performed concomitantly, a potential route to enabling APAM outside of ultrahigh vacuum.

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Assessing atomically thin delta-doping of silicon using mid-infrared ellipsometry

Journal of Materials Research

Katzenmeyer, Aaron M.; Luk, Ting S.; Bussmann, Ezra B.; Young, Steve M.; Anderson, Evan M.; Marshall, Michael T.; Ohlhausen, J.A.; Kotula, Paul G.; Lu, Ping L.; Campbell, DeAnna M.; Lu, Tzu-Ming L.; Liu, Peter Q.; Ward, Daniel R.; Misra, Shashank M.

Hydrogen lithography has been used to template phosphine-based surface chemistry to fabricate atomic-scale devices, a process we abbreviate as atomic precision advanced manufacturing (APAM). Here, we use mid-infrared variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (IR-VASE) to characterize single-nanometer thickness phosphorus dopant layers (δ-layers) in silicon made using APAM compatible processes. A large Drude response is directly attributable to the δ-layer and can be used for nondestructive monitoring of the condition of the APAM layer when integrating additional processing steps. The carrier density and mobility extracted from our room temperature IR-VASE measurements are consistent with cryogenic magneto-transport measurements, showing that APAM δ-layers function at room temperature. Finally, the permittivity extracted from these measurements shows that the doping in the APAM δ-layers is so large that their low-frequency in-plane response is reminiscent of a silicide. However, there is no indication of a plasma resonance, likely due to reduced dimensionality and/or low scattering lifetime.

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Photothermal alternative to device fabrication using atomic precision advanced manufacturing techniques

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Katzenmeyer, Aaron M.; Dmitrovic, S.; Baczewski, Andrew D.; Bussmann, Ezra B.; Lu, Tzu-Ming L.; Anderson, Evan M.; Schmucker, S.W.; Ivie, J.A.; Campbell, DeAnna M.; Ward, D.R.; Wang, George T.; Misra, Shashank M.

The attachment of dopant precursor molecules to depassivated areas of hydrogen-terminated silicon templated with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) has been used to create electronic devices with sub-nanometer precision, typically for quantum physics demonstrations, and to dope silicon past the solid-solubility limit, with potential applications in microelectronics and plasmonics. However, this process, which we call atomic precision advanced manufacturing (APAM), currently lacks the throughput required to develop sophisticated applications because there is no proven scalable hydrogen lithography pathway. Here, we demonstrate and characterize an APAM device workflow where STM lithography has been replaced with photolithography. An ultraviolet laser is shown to locally heat silicon controllably above the temperature required for hydrogen depassivation. STM images indicate a narrow range of laser energy density where hydrogen has been depassivated, and the surface remains well-ordered. A model for photothermal heating of silicon predicts a local temperature which is consistent with atomic-scale STM images of the photo-patterned regions. Finally, a simple device made by exposing photo-depassivated silicon to phosphine is found to have a carrier density and mobility similar to that produced by similar devices patterned by STM.

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