In situ visualization on the Mutrino Trinity Platform

Sandia visualization researchers have collaborated with engineers from Sandia’s SIERRA Toolkit-based Nalu low Mach flow code team to integrate the ParaView/Catalyst in situ visualization library with the Nalu code.  In situ visualization allows parallel simulations to perform analysis and visualization at run time in order to avoid lengthy I/O operations required for traditional post-processing analysis and visualization.  The team has demonstrated Nalu with Catalyst on up to 80 nodes (2560 cores) of the Trinity-development system Mutrino in preparation for larger runs of up to 60,800 cores on the Trinity machine. The output files generated by Catalyst are used to study post-stall performance of wind turbine airfoils. (POC, Thomas Otahal and Ron Oldfield)

Figure: Fine-grained, scalable 3-d simulation of a wind turbine airfoil using Nalu with ParaView/Catalyst for in situ visualization.  Image shows z-velocity on a slice and vorticity in close-ups of the leading and trailing edge of the airfoil.
Figure: Fine-grained, scalable 3-d simulation of a wind turbine airfoil using Nalu with ParaView/Catalyst for in situ visualization. Image shows z-velocity on a slice and vorticity in close-ups of the leading and trailing edge of the airfoil.
Ron A. Oldfield,

April 1, 2016