CCR Researcher Delivered Keynote at EuroMPI/USA

CCR researcher Ron Brightwell delivered one of three keynote talks at the recent EuroMPI/USA conference held at Argonne National Laboratory. The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a de- facto standard programming interface and is the most popular programming system used in high-performance parallel computing, and EuroMPI is an annual conference focused on research activities surrounding MPI and high-performance networking technologies. The conference is typically held in Europe, but this year was held in the US to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the initial meetings that led to the development of the MPI Standard. The keynote talk, entitled “What Will Impact the Future Success of MPI?,” examined current and future challenges that may impact the ability of MPI to continue to dominate the parallel computing landscape for the next 25 years.


CCR Researcher Delivered Keynote at EuroMPI/USA
Ronald B. Brightwell,

November 1, 2017