
Publications / Conference

Evaluation of an eager protocol optimization for MPI

Brightwell, Ronald B.; Underwood, Keith

Nearly all implementations of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) employ a two-level protocol for point-to-point messages. Short messages are sent eagerly to optimize for latency, and long messages are typically implemented using a rendezvous mechanism. In a rendezvous implementation, the sender must first send a request and receive an acknowledgment before the data can be transferred. While there are several possible reasons for using this strategy for long messages, most implementations are forced to use a rendezvous strategy due to operating system and/or network limitations. In this paper, we compare an implementation that uses a rendezvous protocol for long messages with an implementation that adds an eager optimization for long messages. We discuss implementation issues and provide a performance comparison for several micro-benchmarks. We also present a new micro-benchmark that may provide better insight into how these different protocols effect application performance. Results for this new benchmark indicate that, for larger messages, a significant number of receives must be pre-posted in order for an eager protocol optimization to out-perform a rendezvous protocol. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003.