
Publications / Other Report

Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) Summer Proceedings 2013

Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Parks, Michael L.; Collis, Samuel S.

The Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) brings university faculty and students to Sandia National Laboratories for focused collaborative research on computer science, computational science, and mathematics problems that are critical to the mission of the laboratories, the Department of Energy, and the United States. The CSRI provides a mechanism by which university researchers learn about and impact national— and global—scale problems while simultaneously bringing new ideas from the academic research community to bear on these important problems. A key component of CSRI programs over the last decade has been an active and productive summer program where students from around the country conduct internships at CSRI. Each student is paired with a Sandia staff member who serves as technical advisor and mentor. The goals of the summer program are to expose the students to research in mathematical and computer sciences at Sandia and to conduct a meaningful and impactful summer research project with their Sandia mentor. Every effort is made to align summer projects with the student's research objectives and all work is coordinated with the ongoing research activities of the Sandia mentor in alignment with Sandia technical thrusts. For the 2013 CSRI Proceedings, research articles have been organized into the following broad technical focus areas — Computational Mathematics and Algorithms, Combinatorial Algorithms and Visualization, Advanced Architectures and Systems Software, Computational Applications — which are well aligned with Sandia's strategic thrusts in computer and information sciences.