Kevin Pedretti

Scalable System Software

Author profile picture

Scalable System Software

(505) 844-1399

Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1319


Kevin Pedretti is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Scalable System Software department at Sandia National Laboratories. He has helped develop several large-scale parallel computers, including the Red Storm system that was productized as the Cray XT line of supercomputers and Astra, the first petascale supercomputer based on Arm processors. Prior to joining Sandia in 2001, he studied engineering at the University of Iowa where he received a B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering in 1999 and an M.S. in Computer Engineering in 2001. His current research interests include operating systems for massively parallel supercomputers, full-stack hardware & software co-design, and exploring cloud technologies in the context of high performance computing.

Awards and Honors
  • 2023 – Sandia Employee Recognition Award – DetNet HPC Software-as-a-Service Team
  • 2021 – Sandia Employee Recognition Award – Astra Supercomputer Team
  • 2020 – Cray Users’ Group Annual Technical Conference 2020 (CUG’20) Best Paper Award, “Enabling Power Management and Control on Astra: The First Petascale Arm Supercomputer”
  • 2020 – Sandia Employee Recognition Award – Led collaborative development of the Advanced Tri-Labs Software Environment (ATSE), critical to the success of Astra
  • 2019 – Sandia Employee Recognition Award – Led the collaborative development and deployment of the Advanced Tri-Labs Software Environment (ATSE), critical to the success of the deployment of the first and fastest Arm-based supercomputer (Astra)
  • 2019 – Defense Programs Award for Excellence – Astra Supercomputer Team
  • 2018 – Sandia Employee Recognition Award – Astra Supercomputer Team
  • 2018 – R&D100 Award for Power API
  • 2018 – R&D100 Special Recognition Award for Corporate Social Responsibility for the Power API
  • 2016 – Defense Programs Award for Excellence – Successful Deployment and Acceptance of the Trinity Supercomputer, Team Member
  • 2011 – Defense Programs Award for Excellence – Sandia Red Storm Supercomputer Operating System Team
  • 2010 – NNSA Environmental Stewardship Award – Red Storm Energy Savings, Team Member
  • 2010 – FLC Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer – Red Storm Massively Parallel Processor Supercomputer Architecture, Team Member
  • 2010 – Sandia Employee Recognition Award – Kitten Operating System Virtualization Team, Team Representative
  • 2009 – R&D100 Award – Catamount N-Way Lightweight Kernel
  • 2006 – R&D100 Award – Compute Process Allocator (Fact Sheet)
  • 2006 – Lockheed Martin NOVA Award – Red Storm Supercomputer Design and Development Team
  • 2005 – Sandia Award for Excellence – For developing a C-based firmware for the Red Storm network interface
  • 2003 – Sandia Award for Excellence – For technical excellence in the design and development of the Red Storm node allocator
Conference Papers
Journal Articles
Other Papers
  • Ron A. Oldfield, Steven J. Owen, Timothy Shead, Shawn Martin, Christopher Siefert, Mark Frederick Hoemmen, John Kaushagen, Ali Pinar, Matthew Gregor Peterson, Craig Michael Vineyard, Sam Green, Peter Feghali, Vitus J. Leung, Kevin Pedretti, Andrew J. Younge. “ SNL Data and Visualization: ML Projects at Sandia”, ECP PI Meeting, Houston, TX, January 2019.
  • Alexander M. Merritt, Kevin Pedretti, and Karsten Schwan. Techniques for Managing Data Distribution in NUMA Systems, International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC’10), New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2010.
  • Kevin Pedretti. Characterization of Intra-node Topology and Locality, International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC’07), Reno, Nevada, November 2007.
Technical Reports
Workshop Papers

Current Projects