
Publications / Conference

Iterative packing for demand matching and sparse packing

Parekh, Ojas D.

The main result we will present is a 2k-approximation algorithm for the following 'k-hypergraph demand matching' problem: given a set system with sets of size <=k, where sets have profits & demands and vertices have capacities, find a max-profit subsystem whose demands do not exceed the capacities. The main tool is an iterative way to explicitly build a decomposition of the fractional optimum as 2k times a convex combination of integral solutions. If time permits we'll also show how the approach can be extended to a 3-approximation for 2-column sparse packing. The second result is tight w.r.t the integrality gap, and the first is near-tight as a gap lower bound of 2(k-1+1/k) is known.