
Publications / Conference Poster

Order or shuffle: Empirically evaluating vertex order impact on parallel graph computations

Slota, George M.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Madduri, Kamesh

The in-memory graph layout affects performance of distributed-memory graph computations. Graph layout could refer to partitioning or replication of vertex and edge arrays, selective replication of data structures that hold meta-data, and reordering vertex and edge identifiers. In this work, we consider one-dimensional graph layouts, where disjoint sets of vertices and their adjacencies are partitioned among processors. Using the PuLP graph partitioning method and a breadth-first search (BFS)-based vertex ordering strategy, we empirically evaluate the impact of this graph layout on a collection of five distributed-memory graph computations. Our evaluation considers several objective metrics in addition to execution time, and we observe a considerable performance improvement over randomization.