Sandia Releases Tempus Time Integration Library

A new time integration library has been open-source released under the Trilinos project. The Tempus library is being developed under the Exascale Computing Project/Advanced Technology Development and Mitigation (ECP/ATDM) program to support advanced analysis techniques, including Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) time integrators and embedded sensitivity analysis for next-generation code architectures. Tempus currently supports explicit Runge-Kutta 1-4th order and general tableau specification, implicit Runge-Kutta (DIRK) up to 5th order, and a Newmark-beta scheme to support second time derivatives. The code has been demonstrated in the Albany code base and is currently being integrated into the ATDM applications. Summary: Sandia has released a new library, Tempus, that provides core time integration algorithms for next-generation codes.

Tempus time integration of Van der Pol’s strange attractor and limit cycle.  All initial conditions reach the limit cycle (green), either from “small” initial values (blue) or “large” initial values (red).
Tempus time integration of Van der Pol’s strange attractor and limit cycle. All initial conditions reach the limit cycle (green), either from “small” initial values (blue) or “large” initial values (red).
Curtis C. Ober,

June 1, 2017