
Publications / SAND Report

Accomplishments of Sandia and Kitware CMake/CTest/CDash Contract for (FY2017-2020)

Bartlett, Roscoe B.; Galbreath, Zack G.

We describe the accomplishments jointly achieved by Kitware and Sandia over the fiscal years 2016 through 2020 to benefit the Advanced Scientific Computed (ASC) Advanced Technology Development and Mitigation (ATDM) project. As a result of our collaboration, we have improved the Trilinos and ATDM application developer experience by decreasing the time to build, making it easier to identify and resolve build and test defects, and addressing other issues . We have also reduced the turnaround time for continuous integration (CI) results. For example, the combined improvements likely cut the wall clock time to run automated builds of Trilinos posting to CDash by approximately 6x or more in many cases. We primarily achieved these benefits by contributing changes to the Kitware CMake/CTest/CDash suite of open source software development support tools. As a result, ASC developers can now spend more time improving code and less time chasing bugs. And, without this work, one can argue that the stabilization of Trilinos for the ATDM platforms would not have been feasible which would have had a large negative impact on an important internal FY20 L1 milestone.