
Publications / Conference

Interoperable mesh components for large-scale, distributed-memory simulations

Devine, Karen D.; Diachin, L.; Kraftcheck, J.; Jansen, K.E.; Leung, Vitus J.; Luo, X.; Miller, M.; Ollivier-Gooch, C.; Ovcharenko, A.; Sahni, O.; Shephard, M.S.; Tautges, T.; Xie, T.; Zhou, M.

SciDAC applications have a demonstrated need for advanced software tools to manage the complexities associated with sophisticated geometry, mesh, and field manipulation tasks, particularly as computer architectures move toward the petascale. In this paper, we describe a software component - an abstract data model and programming interface - designed to provide support for parallel unstructured mesh operations. We describe key issues that must be addressed to successfully provide high-performance, distributed-memory unstructured mesh services and highlight some recent research accomplishments in developing new load balancing and MPI-based communication libraries appropriate for leadership class computing. Finally, we give examples of the use of parallel adaptive mesh modification in two SciDAC applications. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.